I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 236 Skeleton Seizes The House, Su Chen Petrifies!

"Senior, save me!"

"The dark blue trampling boots have been found!"

The black donkey old demon shouted anxiously, slipped under the stone chair, curled up into a ball, trembling.

Dimly, the unparalleled coercion shrouded down, and the tension in the black donkey old demon's heart gradually subsided.

"Damn it, the black donkey has entered the stone house again!"

Xiaohong's face was full of excitement, as if she had forgotten about the fact that her spiritual power had been sucked dry.

"What's the use of these boots? Where does that evil spirit come from?"

Leng Cangyue was full of doubts, she looked and looked at the boots.

"It's so beautiful!"

Smiling lightly, Leng Cangyue actually put the boots on her feet.

In an instant, the bright light transpired, and the rays of the sun shone brightly. Leng Cangyue felt extremely comfortable all over, and her left leg felt warm, and her flesh and blood were reborn.


Leng Cangyue was excited, she was reborn with flesh and blood, she was freed from the category of ghosts, she could practice again, and feel the comfort of spiritual power flowing through her meridians.


"Lord Jiao, I'm dead!"

Xiaohong wailed loudly, her tears flowed three thousand feet.

"Why is it always me who gets hurt?"

Seeing Leng Cangyue reborn in flesh and blood, Xiao Hong was really upset.

First the bricks, then the boots, always benefiting others and hurting yourself!

"Cang Yue..."

Su Chen was a little shocked. Although he was happy in his heart, he was also extremely worried.

"I'm fine. These boots are so comfortable and fit well, as if I've worn them before. The familiar smell cheers me up."

"There is another one in the stone house, go in and have a look."

Leng Cangyue chuckled, with a strong sense of urgency hanging on her face.


The heavy stone door was slowly pushed open by Su Chen, and what came into view was a dead bone sitting on a stone chair.

The dusty breath hits the face, and the cold wind chills people's hearts.

"Damn it, the black donkey actually..."

Xiao Hong slipped into Leng Cangyue's arms with a sound, pointed at the black donkey with trembling paws, her eyes were full of fear.

On the body of the black donkey, Xiaohong actually felt a sense of shock from the depths of her soul. As a monster, the aura of the superior made Xiaohong terrified, her soul trembled, and she wanted to fall to the ground and prostrate in worship.

"Su Chen, quick, bring that boot over here!"

Leng Cangyue was a little anxious, as if she was under tremendous pressure.

On her feet, the boots bloomed with bright blue lights, covering Leng Cangyue's whole body.

Su Chen was terrified, stepping on the golden lotus, his soul was full of energy, and he reached out to grab the boots under the bed.

At this critical moment, Su Chen felt a wind blowing from the back of his head, and a dangerous aura was approaching.

Turning sideways, while grabbing the boots, there was a sudden chill on the left shoulder, followed by the piercing pain that drove Su Chen crazy!

Taking a closer look, there was a blood hole the size of a thumb on his shoulder, and orange blood flowed profusely.

An earthy yellow air of desolation lingered, starting from the blood hole, slowly petrified!

In the blink of an eye, Su Chen's shoulders and left chest were solidified with a dark white color, completely petrified.

"Cang Yue, let's go!"

Su Chen shouted loudly, and with a thought, he led Leng Cangyue and Xiao Hong into the fantasy world.


"Why didn't you kill him?"

The black donkey was upset for a while, the opponent had two people and one beast, no matter who he killed, it was a victory.

"He's not going to survive."

"Under the power of desolation, he will gradually petrify and die forever."

"But I'm curious, why does that kid have the power of the soul race? And he's very strong, reaching the heavens."

"He still has the aura of an old immortal. Back then, that old man went to our Celestial Clan to beg for death. Without any resistance, he received 108 palms from our Cultivator of the Emperor Realm, but he didn't die."

"Instead, with a wave of his hand, a finger pierced through the eyebrows of the cultivator of the emperor's realm, making him disappear in ashes!"

"After so many years, why did he appear again?"

The skeleton shook the white head lightly, and a pale yellow barren fire danced in the petrified eye sockets. The tremendous coercion made the old black donkey fight Ke Ke, sweating profusely.

"Hey, it's time for this immortal to see the light of day again!"

A faint sigh resounded, and a desolate air filled the air.

As the two blue boots were taken away by Leng Cangyue, there was no light in the entire ruins, and the blue light slowly receded like the ebb tide of the sea.

In an instant, the enchantment covering the void and blocking everyone's footsteps flickered and disappeared out of thin air.

The people who were petrified underground woke up leisurely, but they had no cultivation base, their soul power collapsed, and they became ordinary mortals.

"Come on..."

I don't know who yelled, and then a group of people exploded like ants on a hot pot.

Stone powder is flying, dust is all over the sky, and billowing clouds shine on the sky!

Inside the stone house, the black donkey was full of energy and galloped away. The gust of wind caused ripples under the four hooves. It stepped on the tip of the wind and wanted to leave quickly, but was restrained by an invisible force. Flying, but can only walk in place.

"Stay here, I will borrow your body to regenerate a soul with true nature!"

A hoarse voice sounded, and the shaking black donkey's mind was buzzing, his brain and eyes were dazed, and he was extremely dizzy.

A yellow flame danced and flew out of the bone's eye socket, like a fiery long tongue, piercing the black donkey's eyes and entering its mind.


The black donkey only had time to let out a pitiful scream, and then his spirit died, and his soul flew away.

"Hey, it's been a long time since ancient times. In the blink of an eye, this immortal turned into a donkey when he saw the light of day again. It's sad, sad!"

The vicissitudes of the hoarse voice, with a strong color of sadness, lingered in the stone house.

The stone chair collapsed and turned into stone powder, and the bones collapsed, as if weathered in an instant, turned into bone powder and flew away.

The black donkey cheered up, stepped on the void, and headed towards the depths of the ruins!

At this time, in the dream world, Su Chen encountered big trouble.

His shoulders have long been petrified, and the speed of petrification is accelerating, spreading to the whole body.

"Su Chen..."

Leng Cangyue shouted, her eyes were full of eagerness.

"elder brother……"

"What’s wrong with you?"

Su Yan'er's tears were very low, and she burst into tears again in an instant, and the tears of her soul drifted away.

"Fairy Leng, can you save Su Chen?"

"Master Jiao, I'm exhausted and I'm at a loss for what to do."

Xiaohong spread her hands, and suddenly saw Su Chen's shadow jumping, and the old man had a sinister smile on his face.

"I wipe..."

"Old man, you have a way, don't you?"

However, Xiaohong could only see the old man's smirk, and was even devouring Su Chen's soul power, but she couldn't hear the old man's words at all.

As time passed, Su Chen's body gradually petrified, his blood stopped flowing, and his vital energy gradually dissipated.

"elder brother……"

A hysterical scream resounded through the sky, and Su Yan'er felt that the sky was about to collapse.

"Su Chen..."

Murong Xue also exclaimed, with endless sorrow surging in her heart.

"Su Chen, I don't allow anything to happen to you!"

Lin Yiyue cried, recalling the past, full of desolation!

However, Su Chen was completely petrified, as if dead, he could no longer hear the shouts of the crowd, and could no longer sense their aura.

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