I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 13: To Have The Elixir Is Willfulness

This moment was undoubtedly the busiest moment in Cloud Piercer City!

The Murong family repented of their marriage, can Su Chen defend his dignity?

Almost all the people in Cloud Piercer City went to the square to see this unprecedented dignity competition!

On the square, Su Chen and Su Xuan were in high spirits, their cultivations in the Spirit Transformation Realm were soaring, and their brilliant spiritual power was rippling three inches away from their bodies!

"Patriarch Murong, you are a master, today you are bullying the small with the big, don't you mind if I find a helper?"

Su Chen's voice was loud, without the slightest hint of nervousness!

On the other hand, Su Xuan's complexion was a little pale, and he seemed a little timid!

"Xuan'er, don't be afraid!"

"The person who destroys you is right in front of you, and the opportunity for revenge has come. After a while, beat the dog in the water hard!"

Su Chen patted Su Xuan on the shoulder!

"Hehe, Patriarch Su, you really live a wonderful life. You don't use the Sixth Grade Shengji Pill yourself, but you gave it to the junior. Are you so confident that the junior can capsize?"

Patriarch Murong smiled wryly, he knew that Patriarch Su's cultivation had not come back, nor had the injury in his dantian healed!

"There's so much nonsense, without the pill from your Murong family, would my Su family have to die?"

"As we all know, if you leave a few words behind, what kind of medicine can't be brought?"

Su Chen slapped his face hard, making everyone present burst into laughter!

"go to hell!"

Patriarch Murong yelled loudly, and his master level cultivation was surging, pressing towards Su Chen and Su Xuan!

After all, there is a big gap, Su Chen and Su Xuan are inferior to Patriarch Murong in terms of speed and strength!

Therefore, the two cooperated perfectly, retreating and attacking, like the Murong Patriarch playing around like a monkey.

Patriarch Murong attacked Su Chen, Su Chen quickly retreated, and Su Xuan attacked from behind.

Patriarch Murong had no choice but to give up the attack and resist Su Xuan, but left the back to Su Chen, and at this moment Su Xuan ran away again, and Su Chen shot wildly again!

It's not that Patriarch Murong is afraid of Su Xuan or Su Chen's attack!

Being hit by a cultivator at the Spirit Transformation Realm, he wouldn't be injured, but where would he put the face of Patriarch Murong?

Therefore, a scene of Su Chen and Su Xuan playing monkeys appeared!

After 30 rounds of the battle, Patriarch Murong was out of breath, and he didn't touch a corner of Su Chen's sleeves.

On the other hand, the two of Su Chen and the pills entered their stomachs like jelly beans, and their cultivation and aura were still adjusted to the best state!

"Patriarch Murong, you can't even defeat two juniors, can you?"

"Patriarch Murong, I don't think this marriage will be ruined. If you follow the Su family, maybe you can get a lot of magic pills with the Su family!"

"The Qingyun Sect is really good. There are so many fairies who want to marry the young master of the Qingyun Sect, why don't they go around the Cloud Piercer City a few times?"

"Once the shelf life of Murong Xue's love expires, she might be thrown into limbo!"

"The Su family is also very good, at least the head of the Su family will not tolerate his son betraying his daughter-in-law!"

"Marry Su Chen, Murong Xue will be a golden branch and jade leaf, marry the young master of Qingyun Sect, and Murong Xue will become a Chinese cabbage!"

"Shhh, don't talk nonsense, who has raped the cabbage? If the young master of the Qingyun Sect knows that you said he is a pig, your life will end here!"


In the crowd, there were many discussions and different opinions!

Murong Xue is about to go crazy, she really wants to find a crack to get in!

What a shame, what a shame!

At this moment, she only hoped that Patriarch Murong would make a quick decision and cut Su Chen to pieces!

Patriarch Murong also completely let go of his face at this moment.

Find Su Chen and crush him directly. Even though Su Xuan slapped him on the back and hit the back of his head with a brick, he did not give up chasing and killing Su Chen!

As long as Su Chen is dead, nothing matters!

"Damn it, old man, you are so cruel!"

Su Chen was taken aback, and started a crazy escape mode!

He leaped three feet, and when he waved his hand, flames rose...

Even so, Patriarch Murong chased after him, slapped Su Chen directly on the Tianling Gai!

"Damn it, the genius is about to die!"

The crowd broke out and someone yelled!


There was a loud explosion!

Thick smoke billowed to cover the sky, and gray fog billowed to cover the ground!

Everyone was stunned, looking at the smoky ruins!

"Brother Su Chen..."

With a loud shout, Su Xuan plunged into the billowing smoke!

"No way, the strike was really ruthless, and it exploded with a slap?"

"It exploded, it should be blood, it can't be thick smoke!"

"Genius dies like this?"


In the square, everyone was discussing, but they were not optimistic about Su Chen!

After a long time, the breeze blew and the smoke dissipated, revealing the riddled side!

In the square, a big pit suddenly appeared, Patriarch Murong squatted beside the pit, panting, his breath was so vain!

In the middle of the big pit, Su Chen squatted halfway, with a smile on his lips, his clothes became cloth strips, only covering important parts!

On the side, Su Xuan was terrified and sweating coldly!


Patriarch Su shouted.

"Father, don't worry, I, Su Chen, never suffer!"

A third-grade elixir entered his belly, Su Chen turned around and jumped out of the big pit!

"Patriarch Murong, come on, continue to beat me!"

Under everyone's shocked gazes, Su Chen pushed towards Patriarch Murong!


A mouthful of blood spurted out, Patriarch Murong's aura became even more vain!

"Little bastard!"

"I'm going to chop you up!"

Roaring and clattering, the long sword is shaking, and the light of the sword is chilling!

Everyone was curious for a while, no one knew what just happened!

Only Su Chen had a smile on his lips, playing with a few third-grade elixir in his hands, without any timidity!

It turned out that just now, Su Chen forcibly squeezed and exploded two third-grade elixirs, severely wounding Patriarch Murong, who is a master in the realm of masters, in one fell swoop!

"Patriarch Murong, you use a spiritual weapon to deal with a junior, how thick-skinned you are!"

Patriarch Su smiled wryly, at this moment he really wanted to rush up and beat Patriarch Murong violently!

"go to hell!"

Patriarch Murong shouted loudly, and he slashed through the air with his long sword. With one move, the radiant sword light stretched for three feet, and slashed directly at Su Chen's chest!

Su Chen understated it, jumped three feet high, dodged the sword aura, and waved his hand at the same time...

"Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle..."

There were almost twenty bright rays of light across the sky, and landed directly in front of Patriarch Murong!


Following Su Chen's harmony, the sound waves rolled, and the mushroom cloud steamed, like a devil's mouth, mercilessly devouring Patriarch Murong...


Murong Xue shouted loudly, terrified!

After a long time, everything returned to calm, and Patriarch Murong came out staggeringly, covered in darkness!

"Damn it, are you Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death?"

"Come again!"

Su Chen chuckled, and almost twenty third-grade elixirs exploded again!

"Having pills is self-willed!"

"Murong Xue, don't you accept it? If you don't accept it, I will reward you with a few!"

Su Chen chuckled, and five third-grade elixir appeared in his hand, the fragrance of the medicine was intoxicating!

"I wipe..."

"What a waste!"

"It's violent!"

For a while, everyone exclaimed...

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