I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 318 Men Xiewu: Even if the sun comes out from the west, we can't win

"It doesn't matter, there are seniors in the Byodoin watching, we will definitely win the doubles two. Men Xiewu comforted and encouraged the players of the doubles two by the way.


Doubles two, Mu Zhiteng walked into the arena with a determined look.

For the sake of victory, for the sake of the seniors of the Pyongyang Court in the sky, Mu Zhiteng will never admit defeat.

"Oh? The momentum is pretty good." Haitang became interested and decided to use a little force.

"As expected of the overlord of the past few years, knowing that he will lose, his fighting spirit has not diminished in the slightest." Liu also praised.

Looking at the leopard in the tube, from this point, we can know the power of Mu Zhiteng in the past. It's not the appearance of Takamura and others, I'm afraid that Mu Zhiteng's three consecutive tyrants will be unstoppable.

bang bang bang.

Doubles two, 6:0, cleanly.

"Although the strength is not enough, the fighting spirit is very good." Haitang spoke highly of Mu Zhiteng.

"Nine-two-three" "I'm sorry."

After a two-game losing streak and one more loss, Mu Zhiteng can announce his return to his hometown.

"It's alright, we haven't shown our power yet," Men Xiewu comforted, pointing to Byōdōin Hōō's last photo.

"With the blessing of seniors, now is the time for us Mu Zhiteng to fight back, and we will definitely be able to turn defeat into victory."

"Nakamori, your strength ranks in the top 3 in the school, and with the blessing of your seniors, I believe you will definitely win.

";)," Nakamori opened his mouth wide, wanting to say do you believe it yourself?

But think about the status of your own deputy minister. Immediately changed.

"Yes, I will definitely win. Even if I lose, even if I die on the field, I will show Mu Zhiteng's fighting spirit.

"Mu Zhiteng, can't be humiliated lightly.

Singles II, Nakamori Tsubasa VS Marui Bunta.

It has to be said that Zhongsen Yi's strength is still acceptable. Can be called a master.

However, his opponent is a monster from another dimension.

There is no need to elaborate on the game screen. After a few minutes, Tsubasa Nakamori walked down dejectedly.

The defeat of singles two also marks the defeat of Mu Zhiteng.

Eliminated in national competition.

"It's okay, Minister, I'm not discouraged, the seniors of Byodoin will definitely bless us. Nakamori Tsubasa said the line of going out and realizing it.

Door Awareness:

"Yes, it will bless us." Men Xiewu forced a smile.

"You two, absolutely must not fall into the prestige of Mu Zhiteng, even if you are sure to lose, you can't admit defeat. Zhong Senyi continued.

"Understood." The two of them were exhausted.

No matter how much you encourage your fighting spirit, if your strength is not enough, you will always be defeated, which will hurt your morale.

At least the two of them are now completely immune to the chicken soup of the Minister and Deputy Minister.

Another 6:0.

The two of Komura walked down dejectedly.

"Don't give up, don't lose Mu Zhiteng's face, if you want to come to the spirit of the sky, you will smile at Jiuquan. 35 Zhongsenyi turned his head to the door and said to Xiewu.

"Minister, it's up to you next, I believe you will win, senior will..."

"Baga, bless the fart." Men Xiewu cursed.

The first 4 games were all over, and he still pretended to be a fart.

Win? Win your ancestors, unless the sun comes out of the west.

The current door Xiewu would rather believe that Byōdōin Hōō is still alive than dare to hope that Muzhiteng can defeat Rikkai.

If the shit Byōdōin Hōō can really bless Mu Zhiteng, they will lose 4:0?

The opposite is true.



"I'm up." Men Xiewu came on stage with a fearless spirit.

"I want to win, I want to win. Ahhhh."

Door Xiewu shows his will. He will never admit defeat. He wants to tell everyone his strength with the Egyptian phoenix handed down by Byodoin.

"Look, I practice a stunt for a year. Egyptian phoenix. 35

The tennis ball rose high, erratic in the air, like a phoenix, beautiful and dangerous.

Not to mention, it really scared Liu Sheng.

"I will definitely win the game. 35 goals Xiewu is very confident.

This is Byōdōin Hōō's prestige over the years.


Before he finished speaking, Men Xiewu flashed golden light before his eyes.


Rikkai took the lead.

"Egyptian Phoenix, that person's stunt is really powerful, but unfortunately you can't cultivate at home." Liu Sheng said coldly.

"Impossible, it's impossible." Men Xiewu didn't believe it.

In order to cultivate the Egyptian phoenix, he worked hard for a year. Even his girlfriend broke up.

Now you tell him it's useless. Door Xiewu doesn't believe it..

"I must win. 35 Xiewu will not give up.

And then another 6:0.

It announced the end of Muzhiteng's national competition.

The total score was 5:0.

"It's okay, Minister, you showed the momentum of Mu Zhiteng. 35 Everyone comforted.

"Baga," the furious door Xiewu threw the photo of Byodoin and stepped on it a few more times.

The bullshit Egyptian phoenix is ​​full of rubbish, he doesn't get a cent, he would have made a girlfriend if he knew that.

Nakamori Yi was stunned and looked around again. I have the opportunity to report the decision from my heart to Kaji-senpai.

Anyway, he doesn't carry the pot.

On the other side, focus battle, Shitenhouji VS Liliadent Krauser.

There wasn't a good signing, but the atmosphere at Liliadent Krauser was very relaxed.

With their strength, as long as it is not Rikkai, even Hyotei and Shitenhouji have a chance of winning.

They are all geniuses from all over the world.

"The goal is simple, runner-up," the head coach said lightly.

In Japan, a large number of monster players have appeared in recent years. All countries want to explore their secrets, so they have transferred many talented players to Japan. Using the environment of Japan, they can improve their own skills and hone their own talents.

If a few monsters and evildoers can appear because of this, it will be a big profit.

As a result, there is no doubt about failure.

The same genius, after arriving in Japan, what kind of progress, or what kind of progress, has little effect 1.9.

In addition, the transfer has another purpose, which is to let the junior high school students in their own countries play against their opponents in advance and learn about intelligence.

After all, the next World Cup happens to be the home ground for most of them.

Well, being educated 2 years in advance, bless them, amen.

But one thing is certain, that is, this group of junior high school students must have a big heart, and the spirit of not being arrogant or discouraged, and not being humiliated.

Singles three, German robot Franken Steiner VS Shiraishi Kuranosuke.

"Shiraishi, Shiraishi.

"The Bible, the Bible."

"Robot, robot."

The cheerleaders on both sides roared loudly, doing their part for the academy.

Suddenly, a louder voice appeared, completely suppressing the cheerleading teams of the two schools.

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