I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 100 A Three-Foot Qingfeng Sword, Dance With Changhong All Over The Sky When Drunk!

There are thousands of colorful clouds fluttering, and a thousand layers of auspiciousness are faintly hidden.

The bright golden light shone on the surrounding fields, and the yang energy was steaming, and the scorching lake water was eclipsed in front of the liquid beads.

"This is……"

Su Chen was a little puzzled, the breath on the droplet was too strong, in addition to the steaming yang energy, the surging aura contained in it also made Su Chen terrified.

As if just touching it, the soul would be blown up by the aura, and everything would be in vain.

"Boy, I know!"

"This is the legendary Chaos Spirit Yang Liquid!"

Xiaohong was excited, she grinned her teeth, clattered her claws, she was eager to try, she wished she could grab the glowing sap and eat it up.

"Chaotic Spiritual Yang Liquid?"

"What is this stuff?"

"I heard that some eminent monks who have attained the Tao sit down, and there is a certain chance that Buddha relics will be born in the bones."

"I've never heard that this kind of liquid beads will be born in the body of an eminent monk."

"Furthermore, Taoist Zixiao, with three thousand feet of white hair and drooping temples, has nothing to do with eminent monks at all!"

"That droplet..."

"Boy, you are ignorant!"

Xiaohong waved her paw and interrupted Su Chen.

"There are seven rare treasures in the world!"

"One is the purple air coming from the east, the second is the heaven and earth's mysterious yellow rain, the third is the ground milk congealed stone, the fourth is a handful of soil on the circuit of reincarnation, the fifth is the chaotic spiritual yang liquid, and the sixth is a trace of pith in the gloomy wood!"

"As for the most mysterious seventh rare treasure, it seems to be the product of the combination of yin and yang, and this king doesn't know what it is called."

Xiaohong smiled and looked at Su Chen with a look of contempt.

"Treasures of heaven and earth? Then what is the effect of this chaotic spirit liquid?"

Su Chen became interested. At the beginning, a drop of ground milk produced water spiritual power in himself, and his cultivation level increased greatly. What kind of surprises will this drop of chaotic spiritual yang liquid full of spiritual power in front of him bring?

"I don't know about this. In short, this thing in my memory is Chaos Spiritual Yang Liquid."

Xiaohong fell into deep thought.

Su Chen glanced at Xiaohong and became very interested in her life experience.

With a head of a red fire dragon, it is not afraid of the burning pain of yang energy.

Knowing so many secrets, the mystery of life experience is lingering in my heart!

"This king really wants to swallow it in one gulp, but he is afraid that its power will be too strong. The yang energy will flow straight through the Niwan Palace, burning the five viscera and destroying the six viscera.

Xiao Hong dragged her chin in a very humane way, and looked at the golden liquid drop regretfully.

"let me!"

Just as Su Chen took a step, Xiao Hong's claws grabbed his shoulder.

"Do you want to devour its aura?"

"This king discovered that the token may be a huge conspiracy, a conspiracy by a certain immortal emperor to be reborn."

Xiaohong said very seriously.

"Impossible. It is recognized that there are a total of nine fragments, which are the keys to open the space left by the Immortal Emperor."

Su Chen smiled wryly, he didn't believe Xiaohong's words.

"As time goes by, all the secret realms left behind will reappear in the world. No matter how powerful the enchantment is, it will melt over the years. It is impossible to say that there will be a key to open the door. This token is like a bottomless pit. No matter what power it is, They will all drink from the cow."

"Boy, maybe it's just a gimmick, a shocking secret left by someone."

Xiaohong continued.

"Little Hong, come to the Blood Spirit Secret Realm, why have you changed? Don't say that like Murong Xue, you are also a descendant of the Blood Demon Clan who was planted in Tianyu Continent."

"Bah bah, this king is not a devil! This king is full of righteousness."

"Okay, we can't be trapped at the bottom of the lake for thousands of years like Taoist Zixiao, and finally die and disappear, with a trace of obsession and nostalgia for the past, just wait for the beauty from our hometown to arrive."

