I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 325 Kite: Makoto Takamura, you are terrible

Didi, the referee blows the whistle and the game is suspended.

"What's the matter, Sanada-san, are you all right?"

Sanada's right hand was swollen and red.

After all, Kite is not a cat or a dog, and the additional power cannot be easily offset.

"It's okay," Sanada shook his head, looking directly at Kite with icy eyes.

"Are you trying to cut off my right hand?"

Sanada remembered Takamura's warning before the game.

"Sanada, be careful Kite.

"Violent tennis?"

"No, he has murderous intent and anger in his eyes, and he will attack personally and want to destroy a person." Takamura said.

From Kite's character, strength, as well as facial expressions and eyes, Takamura is 90% sure.

Takamura glanced at Kite lightly.

Kite's character is really too despicable, and he is not his own, so Takamura directly gave up and directly rejected Kite to join U17.

That's right, Takamura admits to being biased, and it's not fair to Kite.

"20% to your head, 55% to your eyes, 70% to your legs, 90% to your right hand, be careful."

"I see."

If it hadn't been for Takamura's reminder, Sanada might have gotten it right if he did the math without hesitation.

Once the right hand is disabled, Sanada can't imagine the consequences.

After hearing Sanada's words, everyone's eyes turned to Kite.

The driving just now was indeed suspicious.

Kite scratched his head, terrified.

"Sanada-san, don't spit blood, I just slipped my hand and accidentally took a fly. 995

"You have also seen that your strength is too great, how many times I flew just now.

With that said, Kite bowed and began to apologize.

"I'm sorry, Sanada-san, it was all my fault just now.


"Missed?" Hiyoshi Wakashi doubted.

"No, it's according to the cripple.||." Atobe was expressionless.

Accuracy, strength, and timing, the murderous aura in the eyes, how could it be a mistake.

"It was intentional," Shiraishi said solemnly, looking at Kite with contempt.

No wonder, no wonder Takamura banned Kite from joining U17. He used to think it was unfair to Kite. Now it seems that Kite is right not to join U17.

Using racquet is a waste, and it is really not suitable for U17.

"Kite," Chitose said, surprised, they both knew Kite's character very well.

He was really ready to hit people.

"Referee, this game..." Tachibana.

"I admit defeat," Kite said first.

Just kidding, keep playing, if Sanada plays violent tennis, how can his small body endure.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong just now, admitting defeat means my apology." After speaking, Kite bowed again.

"Uh, okay," the referee was stunned, and this time he really believed that Kite was unintentional.

Without him, Kite looks too similar. Bringing the appearance of an ignorant and erring teenager, the performance is vivid.

Most viewers think so too.

Make mistakes, no one dares to say that there are no mistakes in the game, it's normal.

"Sanada-san, I'm really sorry." Kite held out his hand.

Sanada ignored him, turned around and left.

That is, Kite admits defeat quickly, otherwise he must let Kite know why the flower is so popular.

Violent tennis, who can't play it.

Kite's face darkened. Staring at Sanada.

Then smiled, anyway, nothing.

"Kite, explain what happened just now." Chitose said coldly.

"Mistake." The words were succinct.

"I'm not an idiot, and I'm not blind. 35

"It's up to you to believe it or not, I just need to believe it myself." Kite stopped pretending at this moment.

"Then I quit," Kite said bluntly.

"Exit Lions Music."

Isn't it the tennis club? It's like someone is rude.

Chitose, Tachibana and the others stared at Kite.

Now we can be sure, Kite really has a purpose.

"You go." 9

Kite looked at the team members sadly, and when he was leaving, he looked back from a distance, looking like he was being pushed out.

The angry Tachibana almost wanted to beat Kite.

It's too dressy.

Kite left the court, and since he decided to retire, he has long considered a way out.

In U17, Makoto Takamura covers the sky with one hand, no matter what, there is no place for the master here.

With Kite's talent and strength, he can play a world in other countries. You don't have to hang yourself on this tree in Japan.

The only pity is that no one was injured, I really want to see Makoto Takamura hate it.

Thinking, Kite looked at Takamura.


What about Makoto Takamura?

Kite was puzzled and couldn't find anything.

But forget it.

Kite walked towards the airport.

This is a goodbye, and the sea is vast.

As a result, before taking two steps, I saw a figure that should not have appeared, Makoto Takamura.

"..."You?" Kite was surprised and a little uneasy.

Why is Makoto Takamura here? Rikkai is clearly playing.

Kite was uneasy, and without taunting, she was ready to leave.

"Going abroad? Where are you going? Asan, it's still a stick, or that small country in Africa."

"Also, their tennis strength is not strong, you go, just as a foreign aid, join as a genius, you can quickly become stronger."

"You..." Kite was horrified.

"I do not know what you're talking about?"

"Isn't it? Destroying a member of Rikkai is not only to vent one's anger, but also as a vote to let other countries see your role." Takamura stood up, "Unfortunately, you failed."

"..." Kite was horrified.

What's going on? How could Takamura know about his plan, it's impossible, he didn't say anything (promised).

"It's weird why the leak?" Takamura half-smiled, "Remind me, I play data tennis."


Kite frowned, and suddenly, his mind lit up.

Data tennis is not only about data, but also about people’s hearts.

Kite got it.

It turns out that, from my expressions, eyes, body movements, playing style, and the establishment of a psychological profile, can you guess my plan?

So, Takamura asked Kenichiro Sanada, who is Rikkai's best skill, to fight against me, just to prevent me from making a move?

Afterwards, they must stop me from passing through, prevent me from leaving, and teach me a lesson.

"Makoto Takamura, how far has your statistics tennis reached?" Kite's body was cold.

It's so terrifying, how can you calculate all your plans just from the clues?

Data tennis can do this? What a joke?.

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