The game starts again.

This time, Tezuka did not hide his strength and directly opened the other dimension.


Fuji Syusuke, proved his strength.

"Fuji Syusuke, I admit that I underestimated you before, and I'm sorry for my arrogance," Tezuka said, his eyes sharp.

After a lapse of 3 years, Tezuka once again regarded Fuji as an opponent of the same level.

Now, he will use all his strength to bring down Fuji.

"Be careful."

Spin, the ultimate spin.

There is no ability to mess around, but the extreme rotation is even more difficult.

Since Fuji can control the wind and indirectly control the tennis ball, it doesn't matter what else.

Direct use of spin, unstoppable spin.

One power down ten sessions.

呲呲, the tennis ball spun and roared continuously.

"That's the trick," Akutsu said gloomily.

"Nine Forty Zero" is to face this trick, he is defeated, and he has nothing to say.

"What would you do? Fuji Syusuke, you can't handle it with your strength. 35

"Akutsu can't stop it, and I definitely can't stop it." Fuji thought, and knew instantly that he couldn't take it hard.

The wind came again.

Constantly obliterating the rotation of the tennis ball, counteracting the force and reducing the speed of the ball.

Then, the protection of the hundred-armed giant.

Special skill to deal with spin.


In an instant, racquet came into contact with the tennis ball, and that powerful spin was nerfed twice, and it was not something that Fuji could easily counteract.

Stab, fly directly.


"Victory and defeat.


Many professionals have come to a conclusion.

Sure enough, Fuji Syusuke, is still a long way from Tezuka Kunimitsu.

It's not talent, it's time.


Tezuka Kunimitsu wins.

"Did you lose?" Fuji exhaled.

Sure enough, he still lost.

Three years of perseverance and one failure, Fuji does not know what he thinks.

I just know that I feel a lot more relaxed.

As soon as the spirit is relaxed, the feeling of blackness strikes instantly.

Clap, Fuji almost fell.

"It's okay, Tezuka helps.


Supporting shoulders, two handsome faces, one weak and the other strong, the lethality to the rotten girl is huge.

"Kiss, kiss." Someone couldn't help but whisper.

Guanyue heard it and looked at Tezuka with strange eyes.

I didn't feel it before, but when I look at it now, it really feels like a CP, and it's very attractive.

"Wait, why do I think about this?" Guanyue was horrified, he liked the opposite sex, the opposite sex, the opposite sex.

Emphasize things three times.

"Looking forward to fighting you next time," Tezuka said.

This time, sincerely.

Fuji smiled.

"Me too. 35

"The clapping, the audience applauding, there is no doubt that it was a great game.

Doubles one, no one pays attention.

After watching a wonderful game, everyone should slow down and relax.

Doubles one, that's the game.

It's not that it's not wonderful, it's not that the level is not high.

A few years ago, it was definitely the highest level of competition.

Just compared with singles two, the gap is too big.

Finally, to the final final.

singles one.

Echizen Ryoma VS Seiichi Yukimura.

"Who are you?" Ryoma laughed, "Where's Xiao Jin? Are you afraid of me?

Seiichi Yukimura:

Sure enough, Echizen Ryoma is really unruly.

"This guy is really arrogant."

"It's crazy to dare to provoke Yukimura.

The audience was surprised.

Be bold with Ryoma's courage.

Seiichi Yukimura, the top three masters in King Rikkai, is also the top junior high school student in the world. Not some kind of cat or dog.

"Hmph," Atobe snorted, staring at Echizen Ryoma.

He must try again with Echizen Ryoma.

He was not happy to lose.

However, provoking Yukimura, Atobe has a good feeling for Ryoma.

Those who defeat him must be arrogant.

What about Seiichi Yukimura? He Atobe Keigo still lost, is he proud?

"Ryoma, let me see your progress." At this moment, Echizen Ryoga, Echizen Nanjiro pay attention at the same time.

This game is almost the most difficult game for Echizen Ryoma.

The enemy of the spiritual system is the most invincible.

"It's a match between Shitenhouji and Rikkai University-affiliated Middle-School.

Game start.

Touch, Echizen Ryoma was excited, and directly opened the realm of seamlessness.

The first is, external rotation serve.


Touch, Yukimura pulled back directly.

"Echizen Ryoma, serving outside is useless to Yukimura." Atobe laughed angrily, and the good feelings just now were withdrawn in an instant.

Echizen Ryoma, too idiot. What kind of bullshit technique is external rotation serve, which can be used in front of professional players.

Is it bad? Echizen Ryoma, which just started, is going to be bad again?

Akutsu is also not happy.

No reason, it's just uncomfortable watching Echizen Ryoma.

laser beam.

Light, appears, only yellow light, extreme speed, and with it, there is through shooting.

"It's useless,

Touch, Yukimura strikes back again.

Ryoma racquet lowered.

Zero chop.

Yukimura appeared in front of the net in an instant, stretched out his hand, and the tennis ball flew straight.

Touch, and Ryoma's body is on fire.

Smash, aggression like fire.

The Lion King roars.

Egyptian phoenix.

One trick after another keeps appearing. Later, one by one, world-class moves were constantly copied in Ryoma's hands.


"It's not easy, Echizen Ryoma." Everyone was surprised.

It is not easy to learn the stunts of so many people, it is indeed not easy.

"It's a pity," he said, holding up his glasses.

Fake is fake, far less than Echizen Ryoma's own stunt.

It is impossible to imitate, copy, and resemble the original.

"Even if it's a 1.9 world-class stunt, it's impossible to escape Seiichi Yukimura's glasses."" said dryly and indifferently.

Bang Bang Bang, Yukimura fought back one by one, abolishing all the tricks.

Atobe dimension.

Hit the ball in the corner of the opponent's joint.

"Cut." Atobe snorted coldly, Echizen Ryoma's moves are also 80% of his enthusiasm.

Yukimura hit back, and rightfully so, Atobe was even more upset.

As if he couldn't beat Yukimura.

Although it is true.

"Echizen Ryoma, if you just imitate, you will lose, your other dimension, you better come out quickly, this is my advice to you. 35 Atobe said softly.

In the face of others, Echizen Ryoma's attacking style is correct. Most of the strong professional players are defensive and counterattack types. Because the game is more than 5 sets, it is necessary to allocate energy.

But Yukimura...

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