I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 193 Keel Bones Appear In The Sea Of ​​Chaos!

Sword Immortal Qinglian was full of smiles, a lotus leaf was hanging down with thousands of silk ribbons in her hands, and the thick innate energy was floating, which made everyone extremely excited.

In the center of the lotus leaf, a drop of crystal clear liquid was suspended, and the surging breath of life moved Su Chen for a while.

"Is this the Rootless Fountain?"

"You can live and die, human flesh and bones!"

Su Chen muttered to himself excitedly.

"Su Chen, it's far from the rootless spring that was born at the beginning of the world!"

"The condensed life essence of all living beings can indeed gather a rootless spring, but the surging breath of life is far behind."

"If you think that a single soul can refine a drop of rootless spring, that idea is too naive."

Sword Immortal Qinglian smiled lightly, that drop of liquid didn't seem to be very attractive to it.


"Lord Jiao, I am willing to be the first person to eat crabs, so let me taste the taste of this rootless spring."

Xiaohong was excited, her claws were clattering, and she was about to catch the liquid droplet.

However, in this space, Su Chen is the master, and everything is under Su Chen's control.

With a flick of the liquid bead, it turned into a stream of light and fell to the chaotic zone, onto the dragon's horn and longan.

In an instant, the dragon's chant shook the sky, with a slight hint of excitement, Xiao Hong trembled all over, almost fell to the ground and prostrated herself in worship.

It is impossible to make up for the shock and coercion that came from the depths of the soul.

"Little Hong, since you want to eat crabs, let's leave the Chaos Sea and go to the base camp of the Blood Demon Clan. I promise to let you eat enough."

Su Chen chuckled and looked at Sword Fairy Qinglian.

Suddenly, the sky collapsed and the ground collapsed, and the crack in the space that was long and long collapsed again.

The entire space became devastated, and the raging power of space wanted to strangle everyone!

"The emperor is here again?"

Xiaohong's face was full of anger, and she was ready to go.

"It's not the emperor, it's the damage to the original power of this space. Su Chen, if you still have enough original power, you can naturally stabilize the void and stabilize the earth. If not, you can only use the Chaos Stone."

Sword Immortal Qinglian was incomparably dignified. With a wave of his hand, three khaki-colored stones appeared again. The chaos was fluttering, and the mist was rising, giving people the most primitive and ancient vicissitudes of life.

"No more, it took ninety-nine and eighteen to merge the dream time and space. The big brother was almost smashed by the emperor before his ass was hot."

"You miss Big Brother, and Big Brother will never forget this grudge!"

Su Chen's expression was extremely serious, and a silent killing intent surged in his chest!

With a wave of his hand, the only original Chaos Stone fell into the hands of Sword Immortal Qinglian.

"I'll leave it to you, are four rough stones enough?"

"Not enough, then you can go to the Chaos Sea to find it."

Su Chen spread his hands, feeling very helpless.

"That's enough. Four rough stones, set in the east, west, north, south, and four directions, are enough to make this space stable for ninety-nine and eighteen days."

"During this time, you must find the Sky Vine Vine, which is rooted in the heavens and all realms, and is the best expert at repairing space cracks."

Sword Immortal Qinglian smiled lightly. On Su Chen, it saw the appearance of a great emperor, otherwise it would not have offered such sincere help.

"Tianxu vine?"

Su Chen waved his hand, and the blood-colored gourd emerged.

"This is the gourd on the Tianxu vine, is it useful?"

"Useless, although it is an innate thing, it has no innate energy, because this gourd is dead, dead to death. It only has its shape, no marrow, useless, useless!"

Sword Immortal Qinglian smiled wryly and shook her head.

With a shake of the arm, four chaotic rough stones fell in all directions, and the chaotic mist curled up, and the entire dream time and space returned to calm.

"Brother, what kind of plant is the Sky Vine?"

"Is it the same as the wall-climbing tiger in our backyard?"

