I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 314 The difference in treatment between the first and second

In the Japanese middle school tennis world, there are only 5 students with the name of genius,

Fuji Syusuke, Oshitari Yuushi, Hikaru Zaizen, Ibu Fukaji, Marui Bunta

There are certainly more geniuses in the world.

Especially now that the entire tennis world has entered the so-called golden age. Of course there are more geniuses.

Who is not yet a genius?

"I believe in Makoto Takamura's strength, and I can recognize it as the world's No. 1 junior high school student; but I am not convinced that he is the strongest among the younger generation." The Greek, Orion Stefanopoulos snorted coldly.

"So can you beat Takamura?" Karen asked.

"I can't beat Takamura, but I just don't give in. 35

Everyone: (○○)

"It's an exaggeration to say the above," said the Swiss, Henry Nobel III, touching his mouth.

"The whole younger generation is the strongest. Are you talking about junior high school students or high school students?"

This time, everyone was silent and silent.

If you are a junior high school student, no one will object, but 27 is a high school student.

"Stop kidding, Henry."

"Impossible, Polk knocked down Novak, the world's No. 1, definitely not including high school students."

"Yeah, after all, 3 years younger. 35

"Three years later, Makoto Takamura can surpass the current Polk, I believe, but the Polk at that time must be stronger." "There was a lot of discussion.

High school students, it's another level for them.

Especially the top ones.

Germany, Polk wiped his sweat and finally ended his day of training.

"Polk, how sure are you against Takamura?" QP asked.

"Sixty percent at most," Polk said blankly.

"Before the World Cup, I have to evolve again. Otherwise, both Takamura and Medanore are strong enemies.

At home, Akutsu looked at the magazine coldly and wanted to tear it up after reading it.

The handsome face on the cover, the more I look at it, the more I hate it.

"No, Aren, keep it well." Yuuki took the magazine away.

"It's rare to see Aren working hard. I want to bitch the magazine, so that Aren can work harder and become stronger."

Akutsu: (*^)

Akutsu opened his mouth wide, and then looked at the magazine that had been placed in Yuuki's bedroom, which seemed wrong.

"Hello, what's the matter with the bedroom?""

Yuuki blushed and was in a hurry.

"Hang it wrong, it's going to hang in your bedroom.

Akutsu: (#¯~¯#)

It's better to hang it in Yuuki's bedroom.

Rikkai, U17, was calm.

Everyone is sure of Takamura's ascent.

In other words, starting from this ranking, Takamura has been firmly in the first place.

Everyone is sure of this.

Also, Takamura was number one in the world a year ago, let alone now.

At least for now, in the whole world, there is no junior high school student who can challenge Takamura.

Perhaps the mysterious Echizen Ryoga is one, but he is definitely not Takamura's opponent.

"Hey, don't look at it," Liu and Mitsuya ripped off the magazines inside the base.

Watching Irie rolled her eyes.

"I know you worship Takamura, but don't you exaggerate?

Like a scumbag.

Irie didn't say this.

"No, we're not collecting Takamura photos, let alone stapling them; Mitsuya's eyes don't blink," according to the information in the magazine, Liu and I were trying to push back the Americans' intelligence network and wanted to know what they were doing to Takamura's classmates. How much information is there. "5

"And U17."

"What about the result?" Irie was intrigued.

"As expected of the world hegemon, everything that can be exposed on the surface is exposed." Liu closed the notebook.

"It's not good for us.

"So what, as long as the strength is strong, the information leak will leak," Irie tilted her head. "I remember Takamura said that in the face of absolute strength, no matter what strategy is, it is a small trick.

"That's true." Liu nodded, and the haze was swept away.

At the level of U17, intelligence cannot be hidden at all.

What they have to fight is strategy and strength.

“As the minister said, it is more important to build strength than to think about strategy.39

"It's amazing," Takamura flipped through the magazine, her eyes fixed on Takamura's photo for a long time.

On the side, just returning home, Tachibana Jiping was lying on the bed lifelessly, with a look of hopelessness on his face.

He was really miserable.

Especially looking at Tachibana Xing's happy expression and thinking of his own sacrifice, Tachibana Jihei couldn't think of anything.

Does this count as having a lover without a brother?

"Huh? Brother, what's wrong with you?" Ju Xing's IQ was back online, and at a glance he could see that Ju Jiping was wrong.

"It's nothing," Tachibana Jiping was weak and heartbroken.

"Let me slow down.

Nanjiro, who was also suffering from dysmenorrhea and bored, finally saw this list of the top 10 world-class middle school students.

Saying it's a big 10, well, there are 11 out of 10 days, that's common sense.

"Ryoga second, Makoto Takamura first," Nanjiro muses.

For this list, he is not easy to discuss.

In terms of strength, Takamura is undoubtedly stronger than 923, but in terms of ability, Ryoga's talent is too terrifying and almost unstoppable.

"Dad, how strong is Ryoga, and Takamura-senpai." Echizen Ryoma asked.

Without thinking, Nanjiro wanted to say that Ryoga, the samurai he trained himself, Nanjiro knew best.

But thinking about Takamura, Nanjiro is mentally uncertain again.

"Maybe, Takamura is a little stronger." Think about it, Nanjiro said.

"Really?" Ryoma looked into the distance, not knowing what happened to Ryoga.

A certain foreign country, Ryoga flipped through the magazines without any desire to read it.

In this issue of the magazine, the truth was figured out by the magazine.

The entire magazine is an introduction to Takamura.

From elementary school experience to national championship; from beginner tennis to U17 leader, that is a detailed record.

There are also technical analysis, record replay, and introduction to tricks.

It's basically a personal picture book.

Especially on the first page, Takamura stood at the very center, Ryoga, Tezuka and others surrounded the square, like little brothers, protruding Takamura in the middle.

Echizen Ryoga: (*^)

The more dazzling Echizen is, when did Echizen Ryoga become a foil?

And the gap between the first and second place is too big.

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