I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 22 Fairy Qi Earth Protection Milk

Ground milk is a rare treasure conceived by the essence of the earth. It has the good fortune of the heaven and the earth, and condenses the essence of the sun and the moon. It is a legendary fetish!

According to legend, taking a drop of ground milk can make a person strong and healthy, make hidden injuries invisible, and recede stubborn diseases!

For cultivators, a drop of ground milk can help them break through the bottleneck of their cultivation and reach a higher level easily!

"Let me see!"

Su Chen is overjoyed, earth milk is the essence of earth energy, if you use it to cultivate earth spirit power, it will be great!

Su Chen's practice is the Five Qi Chaoyuan, and what he practices is the five Qi in his chest!

Now, the heart is condensed, and a steady stream of fire spirit power swims through the whole body!

Gently peeling away the soil, a mass of milky white liquid emerges, and the rich aroma is tangy, which makes everyone excited!

"It's really ground milk!"

Murong Xue shouted, the howling waves of fire in the sky seemed to be unable to conceal the excitement in her heart at this moment!

The sound waves rolled, as if shaking the waves of fire!

"It's a lump the size of a fist, Brother Su Chen, how do we divide it!"

Su Yan'er took Su Chen's arm and shook it comfortably, like a spoiled little girl!

"The treasures of heaven and earth, those who are destined will get them!"

"Besides, if there is too much of this thing, it's a waste. It's better to have a share for those who see it. Let's share it equally!"

Su Chen undoubtedly became the leader of this group!

Even if 10,000 alpacas ran past Su Xuan's heart, he could only bear with it. Su Xuan would not act rashly until he completely achieved his goal!

"Earth milk has a very strong essence, so it can only be stored in a container made of the essence of jade."

"This ground milk is not allowed to violate the five elements. It disperses when it meets gold, withers when it meets wood, melts when it meets water, scorches when it meets fire, and enters when it meets soil. It can only be filled with the essence of jade!"

At this moment, Murong Xue seemed to be a farsighted expert, her words made everyone present stunned!

"Where can I find the essence of jade?"

"Is the best spirit stone available?"

Su Xuan smiled lightly, in one sentence, he exposed his family background!

"No, how can the aura of the spirit stone be compared with the earth's milk? It will only be assimilated, thus defiled by the earth's milk!"

Murong Xue smiled wryly, she had a jade bottle on her body, which was given to her by Qing Yunfei to hold the sixth-grade elixir!

But the jade bottle is also very small, it cannot accommodate fist-sized breast milk!

"Guarding the treasure mountain, but unable to take it away, what a helplessness!"

Su Chen was convinced, he felt that the milk was so picky!

At this moment, an eagle flew across the sky and landed steadily on the outskirts of the black pine forest!

"Young master, young master, spare me!"

The young master of the Ye family, Ye Wushuang, felt so depressed!

He just attacked Leng Cangyue secretly, borrowed Leng Cangyue's blood to pay homage to the space scroll, and escaped.

Before he had time to be proud and excited, he was caught by an eagle's claws!

Immediately afterwards, there was punching and kicking.

At this time, Ye Wushuang is bloated all over, with panda eyes, pig nose, and rabbit ears. I'm afraid his own mother may not know him!

"Everyone has to die, you just live a little longer!"

"No more nonsense, I will definitely send you to see Jizao right now!"

Qing Yunfei sneered, and pierced Ye Wushuang's belly ruthlessly with a finger!

His dantian shattered, and his whole body fell apart in pain. Ye Wushuang also gritted his steel teeth, and didn't howl!

"Tough guy!"

"Young master seems to like you a little bit!"

Qing Yunfei sneered.

"Tell me, what's going on over there?"

The next moment, Ye Wushuang explained the situation on Su Chen's side in detail, and even added details.

"Young master, I feel that he is not telling the truth!"

On the side, the animal trainer sneered, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth!

"Young master, young master, what I say is the truth, my heart can be learned from the world!"

Ye Wushuang was convinced, if he found out that he was embellishing himself, and he used Su Chen's mouth to scold Qing Yunfei, it would be another layer of skin!

"Okay, then you can say it again! The young master didn't hear clearly just now!"

The animal trainer laughed.

For a moment, Ye Wushuang's face darkened.

He was extremely nervous just now, he repeated what he said, and he forgot all of it!


Qing Yunfei scolded!

In the end, Ye Wushuang suffered another severe beating, his skin was torn apart, and he didn't look like a human being anymore!

"It's better to die than to live!"

Ye Wushuang murmured in his heart, the raging fire, the flames gushed out tens of feet, and the heat wave swept thirty miles away, Ye Wushuang felt his skin scorching hot even from a long distance away.

Thinking that if he was with Su Chen and others at this moment, he would be ashamed at this moment, and he felt a lot more balanced in his heart!

The fire burned for three days and three nights, and was finally extinguished by a torrential rain!

"The black pine forest stretches for hundreds of miles. With the help of the east wind, we only burned one-third of its outer area!"

The animal trainer is very confident, under this fire, no one can escape, even Xie Hufa, who is in the Void King Realm, can only jump around for a day at most!

"Ye Wushuang, lead the way!"

Qing Yunfei lifted Ye Wushuang, who was limp on the ground, and pushed towards the scorched black land that was billowing with thick smoke!

"lead the way?"

"where to?"

At this time, Ye Wushuang was physically and mentally exhausted, he had no cultivation base, and was tortured for another three days, he almost collapsed!

"Of course I'm looking for Su Chen!"

"If you can't see his bones, I will cut your flesh piece by piece and feed the eagle!"

Qing Yunfei knew in his heart that space treasures are not afraid of water, fire, or corrosion, and they will definitely be left behind at this time.

He never forgets the fairy sword in Su Chen's hand!

"Okay, I'll go!"

Relying on memory, I walked in the ashes that were beyond recognition and riddled with holes.

At this time, in the big pit, Su Chen and others finally breathed a sigh of relief!

"The fire is out, the rain has stopped, but why do I feel that the danger has just begun?"

Leng Cangyue's face was a little pale, the injury on her shoulder made her grin her teeth in pain!

"It's really not reconciled to see the ground milk here like this!"

Su Chen shook his head, they don't have jade, so they can't divide and hold ground milk at all!

"What should we do, brother Su Chen, shall we go back to Chuanyun City to get the jade?"

Su Yan'er smiled wryly, feeling a little unrealistic!

Especially a big fire definitely attracted a lot of people's attention. Soon, this place will be overcrowded!

"What else can I do?"

"Let's cut the ground milk directly, and eat it before its aura dissipates!"

Su Xuandao.

"Right, let me try!"

Su Chen suddenly smiled mysteriously, and took out the dragon-slaying sword filled with immortal energy!

"Under the protection of the fairy spirit, there should be no loss of ground milk!"

"Immortal sword!"

Murong Xue's pupils constricted. At this moment, she couldn't even see through Su Chen, and felt that her remorse was just a joke!


Su Chen swung his sword and divided the fist-sized milk evenly.

"Sure enough, the air of the fairy spirit can protect the earth and breasts from harm!"


"Young master, what was that lighted just now?"

Shout the beast tamer!

"Thousands of clouds are rolling in the sky, and the purple mist is floating and shining! It must be a fairy weapon!"

Qing Yunfei was overjoyed!

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