Su Yan'er blinked her eyes and asked.

"I don't know either, I only know that it is also an innate spiritual creature born in the sea of ​​chaos." Su Chen sighed slightly.

"Brother, when did you date Murong Xue?"

Su Yan'er's words instantly attracted everyone's attention, only Sword Fairy Qinglian had an incomparably ugly expression beside her.

"Yan'er, you are almost becoming a hundred thousand reasons."

Su Chen was speechless, and wanted to drag Xiaohong to run away.

"Master Jiao, I don't want to eat crabs anymore, Lord Jiao, I want to hear gossip!"


With a loud roar, everyone's hearts jumped.

"Damn boy, why are you stepping on the root of my tail?"

Xiao Hong glared at Su Chen, and was just a stone's throw away.

"Lord Jiao, I understand!"

"You must have made a pile driver again, and executed Murong Xiaoniu on the spot."

Xiaohong grinned and bent over laughing.

In a word, Murong Xue understood in her heart, "Su Chen, you had sex with Lin Yiyue before me? Where is Leng Cangyue?"

Murong Xue felt a little upset, she glanced at Lin Yiyue quietly, and found that Lin Yiyue's face was reddish, and then glanced at Leng Cangyue, and found that Leng Cangyue looked sad, and her little hands were tightly clutching the hem of her clothes.

"Hey, Leng Cangyue, after all, you are still one step behind me, so what if Su Chen really loves you?"

"I'm one step ahead of you."

Murong Xue regained her balance in her heart.

"Dead dragon!"

Su Chen directly slapped her, and the slapped Xiao Hong spun 108 times on the spot, eyes full of gold stars, and passed out.

"Time waits for no one, I must get the Sky Vine as soon as possible!"

Su Chen felt uncomfortable all over, and his heart trembled from being stared at by the four women, and his spirit trembled.

With a thought, he took Xiaohong out of the dream world.

"Damn it, you're going to turn Master Jiao to death!"

In the sea of ​​chaos, Xiaohong had a displeased expression on her face.

"Which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted, can you not mention the matter of your children's love in the future?"

"You're not just embarrassing me!"

Su Chen was speechless.

In the vast and chaotic sea, Su Chen didn't know where to go.

I was too embarrassed to go back to Dream Time and Space to ask Qinglian Sword Immortal for directions, so I could only go with the flow and try my luck.


"Lord Jiao, I smell the breath of the little loach, and that scumbag dragon!"

Xiaohong sniffed her nose vigorously, pointed to the depths of the chaos, and said with a smug smile.

"You mean Xiaohui and that dark dragon?"

Su Chen cheered up, found Xiao Hui, and the two vipers could be reunited.

"The two of them are spirit beasts guarding the medicinal herbs for the Immortal Emperor. Maybe they can know the whereabouts of the Tianxu Vine." Su Chen muttered to himself.

"Why are you still standing there, lead the way!"

Su Chen patted Xiaohong on the back of the head and said.

"Let's go, let's go... Master Jiao has the most sensitive nose!"

In the sea of ​​chaos, Xiaohong's incomplete wail sounded again.

At this time, in the viscous chaotic sea, Viper Xiaohui and Dragon Soul faced each other, and between them, there was a section of keel exuding bright light.

"Get out of the way, this is a rib of Jin Linglong, which was discovered by the king first."

Dragon Soul roared furiously, full of unwillingness and madness.

Being tortured in Su Chen's sea of ​​consciousness, he didn't realize until now that he only had the power to return to the true realm, and his favorite spell - "Void Heaven and Illusion", could not be used at this moment, even a small return to the true realm Snakes can't beat them.

"This keel works for me!"

"I abandoned Su Chen because of the call of the keel."

"It's raining heavily, and the sky is full of poison!"

Xiao Hui let out a loud roar, and a large cloud of dark green venom sprayed down his head and face.

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