I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 316 3 Echizen Ryoga are not as good as one Makoto Takamura

"So you think it's the reason for Makoto Takamura." The reporter interjected, his tone was very rude, "Don't you think it's incompetent to attribute the reason why the player became stronger to a junior high school student?"

"Of course it's normal to be suspicious," Sigmund said, "so we're going to investigate further."

"Beginning last year, we sent professionals to conduct a comprehensive survey of the entire Rikkai, and we tried to collect information about Makoto Takamura and Rikkai's players, every game, every day of training. Training methods and patterns, according to each In this way, we have also carried out a comprehensive restoration."5

"In the end we were surprised.

"What's wrong?" The reporter gave full play to the role of praising.

"In terms of the scientific level of training and the benefits to the players, Rikkai's training method has already done the best, even in the German U17, it can't be better."

"You mean there is no professional equipment, no professional training environment, no professional medical facilities, no 24-hour training time, with a school, or a junior high school, Makoto Takamura's training method is comparable to the expensive U17 training base? 923" reporters are incredible, and audiences who know a little bit are incredible.

"Obviously so," Sigmund spread his hands.

"How can this be possible? The gap in hardware conditions cannot be filled by software. Sorry, I really can't imagine it, this is beyond my common sense."

"It's also strange for our coaching staff," Sigmund himself doubted, not to mention reporters. Because this is too far-fetched. But all kinds of evidence point to this.

According to our analysis, only the training method is tailor-made, which can be adjusted at any time according to the physical and psychological conditions of the players; special drinks are prepared, and a very high self-discipline life, plus Makoto Takamura is a data tennis genre, with his strength, collect teammates We think it is still possible to adjust the training plan at any time. 99

"There is also a proof, in fact, what we can find is that after Makoto Takamura joined U7 a year ago, the strength of Japanese players has also increased rapidly. Irie Kanata, Tanegashima Shuji, Tokugawa Kazuya and others have entered our line of sight one after another. , each of which is an opponent not to be underestimated.


"Twice in a row, obviously it can't be a coincidence, so we boldly assumed that it was Makoto Takamura who caused it all."

The reporter opened his mouth wide, and it sounded reasonable and well-founded, but she didn't believe it.

Alone? Hehe.

"Are you making excuses for your incompetence?

Sigmund blackface, he knew no one believed.

"Of course there are excuses, it's also some people's guesses, I personally think it's fake and baseless, but some people think there's some truth to it.

"Nuclear waste water, some people say that Japan's dumping of nuclear waste water may have a miraculous effect on tennis training. As a result, Japan's tennis strength has become stronger. 99

Reporter: ∑(one;)?

Audience: O(≧mouth≦)O

He does not mean that.

Nanjiro happened to see this interview and suddenly realized what happened before.

No wonder, no wonder three Mifūne Nyudō three that old ghost refused Ryoga without thinking, so it was.

Makoto Takamura's ability to train his team and improve his teammates is far from what Echizen Ryoga can match.

In this case, no matter how strong Echizen Ryoga is, it doesn't matter how strong the U17 is in the team competition.

Makoto Takamura, Echizen Ryoga, anyone who is not an idiot will choose Makoto Takamura.

Unless there are 3, no, to be on the safe side, 5 Echizen Ryoga, 3 games to win, no one will think about it.

"Oops, Ryoga, you've really met the enemy of your life." Nanjiro shook his head. Turning around and thinking about how to train Ryoma.

This is the real son.

Atobe also knows this information.

He just said, why is Rikkai's strength so terrifying, everyone is as strong as a monster, it turns out that there are not many geniuses, but Makoto Takamura is against the sky.

Also, Rikkai is only a private school, not a professional sports school, how could there be so many talents.

In this case, the national competition is about to begin.

The national competition this time attracted the attention of many spectators, and scouts, coaches, and even Echizen Ryoga also took time to come.

San Mifūne Nyudō San looked at the people who asked for leave and couldn't help but feel helpless.

The master of U17, participate in the national competition of shit. You look at Byōdōin Hōō, Tanegashima Shuji, they, which one values ​​the national championship. Aren't all third-rate players participating?

Wouldn't it be nice to have the time to work out hard?

"Why don't we hold a national competition within the U17, three Mifūne Nyudō three suggested, 'Who wins, who's the national champion. 99

"Well said, but I disagree." Takamura.

"I don't agree either.""

"No. 35

Three Mifūne Nyudō was helpless, the players were disobedient and could only approve leave, while muttering that this year's junior high school students were the worst one he had ever brought.

At the opening ceremony of the national competition, Takamura's speech, which was originally necessary, was cancelled.

Obviously, the Organizing Committee of the competition also knew about Principal Rikkai's affairs. If the incident of Principal Rikkai happened during the speech, no one could stand it.

In order to enhance public opinion and competitiveness, the four giants with significantly higher strength, Rikkai, Hyotei, Shitenhouji, and Lion Music are scattered separately.

"Shady, absolutely shady," Mu Zhiteng's minister Xiewu was furious.

It's not a shady story, why did the four major schools spread out directly, and cheating was not so coincidental.

"The competition is based on the principle of fairness and openness. Everything depends on the lottery and luck." The staff is serious.

"I don't believe it, it's absolutely shady. 35

"If you don't believe me, please show the evidence, or react to the top. Friendly reminder, react to the top, Mu Zhiteng needs to retire temporarily..."


Door Xiewu almost yelled.

Isn't it just to see Mu Zhiteng's strength?

The door Xiewu at this moment is the legendary minister who once again misses Mu Zhiteng.

If Byōdōin Hōō was there, who would dare to bully Mu Zhiteng? Don't blow your heads.

So, Minister, where is your old man? Mu Zhiteng needs you.

"Huh?" Germany, Byōdōin Hōō took a sharp breath. I feel that someone is scolding him, but there is no evidence.

"I'm going back soon." Byodoin muttered to himself. I don't know what happened to the team.

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