I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 80 Atobe: Intelligence Leaked? Someone Is Shaking Me

"What is that?" the audience exclaimed.

In an instant, dozens of arms grew, and there was a bald head that just teleported.

Are the people of Rikkai all monsters?

(That's...) Atobe's heart skipped a beat.

The transcendent insight allows Atobe to instantly see the essence of the magic fortress.

To put it simply, Marui used his dynamic vision, super-fast reflex nerves, and superb volley technology in front of the net to block all attacks in an instant.

Because the speed is too fast, resulting in the illusion of a thousand-handed Avalokitesvara.

"Interesting, then come on.

Atobe shows no sign of weakness.

Atobe can easily see the weak points of Marui's defense with his superior insight into weak points.

However, the speed is too fast, but the weakness is no longer a weakness.

In the official world of martial arts, there is no stubbornness that cannot be broken, but fastness cannot be broken.


Rikkai scores.

Score, 1:0.

Marui hold is successful.

"Unexpectedly, Rikkai still has a master like you," Atobe raised his hand, "but, that's all.

Super fast serve.

Marui fought back and quickly went online.

"Volley in front of the net, your biggest weakness is the empty backcourt. I won't give you 800 chances."

Atobe makes a lob and hits the ball to the baseline.

Rapid rise and rapid fall.

Watching Takamura shook his head.

Magic fortress is not so simple.

The super volley in front of the net not only blocks the ball, but also applies spin to prevent opponents from hitting lobs.

In the original work, as soon as the magic fortress opened, Marui was able to suppress the Japanese U17 army for a short time.

The lob is far less useful than imagined.

(And, thought I didn't know Marui's weakness?) Takamura secretly said that he had already prepared.

So far away.

Marui stepped over one step, and when the next step appeared, he had already reached the baseline.

(It's this trick again, bad.) Atobe's face sank.

(Look at this trick, perfected with the help of the minister.)

Marui jumped high.

Atobe's lob gave Marui a perfect smash.

"Smash, don't even think about it." Atobe responded.

Racquet drew a strange arc, and the tennis ball flew towards the sideline quickly.

(that is……)

Atobe saw the landing spot in an instant, and it was the net post.

(Wrong? No,)

Suddenly, Atobe saw the future.


Atobe just wanted to make amends, but it was too late.

The tennis ball hits the net post, and takes advantage of the rebound of the net post, combined with its own strength, to fly in the opposite direction at a stronger speed and fall to the innermost side of the sideline.


"Bumping the Iron Pillar 2.0, how, I'm a genius." Marui blew bubbles.


Fuji opened his eyes.

That smash and the arrest of the brown bear are useless.

Three antis, one of which, has been broken.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a smash." Fuji laughed.

That's excitement.

Atobe was silent, he knew that this game was a tough fight.

Atobe serves again, and this time, Atobe does the trick.

"Waltz Towards Destruction. 399

Atobe aimed at Marui's racquet and attacked.

Marui opened his eyes wide to see Atobe's movements.

Then, move the hand down quickly to cover the end of the racquet.

(not good.)

Atobe secretly said something was wrong.

The waltz towards destruction is Atobe's unique skill, and it is also his only unique skill now.

It's a two-stage smash.

The first segment, aiming at the racquet, knocks the opponent's racquet into the air.

Then, there is the second smash.

But now, Marui changed the grip method, and the first smash was unable to knock racquet into the air.

The second smash naturally doesn't work either.

The waltz that was heading towards destruction was already destroyed before it even started.


Atobe had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to smash.

Then, stopped by the magic fortress, Marui scored.


Atobe felt bad.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that he was completely seen through by the other party.

(Damn, what's going on? My intelligence, the other party won't know.) Atobe.

(Atobe Keigo, this battle is not only a challenge to Marui, but also a challenge to you.) Takamura analyzed silently.

Before the start of the game, Takamura had already told Marui all of Atobe's skills and weaknesses.

It can be said that Atobe's information has already been completely leaked.

In the beginning, it was already half lost.

(If Atobe can’t evolve on the spot, then it will definitely lose. The only question is, if Atobe evolves, will Marui’s physical strength be able to support it…)

Takamura's eyes never value the present, but the future.

Racked, tennis ball flew out.

Marui broke serve successfully.


Touch, the thousand-handed Avalokitesvara reappears, blocking Atobe's attack.



Atobe secretly hated, and the match with Marui made him realize the experience of just learning tennis.

In the UK, the experience of being pressed and beaten and powerless.


"Atobe..." Oshitari said silently.

I never dreamed that the object of my admiration would be crushed and beaten.

"It's amazing, Marui-senpai is really amazing, that volley technique in front of the net. Jiro is so excited, jumping up and down.

"It has been decided that from today, Marui-senpai will be my idol.

"Shut up. 99

Hyotei's cheerleading team also shrugged and pulled their heads, and Yu entered the oxtail grass that had been drenched in the rain for three days and three nights, and wilted.

No face to continue to cheer.

On the contrary, the Rikkai cheerleaders, who were suppressed for the whole game, raised their eyebrows.

"See if Hyotei is still pretending. 39

"Haha, Atobe, you're done."

"Rikkai, come on.

Atobe's form is extremely unfavorable.

All the information was leaked, and all the tricks were useless.

(No, I must not admit defeat, I want to win, I am the king of Hyotei.)

Atobe gritted his teeth, the insight in his eyes stretched to the limit.

Finally, it seems to have broken the limit.

Atobe, saw Marui's weakness.

Ice world.

It's there.

Ice appeared, completely freezing Marui.


(Sure enough, Atobe has evolved, the world of ice, an attack that sees through weaknesses.) Takamura was not surprised, it would be strange if Atobe could not evolve.

(Marui, next, is the real challenge.)

Liu stopped typing and opened a gap in his eyes.

"Is that what the minister said about evolution. Atobe Keigo. 35

"Through my defense, that shot." Marui gave Atobe a deep look, remembering Takamura's instructions.

"The world of ice," Atobe held the tear mole, "This uncle is going to exert his strength.

(Sure enough, Atobe has evolved just as the minister said.)

After watching Atobe again, Marui was full of confidence.

(With the help of the minister, I will win this battle.)

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