I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 217 Let's See Where You Go This Time!

"Golden light shines brightly across the sky, shining through all realms and locking souls back, Su Chen, you can't run away!"

The emperor yelled loudly, his handprints were repeated, and thousands of green breaths fell down.

All of a sudden, the surrounding fields were bright, the stars in the sky were eclipsed, the starlight quietly disappeared, and the night seemed to become day.

The entire big tree is transparent, like the top-quality spar.

Just as Su Chen took Xiao Hong and left the dream world, he saw two figures above his head with solemn treasures, their breath surging and shaking the sky.

"I wipe..."


Su Chen covered Xiao Hong's mouth, and pointed to the pair of eagle eyes floating in the void very seriously.

"Where are people?"

"Run so fast?"

The emperor showed a hint of displeasure, his eagle eyes pierced the void for 800 miles, the emperor didn't think that Su Chen could escape into the sea of ​​chaos in such a short time.

"The Emperor..."

"Don't talk, there is a big protector as a guide, let's see this emperor give him a soul explosion!"

The emperor is calm and calm, always so quiet, it seems that nothing can touch his heart and make him show emotional changes.

The handprints continued, and the surging soul power danced in the void.

Suddenly, the emperor finally showed a chilling expression.

"The Great Protector has fallen, even the true nature of one spirit has not escaped!"

"This Su Chen really surprised me!"

The emperor sighed slightly, very serious, with serious eyes.

You must know that the Immortal King has survived ninety-nine calamities and has been recognized by the laws of heaven and earth.

Even the emperor who is in the half-emperor realm is just destroying his soul and destroying his body, leaving behind a true spirit to reincarnate.

"My lord, the bridge of time and space is built, let's go to the ruins to seek opportunities, the streamer of flames enters the body, everything is just a passing cloud."

"Eternal time hastened, and a thousand calamities will never change!"

The Great Elder urged that the construction of the space-time bridge is not only the people of the Blood Demon Race who are eyeing it.

When the chaos first opened, three major races, the demon race, the fairy race and the beast race, were born under the sky.

A sea of ​​chaos spans the void, dividing the three races. After ten thousand years of reproduction, they have achieved their current scale and strength.

"Are you worried about the fairy and orc race?"

"My Blood Demon Clan is the number one race in the world, and the Blood Demon God's power overwhelms the blood of all races!"

The emperor chuckled, full of conceit. If he got the streamer flame, he would be sure to distort time and space, return to the era of strong men in the emperor's realm, peek into the secrets of the emperor's realm, and absorb the original power of the emperor's realm!

Just when the emperor waved his arm lightly, and was about to withdraw his eagle eyes, the big tree under his feet shook suddenly, a flash of red light shot out, and a dog barking shook the sky. With the momentum of swallowing the moon, he swallowed the crystal clear eagle eyes in one gulp.

All this was so sudden that the emperor didn't even have time to react.

"I wipe..."

The emperor was shocked, he stretched out his bronze arm, and grabbed the tengu that Xiaohong had transformed into with his palm as big as a millstone.

At this moment, the emperor suddenly felt the wind under his feet, and his buttocks felt cold.

Turn over, jump in the void, and pass through the void!

Where the emperor was standing just now, Su Chen held the dragon horn and failed to hit him. He suddenly backhanded and covered the head of the great elder with a black brick!

The Great Elder hastily counterattacked, and the fairy sword clanged, bringing up a series of sword flowers.


With a crisp sound, the fairy sword was broken inch by inch, and the Great Elder only felt a numbness in his arm, followed by a bloody mess...


Su Chen shouted loudly, and with a flick of his mind, he turned into a long tongue and rolled up Xiaohong, and entered the dream time and space.

"Wow woof..."

Xiaohong barked, and the dog's body instantly transformed into a red fire dragon.


Xiaohong opened her mouth and spat out the two eagle eyes.

"It's not good, it's not good..."

Xiaohong's face was full of disgust.


The loud eagle's cry resounded through the sky, filling the sky with crisp sounds.


“Brother Su Chen, why are there eagles here?”

Su Yan'er exclaimed for a while, and looked into those dazzling eyes, full of excitement!

"Su Chen, the roots of the Sky Vine are already filled with life and rooted in chaos. What you need to do now is to find a leaf of the Sky Vine."

"Falling leaves return to their roots, leaves are the best nourishment for roots!"

Sword Immortal Qinglian came in style, and as she waved her hands, her innate energy dropped, wrapped those eagle eyes, and threw them to the land of the Dragon Emperor's Nirvana!

"Have you found the root of the Sky Vine?"

Su Chen was puzzled for a while, and his face was full of puzzlement. He didn't remember seeing the root of the Tianxu Vine!

"Su Chen, the root of the Tianxu Vine is the treasure of the Great Protector. He used this treasure to absorb the original power of our spirit and soul, but you inadvertently took it away!"

The platinum city lord chuckled, in order to be able to leave the dream time and space and return to the Western Regions, he worked very hard.

"I see!"

Su Chen understood.

"Xiaohong, let's go, perfect cooperation and continue collecting treasures!"

In Su Chen's heart, he fell in love with the emperor, and took the emperor as a fool!

At this time, the emperor was finally moved, and his face turned black with anger.

"Damn Su Chen, I'm going to tear you to pieces!"

The emperor's voice was extremely resentful, and it went straight to Xiaohan.

First, the longan was taken away, and the emperor didn't think much about it, because the eyes of the Dragon Emperor were out of control, and there was a possibility of backlash against the emperor at any time.

But the eagle eye is different, it has been practiced by the emperor for many years, it has already become his own eyes, now it is taken away, the emperor feels that the sky is dark, everything is gray and there is no light!

"My lord, let's go, go to the fairyland, don't lose Liu Guangyan just because of Su Chen!"

The Great Elder urged, fearing that the Immortal Race or the Beast Race would take the lead!

At this moment, the void flickered, and Su Chen and Xiaohong jumped out, just in time to see the backs of the emperor and the great elder leaving.

"Fuck me, don't go, come on, Master Jiao will blow you a bird! Xiaohong is careless, but she backs away slightly!

Suddenly, a figure flew in front of Su Chen, without saying a word, he slapped him hard with a slap!


Su Chen was a little surprised. The great elder's arm was obviously bloody, so why was it intact again?

The black bricks went up against the sky, and frantically blocked them down.

However, the big protector didn't want to be drunk, he flicked his wrist, avoiding Su Chen's black brick, and grabbed his neck!

The spiritual power was transpiring, forcibly sealing Su Chen's eight extraordinary meridians, and his fingers were like swords, piercing through Su Chen's lower abdomen crazily.

"Su Chen..."

"Lord Jiao, I..."

Before Xiao Hong finished speaking, she was mercilessly bound by a bloody chain!

"Su Chen, you really surprised me!"

"Give me back Hawkeye!"

The emperor chuckled, and the blood-colored ruler directly hit Su Chen's celestial cap!

"You tied me up, my cultivation base was abolished, and my soul power was sealed. How can I pay you back?"

Su Chen didn't feel too sad, and there was a pleasant smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't think about playing tricks, tell me, are you from the fairy clan?"

"What big moves are the immortals making now?"

The emperor stared at Su Chen, his soul power transpired, turning into a gray arrow feather and piercing Su Chen's forehead!

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