I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 227 Again And Again, Never Again!

"Is it the power of time?"

Su Chen was shocked, his eyes filled with fear.

"Little guy, little guy, since the cemetery can't be trapped, it can't be eternal, it can't be eternal, then let's make a stone statue in this medicine garden!"

"Watch the flowers bloom and fall, watch the medicines wither..."

The old man seemed to be determined to put Su Chen to death. He reached out with his almost withered palm and formed a seal in the void. Su Chen's body was fixed in the void and slowly petrified.

"I wipe..."

"People who are old and immortal say that good people don't live long, and evils last for thousands of years. You are indeed a evil and a villain!"

"Don't say that the people buried in the entire cemetery are your masterpiece."

Su Chen roared unwillingly, gasping in his chest, his endless rebellion rushing towards the sky!

There were layers of ripples in the void, and the mist drifted away. The old man smiled mysteriously, and his whole body turned into a cloud of gray mist and dissipated away.


"Where are the bricks?"

With a flick of Su Chen's thoughts, his left arm glowed, and the black bricks emitted colorful rays of light, which echoed the entire left arm. In an instant, the celestial glow protected his body, and the mist transpired, and the speed of Su Chen's petrification slowed down.

At this moment, Su Chen was shocked to discover that the strong soul power condensed all over his body had infiltrated into the petrified body, and the bone meal-based reshaped body let out exclamations of excitement.

Thousands of souls roared, and the magic sound curled up, as if carrying a sense of excitement of seeing the sun again.

"No way!"

"Could it be that I want to make a cauldron and let the souls reappear?"

Su Chen was convinced, and just stood quietly among the thousands of flowers, disheartened...

At this moment, Wudao and Black Donkey came across the border again.

After crossing the boundary three times, the unparalleled power of heaven wiped out the vigor of the two of them, and thunder after another rolled down, and the souls of the two were withered and their original spiritual power collapsed.

"Fuck, if I cross the border again, I will show my original shape as an old demon, and I will be extremely weak for a period of time!"

The black donkey old demon was convinced, and he was about to explode.

Not only the original power was damaged, but also several immortal artifacts were self-destructed, so as to block the power of heaven, so as not to die.

On the side, Immortal Wudao was also decadent, staggering, and faintly aged a little.

"Let's go, settle accounts with that know-it-all!"

The black donkey old demon roared.

"What's the deal, I'm also very weak, why don't you give me the donkey's kidney so that I can regain my energy?"

The Wudao Immortal showed a pleasant smile.

"Fuck, you're thinking about me?"

"I'm afraid that you won't be able to chew on me, but instead your front teeth will fall out, and your tongue will flash from now on!"

The black donkey old demon was very upset.

At this time, the edge of the cold pool was extremely quiet. The two came across the border, but no one greeted them, and the air was full of desolation and desolation.

"Go to that city, those four old men are frightened..."

Immortal Wu Dao swept away his soul power, and found that the four patriarchs were discussing countermeasures in a hidden secret room.

The strong wind covered the sky, and the black mist covered the ground.

Just because the city lord pitted the second sage, the lives of the four lords are now in jeopardy!


The black donkey old demon flicked his sword, and the unparalleled pressure crushed the void, and the strongest secret room in Cloud Piercer City fell apart, turning into a cloud of dust.

"I wipe..."

"Lord Jiao, I..."

Xiao Hong was furious, and the moment she saw the two standing in emptiness, she decisively shut up, turned into a flash of red light, and burrowed into the city lord's crotch.

The city lord's face was ashen, he knew that this time his death time had come.

"Say, how do you want to die?"

The black donkey old demon waved his hand and grabbed the city lord's neck like pinching a chicken.


"Why should I die?"

The city lord knew that he was going to die, so he still had to struggle a bit. Even if he took a breath and took a look at this beautiful homeland, he would die without regret.

"Hehe, you're really good at coaxing us into the Blood Spirit Secret Realm twice."

Immortal Wudao sighed and stopped the black donkey's movement, and the city lord was saved from death.

"It turns out that those two places are connected to the Blood Spirit Secret Realm."

"Under the sky, there is a hidden place."

Longing once again rose in the city lord's heart, longing to survive and put the two of them in the dungeon!

"Again and again, do you think we will believe you?"

Immortal Wudao is convinced, if he turns around again, he would rather stay in the Blood Spirit Secret Realm, wait for his soul power to recover, and return to the Celestial Clan across the Chaos Sea.

Because he didn't have enough confidence to face Tianlei and the power of heaven!

"Lead the way, I want to see where the third hidden place leads!"

The black donkey old demon squinted his eyes, and his evil spirit was steaming.

"Black donkey, let's work together!"

"This time, let's distance ourselves and go to that hidden place together. If anything goes wrong, you and I can help each other..."

Immortal Wudao revealed a trace of melancholy, the emperor had disappeared for a long time, and if the streamer flame or piercing fire fell into his hands, both the Celestial Clan and the Beast Clan would suffer, and even become history.

"lead the way!"

The black donkey old demon was furious in his heart, but lost his mind and killed the city lord...

Immortal Wudao waved his hand, and a layer of enchantment enveloped Cloud Piercer City.

"If you lie to us again, the people in this city will become corpses!"

Immortal Wudao's words seemed to have pronounced the death sentence for everyone in Chuanyun City, and the four Patriarchs looked at each other in blank dismay.

At this time, the Patriarch of the Su family wanted to see Su Chen the most, and Patriarch Leng was also yearning for Cang Yue's return.

As for the Ye Family Patriarch and Murong Patriarch, they were disheartened and showed a look of lovelessness.

The stream of light shot out, and the speed of the three of them was extremely fast. In eight breaths, they came to the depths of the southern desert.

"It's this ancient teleportation array."

The Lord of the Nightless City smiled and sat down on the ground, panting.

The original power was damaged, and the strength of the city lord was greatly reduced. With this distance, he felt powerless.

"It really is here!"

"No mistake, I sensed the breath of the emperor!"

Immortal Wudao became excited.

"Evidence of streamer flames and piercing fires."

The black donkey old demon pointed at the teleportation array and exclaimed.

"Open the teleportation array, if it really connects to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, I will send you a fortune!"

"It can't be opened, let me ask, who will sit in this teleportation formation?"

The city lord laughed lightly, feeling as if he was going to fall asleep at any moment.

"Grand Mo Xiao, drunk on the battlefield, how many people have fought in ancient times?"

The city lord laughed at himself, and took out a jug of fine wine with a wave of his hand, slapped the Kaifeng mud, and drank it down in one gulp!

"You are very elegant, black donkey, stay with him, and wait for me to sit in this teleportation formation."

Immortal Wudao drank lightly, and stepped onto the ancient teleportation array.

The runes were lingering, and the air of ancient vicissitudes spread, which made the Wudao Immortal exclaim.

"It seems that a lot of spirit stones are needed to activate the formation."

The city lord chuckled, reeking of alcohol, and handed the old black donkey a pot of fine wine.

"Spirit stone?"

"The perception of people in the ruins is different. In the whole world, chaos is a crime!"

Immortal Wudao waved his hand, and several pieces of Chaos Stone flew down.


The black light was transpiring, the mist was floating, and the ancient teleportation array was activated again.

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