Su Chen pushed Xiaohong away, his whole body was filled with celestial glow, and with a thought, the glistening golden liquid droplets were sucked into the space of his chest, and that immortal skeleton was also taken in.

The golden light rolls into the world of mortals, and the auspiciousness sprays purple mist.

The unparalleled golden light came over Su Chen, and bursts of black mist rose from Su Chen's body.


The screams shook people's hearts, Su Chen twitched all over, and his face was twisted ferociously.

He seemed to be suffering from great pain, the pain of being tempered.

"Boy, you're going to pay back the sun!"

Seeing Su Chen's yin qi recede and yang qi rising, Xiao Hong smiled lightly.

Biting the tip of his tongue, a drop of bright red dragon blood flew and landed on Su Chen's chest. In an instant, the blood radiated into the sky, and the blood mist evaporated. Su Chen's whole body was glowing red, like a flame man.


There were hysterical screams, and the painful tumbling at the bottom of the lake.

Clusters of black mist floated from Su Chen's soul body, and then annihilated in the billowing lake water.

For a long time, Su Chen's soul body seemed to be transparent, crystal clear, without any sense of solidity.

"Is this the end?"

Gently raising his hand, looking at the almost transparent soul arm, Su Chen was a little speechless.

The soul was tempered, the yin energy was washed away, and it became a yang soul completely. The surrounding lake was no longer scalding hot, the sword under the feet was no longer hot, and even the golden light around it was no longer oppressive.

"Break it!"


There was a crisp sound, and the sword energy flew.

In an instant, the golden light covering the bottom of the lake dissipated. Su Chen raised his head and saw the fiery red sky above the lake!


With a soft drink, Su Chen rushed up from the bottom of the lake like a fish swimming, bringing up a jet of water!

On the shore of the lake, everyone was disheartened and their faces were full of desolation.

"elder brother……"

Su Yan'er was in tears, and her heart was broken.

Leng Cangyue's face was pale, and she also couldn't bear the blow of Su Chen's fall.

"Rest in peace, all we can do is avenge Su Chen!"

The Sword King smiled wryly. At this moment, he didn't know how to persuade the two fairies.

"Cang Yue, Yan'er, we must find a way to leave this place, expose the scandal of the Five Spirits Academy, and prevent more cultivators from dying!"

"Leaving this place, Su Chen's spirit in heaven will laugh, and he will rest in peace under the nine springs."

The Sword God smiled wryly and persuaded.

At this moment, the scalding lake water churned, and a column of water soared into the sky, stretching ten feet high.

"elder brother……"

In an instant, Su Yan'er shouted, looking at the figure stepping on the water column, Su Yan'er's heart trembled.

"Su Chen..."

Leng Cangyue shouted, her soul fluttered, and rushed towards the figure on the water column.

Su Chen's treasure face was solemn, he flew over, hugged Leng Cangyue's soul body, and landed leisurely!

"Su Chen..."

"You... are you okay?"

Feeling the burning heat all over Su Chen, Leng Cangyue was startled.

"The bottom of Huanyang Lake turns into a yang soul, and the yin qi dissipates and the yang qi grows. A three-foot Qingfeng sword, dance the rainbow all over the sky when you are drunk!"

Su Chen laughed loudly, the immortal sword clanged, and a stream of sword energy rushed towards Xiaohan.

"Third brother, how does Huanyang feel?"

The sword god was eager to try, and also wanted to jump into the lake.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, you take everyone here to recuperate. Xiaohong and I will go to Disha Pavilion. Whether we can leave this place or not is a matter of one action."

Su Chen was imposing, with the sword clanking in his hand.

"Brother, have you found a way out?"

Su Yan'er was excited, she grabbed Su Chen's arm and shook it for a while.

"The Disha Pavilion is also a place where you ghosts can go?"

Suddenly, there was a loud shout, the sound waves rolled, and exploded in the sky.

The lake was churning, and a figure covered in blood mist floated out of the lake.

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