I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 330 Three Mifūne Nyudō Three: Who Else

Three Mifūne Nyudō three stood up.

What Takamura could see, he saw too.

Professional doubles, Japan will once again have a pair of professional doubles.

Three Mifūne Nyudō was excited.

All along, for singles, San Mifūne Nyudō San has never worried.

Takamura, Byodoin, Oni, Tanegashima, Irie, Tokugawa, which one is not a good player? All of them can be independent, and they all cross the threshold of professional players.

Only doubles are not strong, but are relatively weak compared to strong and perverted singles.

Although doubles players are generally weaker than singles players, it is also a big trend.

But in the end there are no pro-level doubles, unless Mifūne Nyudō is a three-brained to make doubles with Byodoin and Oni Jujiro.

Facing the German pro-level doubles, the obvious disadvantage. Basically give up.

But now, the combination of Atobe and Kakashi, Nioh and Yukimura, and then Tachibana Yoshihira Chitose Senri, are currently showing three sets of pro-level doubles in a row.

Eh, or two and a half groups, Huadi is using tricks and lacks strength.

It can be said that with these two sets of semi-doubles, the last weakness is also compensated.

Facing the Schneider Berti combination, neither group is weak, or even stronger.

Definitely can compete with U17's strongest doubles.

Three Mifūne Nyudō Three is the more excited he thinks.

The doubles have Kyushu duo, Yukimura Nio, perhaps Atobe Akutsu, and Yanagi Tezuka? With the singles of Takamura, Pingyuan, Tokugawa, Tanegashima, etc., what is left of the Japanese team?


There are no dead ends.

Three Mifūne Nyudō all wanted to yell, who else.

The U17 champion has already entered his mouth, and the rest is swallowed.

"What's wrong?" The chairman of the competition organizing committee asked with concern.

Watching San Mifūne Nyudō San was flushed, eyes frantic, and his nose gasped.

The chairman is worried.

The old man is not in good health. In case of a heart attack or cerebral infarction, he can't stand it.

Thinking about it this way, let alone, he himself felt breathless and his heart beat faster.

"It's all right.||." San Mifūne Nyudō San suppressed his excitement and kept swinging the wine gourd in his hand.

Champion, Three Mifūne Nyudō Three has never been more convinced.

This U17 World Cup is bound to win.

The president was even more worried, and without paying attention, he hurriedly asked the doctor and ambulance to come over and save people at any time.

On the field, the game continues.

Both sides played a real fire.




It's a tug of war.

You come to me on both sides.

"It can be used as a textbook of data tennis, Liu took out a professional camera and recorded it in all directions.

Don't miss any detail.

In the future, this is definitely a classic battle of data tennis, and it is worth savoring by all the people of the data tennis genre.


Dangerous, one more loss and Rikkai will lose.

"Okay, stop playing. Nioh exhaled.

His phantom Takamura, in the end, was still too weak to imitate a tenth of the minister.

In other words, Phantom can simulate almost all the stunts in the world, but IQ really can't simulate it.

Even if it is simulated, its power is greatly reduced.

Every time I phantom Takamura, Nioh would feel a sense of stagnation, as if there was something I didn't understand, the phantom couldn't do it.

It's okay to deal with other genres, and if you deal with Chitose, who is also good at forecasting, you will directly leak your old knowledge.

Especially as the game progressed, Chitose kept observing Takamura's style of play, improving his rhythm, and Chitose's strength was repeatedly enhanced.

Niwang is like a sparring player, constantly strengthening his opponent.

Otherwise, even the phantom Takamura can definitely beat Chitose.

"Huhu," Chitose panted.

In order to keep up with the Phantom Takamura's pace, he resorted to sucking power.

He's also reaching his limit.

Should be about to lose.

Nioh will definitely ask for change.


The phantom flashed, and Nioh changed again.

This time it was German pro Polk.

Three Mifūne Nyudō three:



"Let's start." This time, Nioh was obviously much more comfortable and could exert stronger power.

touch, touch.

overwhelming strength.

First, the baptism of the vortex,

Can't pick up.

Chitose gave up immediately.

Touch, 5:4.

Finally, 5:7.

King Nio turned defeat into victory.

Total score, 5:0.

Rikkai advanced to the final.


"That's it, it's a complete victory in the finals." The audience cheered.

Next, is the second game.

Shitenhouji VS Hyotei.

"It's you again." Atobe was helpless and unwilling.

2 years, 2 years.

For two consecutive years, Hyotei was eliminated in the semifinals and missed the national championship.

The first year is Muzhiteng, and the second year is Shitenhouji.

Forget about Rikkai, after all, his strength is really strong, and Atobe has long been convinced that he doesn't even think he can defeat Rikkai.

Even the rebellious Akutsu is the same.

But Shitenhouji.

Let alone Akutsu, Atobe refused, Hiyoshi Wakashi refused, Oshitari Yuushi refused.

The whole Hyotei is dissatisfied.

Totally dissatisfied.

Especially last year, Hyotei was obviously stronger, but was repaired by Watanabe to play a Tianji horse race, and Hyotei was eliminated.

That would be even more dissatisfied.

Today, Muzhiteng has been on the decline. Last year's national competition, Hyotei gave them a 3:0.

This year, another four-day semi-final encounter is arranged by God, Hyotei's revenge battle.

Destroy Shitenhouji first and then Rikkai to win the national championship.

(promised good)

Eh, the back may be in a dream.

Shitenhouji is also helpless and lucky.

Playing Hyotei in the semifinals for 2 consecutive years, what kind of luck is this?

Well, compared to the semi-final against Rikkai, it's really a top pick.

At least once the schedule is changed, the hat of the second millennium will become Hyotei.

"" "I'll win this time. Atobe snapped his fingers.

They absolutely have the upper hand.

That being said, but the coaches of both sides, it was an extremely headache.

The strength of the two sides is similar, and the lineup is close. If you don't pay attention, you may lose the whole game.

Soldier to Soldier?

Sorry, neither side has absolute strength to win, so Hyotei doubles are stronger, and Shitenhouji's doubles have a fatal weakness.

But singles, really can only see God's will.

But looking at the will of God, it is still three games of God's will. For the coach, it is absolute dereliction of duty, and they will never agree.

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