I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 51: Echizen Ryoga

"How do you feel about the fight?"

Takamura was expressionless.

(99 points, deducting one point for fear of their pride.) Maori would like to say so.

But looking at Takamura's expression, he wisely gave up the idea of ​​​​skinning.

Gross also knows that there are a few games where the performance is not very good.

"I have to reflect first. The cooperation with Marui is not very tacit," Sanada was the first to admit his mistake.

"In addition, my style is too unique, and I always think about solving problems by myself, without taking into account the technical characteristics of Wentai."

"I am also at fault. The division of labor with Xuan Yilang is not clear, and the tacit understanding is too poor. In addition, my strength is poor, and sometimes it will be a hindrance..."

There are Sanada and Marui bottoming, others also let go and say their mistakes

After finishing speaking, Takamura added a few more words to check for omissions and fill in the gaps.

And in the way of bringing in, explain better coping methods.

"For example, Sanada, your speed is very fast, you should run to the baseline, pay attention to high-profile balls..."

"Marui, since the tacit understanding with Sanada is not enough, then temporarily give up the Internet in the first few sentences, and fight the enemy in a normal formation."

"King Ni, you always like Xiaoqing..."

Of course, you can't just criticize, Takamura also praised.

An hour later, the meeting was dissolved.

After each match, Takamura will replay.

Praise the strengths, criticize the weaknesses.

Just like this, over time, the strength will become stronger and stronger.

Moreover, multiple replays can improve tennis players' playing IQ and make up for weaknesses.

These two points are the most precious.

The regional competition came to a close, and unsurprisingly, the winner was Middle-School affiliated with Rikkai University.

Not only the audience, but even the organizers are used to it.

The next stop is the county competition.

Chengcheng Xiangnan, a beautiful woman with a slender and slender figure, is tapping the information in her hand with her slender fingers like snow lotus roots.

Official rookie coach Aoi Huamura.

"This year's Rikkai is big, so it should not be underestimated."

Looking at the profile of Rikkai, the beautiful eyes are full of envy.

"It's really excellent seedlings, if I were Rikkai's coach, I would definitely be able to train them into the best works.

Hua Cun Aoi was very helpless.

Just like Sakura's coach.

Make bricks without straw.

After only one month of training, even if Huacun Aoi had the means of reaching the sky, he would not be able to use it.

Thinking of a few seedlings in the school and his own methods, Huamura Aoi smiled confidently.

"Rikkai? Let's be proud of you first. After 2 years, I'll let you know that Aoi Huamura is amazing..."

It's Sunday again, and Takamura is back in Tokyo.

On the one hand, I went home to meet my family, and on the other hand, I went to meet Echizen Nanjiro to test my strength.

Look at the gap with Echizen Nanjiro.

Echizen house.

I saw that it is scattered and orderly, occupies a very wide area, and does not seem to have any luxurious decoration, but it is very rare to have such a large address in a place where land is expensive.

"Hello, is there anyone?"

Soon, a gentle and elegant beauty appeared in front of the door.

Takamura knew that this was Echizen Ryoma's cousin, Echizen Nanako.

A standard Yamato Nadeko.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Echizen Nanjiro at home?"

"No, uncle has been in the United States for a while, and I don't know when he will be back." Echizen Nanako said softly.

"Do you have anything urgent? If so, I can tell uncle."

"No need. Trouble."

As soon as Takamura heard it, he knew that Echizen Nanjiro was training Echizen Ryoma in the United States, and it must be the year of the monkey to come back. Not even Echizen Ryoma's mother was there.

And Echizen Nanako, because of his studies, he stayed at Echizen's house temporarily.

one person.

Um? How could this scene, this time, have such a wonderful unfolding?

Takamura shook his head, pushing the inexplicable thoughts out of his mind.

"Then farewell."

Takamura's voice caught the attention of those in the house.

"Oh? Looking for father? What's the matter?"

Before the sound comes, people come first.

The coming person has an elegant and handsome face, a stern aura, and a sharp look in his eyes.

Echizen Nanjiro's adopted son, Echizen Ryoma's older brother, Echizen Ryoga.

"You are?"

Takamura asked.

After all, two-dimensional and three-dimensional are different. There will always be changes.

"Echizen Ryoga."


It was him. Takamura knew it.

"You know me?"

Takamura's reflection did not escape Echizen Ryoga's eyes.

Look at the racquet behind Takamura, and the figure.

Then, Echizen Ryoga suddenly.

If you are a tennis lover, it is not surprising to know yourself.

After all, there are some fanatical fans, who even know the whereabouts of the stars in a day.

It is not surprising to know Echizen Nanjiro's adopted son.

"What's the matter? I can relay it."

Takamura doesn't know that Echizen Ryoga has made up a lot of brains and has identified himself as a fan of Echizen Nanjiro.

"It's nothing, I just want to compete with Nanjiro-senpai."

Sure enough, Echizen Ryoga understood.

"He's not in Japan. I can relay your request, but I can't guarantee anything."

"You can too, Echizen Ryoga." Takamura said slowly.

Without Echizen Nanjiro, it is the same with Echizen Ryoga. *

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