I Never Hang Up When I Play Tennis

Chapter 90 The Real Nioh Phantom

King Nio grabbed his hair.

He's really out of luck.

Staring closely at Chitose, relying only on the power of his body, he was still helpless when it came to radiating talent.

Takamura watched silently.

Watching King Nio being ravaged.

On the one hand, it is to sharpen Nioh.

On the other hand, it is a punishment for Nioh's love of waves.

(Could it be that he really didn't hide his strength?) Chitose murmured in his heart.

Because, Chitose Senri, no matter how many times he simulated it in his mind, it was the result of victory.

Moreover, Nioh's powerlessness does not seem to be fake.

(Almost there.) Takamura thought to himself.

Standing up, riding the two sides to change the field, Takamura pointed.

"Your phantom can not only phantom others, but also phantom yourself.

"Fakes are always fakes, but they can also become real."

The Daigo empowerment is general, and Niwang instantly understands.

"(Yes, the minister told me not to phantom others, but he didn't tell me not to phantom myself. That's how it is.)"

Nioh's phantom, the essence is to hypnotize yourself,

Hypnotize yourself to be another person.

If the brain believes, then the body will also believe.

Because of the huge gap between Niwang and the target's body shape, personality, and strength, Niwang's phantom is always a phantom, and it can't really be 100% restored to another person.

However, what if the target is 800 yourself?

A perfect Nioh, an imaginary Nioh.

Learn to practice hard, be full of talent, learn to serve in zero style, learn to eliminate the five senses, and learn to be omniscient and omnipotent.

Nioh himself won't, it's fine.

As long as you believe in your own mind, activate the phantom, and hypnotize yourself to learn, then the Nioh in the phantom will really learn.

Head: I will.

Body: Yes, I will too.

And, unlike the previous Phantom.

The previous phantom, Nioh must retain a trace of consciousness, so that he can still wake up. So that I can return to being Niwang after the fact, instead of being another person forever.

This is the reason why Nioh Mirage cannot copy others 100% no matter what.

And the phantom becomes himself, even if he is not awake, it is fine.

Memory, energy, and personality are exactly the same, just stronger and more tennis skills.


This also means that Nioh can exert 100% of the strength of the Mirage.

"So now, what the future looks like in my imagination. My ideal..."

Nioh first thought of Takamura's omniscience and omnipotence.

However, the strength gap is too large, and (chbj) cannot change.

Left Brain: I believe I learned.

Right Brain: No, you really didn't learn.

Body: The two of you think about it first.

(Forget it, lower the requirements.)

Soon, an inexplicable aura emerged from King Nio.

The height has increased by 10cm, the weight has increased by 20 pounds, the face is more handsome, and the silver hair is fluttering. It is the appearance of Niwang one or two years older.

"You have finally unleashed the true power of phantoms, Nioh.

Takamura smiled.

Phantom others, fake is always fake, can never be a real opponent.

However, it is feasible to imagine that Middle-School will have all the skills of the game and that his strength will increase greatly.

It can perfectly exert 100% of its strength, even 120, a real phantom.

"It feels good." King Nio looked around. Discovered a new world.

(What happened?) Chitose was shocked.

I just felt that in an instant, the opponent in front of me completely changed.

And, from Nioh's body, Chitose felt a deadly threat.

That is the feeling of being invincible.

(Niou Masaharu, you really hid your strength.) Chitose gritted her teeth, that was annoyed.

The strong, no matter how much you play the weak in the game, is all right.

No matter how you humiliate Chitose, Chitose will not be angry because it is the rule.

However, Niou Masaharu, despite being extremely powerful, pretended to be weak and looked helpless.

When Chitose himself really had a glimmer of hope of victory, Niou Masaharu kicked himself back into the abyss.

Let Chitose, out of anger.

For the first time, a killer was used.

God hidden.

When hitting the ball, use acceleration to make the ball disappear.

"It's useless." King Nio said.

The imaginary Nioh, like Yukimura, can see through the essence of all tricks.

Then, King Nio has it.

"The ball is not going away.

Tennis, there is nothing to hide in Nio's eyes.

With a slap, he struck back suddenly.

Only saw a ray of light.

That's not skill, it's just that the ball is going too fast.

By the time Chitose realized it, he had already lost points.


"Cut, the speed of the ball still hasn't exceeded 350km/h." Niwang was dissatisfied.

The imaginary Nioh has a strong foundation.

Strength, speed, endurance, technique, everything is fine.

The current Niwang has also greatly strengthened the foundation.

Compared with before, it is not the same.

"You already, can't score from me."

The King said.

"Just kidding, don't get too complacent." Chitose shouted.

The talent is full of energy, and he simulates a battle in his mind, trying to find a way to defeat Nioh.

The two villains, in Chitose's mind, constantly simulated battles.



Fail, or fail.

Chitose was horrified to find that he could not find any way to simulate the way to defeat Nioh.

(What's going on? Has the gap between me and the other party become so big?)

Niwang doesn't care what Chitose thinks.

According to their own rhythm, leisurely attack.

It is as fast as wind, aggressive as fire, zero chop, field, laser beam, magic fortress...

One by one, the ball skills are readily available and turned into embellishments one by one.

Unparalleled skills, like a magician on the court.

Chic and wanton.

"Nioh Mirage." Tezuka muttered.

In the past, Tezuka only regarded Nioh's phantom as a trick of the clown.

Because the fake can never surpass the real.

But Tezuka is now officially putting Nio on the same level.

It also really takes Nioh as an opponent.

"Sanada, Nioh Mirage, if you continue to develop it, even if it is you, it may not be an opponent." Yukimura meant something.

Taking himself as the core, perfectly integrating various ball skills, and adding the foundation of terror, the growth of Nioh's strength is already unimaginable.

"Hmph, that will only be known after the fight."

Sanada disagrees.

He is not a dry eater either.

"That is, Nioh's true strength?" Liu Sheng muttered to himself.

My friend is on the right track, but why is my mood a little sour?

King Nio loses and is in a bad mood;

But Nioh won, and his mood was even worse.

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