I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 34 The Electric Eel In The Underground Lake

The yellow sand covers the sky and the sky is dark, and the gravel rolls and the ground is dark!

With the power of a single blow, the teleportation array fell apart!

At the same time, in the city that never sleeps, far away in the middle of the wilderness, everyone instantly exploded like ants on a hot pot!

"Oh my god, someone destroyed the desert teleportation array!"

"Go check it out, our income can't be cut off!" A man with a beard said eagerly!

Lin Yiyue and the others were frightened for a while, and they came across the void, and the teleportation array was destroyed!

While they were thankful for their luck, they also felt that it might be the masterpiece of Guardian Yang!

"Yiyue, let's go!"

Just when everyone was staring at Lin Yiyue and the eight of them, Lin Haotian suddenly hugged Lin Yiyue's waist, bit his fingertips, and forced out a drop of blood, paying homage to the space scroll, and carrying Lin Yiyue through the void And go!

"I wipe, we..."

The faces of the children of the Xue family and the Ying family turned dark instantly.

They did not prepare the space scroll, so they became the target of siege.

At this time, in the desert, Su Chen's expression was extremely solemn, and the golden silk big ring knife slashed on the ruins again frantically!

The yellow sand is flying and the sky is full of dust...

Su Chen and Xie Hufa only felt the ground shake for a while, and then, it collapsed crazily!


The waves rolled and smashed the jade, and the cool air penetrated the body and chilled the heart!


Xie Hufa exclaimed for a while!

"This is the underground lake, and now the lake has seen the light of day again!"

"The Viper escaped here!"

Su Chen grabbed Hufa Xie and swam towards the shore!

The yellow sand sinks, and the underground lake reappears. This lake has a radius of five miles!

"Hey, this place can be called a desert oasis!"

Su Chen sighed, a little helpless!

With such a large area, looking for a foot-long adder is really like looking for a needle in a haystack!

"Go ashore first, and then think of a way!"

Protector Xie almost rolled his eyes!

His cultivation base was abolished, and he quickly overdrawn his strength. In addition, the temperature of the lake was icy cold, and he couldn't hold it anymore!

At this moment, Su Chen and Xie Hufa felt their bodies go numb almost at the same time, convulsed, twitched in the water, and then sank towards the bottom of the lake!

"What's the situation?"

Su Chen was a little dazed.

Looking around, Su Chen's heart became tense in an instant!

"Yes... it's an electric eel!"

Hufa Xie felt his eyes darken, as if he saw the gate of hell. At this moment, he was really desperate!

The electric eel with four thick arms shuttled through the water and rushed towards Su Chen!

"Go to hell!"

With a loud shout, the gold-threaded big ring knife cut out a brilliant brilliance in the water, and directly chopped an electric eel in the waist!

The bright red blood spurted thinly, dyeing the icy lake red!


Su Chen pulled Hufa Xie and frantically swam towards the shore!

A purple arc spread in the water, and the two lost consciousness again, convulsed all over, and sank towards the bottom of the lake!

At this moment, the two of them were almost scared out of their wits!

Under the strong smell of blood, the surrounding fields are densely packed, and there are hundreds of electric eels frantically coming here!

The body of the electric eel, which was cut in half by Su Chen just now, existed for less than a quarter of an hour before being crazily eaten away by its own kind, leaving only two white bones!

The moment he resumed his actions, Su Chen slashed out again, grabbed Hufa Xie and fled crazily!

Seeing that the beach was right in front of them, the two were hit by the blue electric arc again and fell into the lake!

An electric eel wrapped itself around Su Chen's waist like a water snake, and the violent force almost strangled Su Chen's waist!


With one frantic bite, Su Chen's shoulder was instantly bloody!

If it wasn't for the critical moment when Su Chen resumed his actions under the stimulation of extreme pain, and frantically turned his head to the side, he would have been directly opened by the electric eel!

"damn it!"

The golden thread big ring knife clattered, and the knife went down with a swish, and the head of the electric eel rolled off!

But its body was still tightly wrapped around Su Chen's waist, even though it spurted blood, it kept shaking!

Protector Xie stood up and dragged Su Chen to the shore with great effort!

Xie Hufa collapsed immediately, lying on the yellow sand, his whole body was dizzy, and fell asleep!

Su Chen swung his saber three times in a row before finishing off the electric eel's body!


Breathing out lightly, Su Chen revealed a hint of pleasure in the afterlife!

Breathing in the air, it feels good to be alive!

In the lake, the electric eels are killing each other, as long as one is injured, the blood on his body will drive the rest of them crazy!

A series of electric arcs spread in the water, and the body of the electric eel was devoured in the blink of an eye until there was not even a scum left!

Among the figures of countless electric eels, there is a very discordant figure!

It always shuttles among the electric eels, and devours the inner alchemy of the dead electric eels between the electric light and the flint!

The roaring electric light in the water has no effect on it, it even sneaks up on other electric eels from time to time, as long as it bites down and makes the electric eels bleed, it succeeds!

"Viper, what a thief you are!"

Su Chen was speechless.

Just like that, Su Chen watched the electric eels going crazy and the vipers smashing each one, but there was nothing he could do!

"Others fish, they catch fish, shrimp, and crabs. Today, I want to be different and catch snakes!"

"Just play for excitement, play for a big one!"

Su Chen thought a lot, and finally decided to catch the viper out of the lake by fishing!

Fortunately, there are still three pheasants roasted in the black pine forest!


A golden, oily, fragrant chicken leg fell into the water!

"Boy, I won't be fooled by this king!"

Viper chuckled, even mocking Su Chen's childishness!

Vipers don't eat them, but electric eels go crazy!

Two electric eels bite the chicken leg, like a tug of war in the water, no one wants to let go!

"This king is the fisherman who benefits in the end. These wild beasts with undeveloped spiritual intelligence are all my supplements!"

Viper's saliva flowed three thousand feet, but he didn't fight for the chicken legs!

A pheasant fell into the water ten times, and was snatched clean by the electric eels!

"Viper, you coward! I don't want the child to be caught by the wolf. If you want to eat it, take a bite!"

"Guaranteed to make you linger!"

Su Chen chuckled, and the second pheasant started to fall into the water!

Chicken legs, chicken wings...

After throwing it five times in a row, Su Chen finally saw the viper move!

"Finally I can't stand the temptation!"

Su Chen was overjoyed!

After throwing away all the second pheasant, Viper just tested around, but still didn't snatch it!


As soon as the third pheasant's leg fell into the water, the adder bit it and swallowed it!


"So delicious!"

"Don't try to catch me, this king will not be a prisoner!"

Roar the Viper!

However, Su Chen didn't bird it and continued to throw the pheasant.

At this time, Su Chen is like a boy relaxing by the lake and feeding the fish!

When Viper snatched three pheasants, Su Chen felt the time was right!

A thin thread was condensed from the spiritual power of the fingertips, which turned into a hook with barbs, caught a large piece of chicken and threw it into the lake!

The electric eel bit the chicken, Su Chen shook his hands, his spiritual power dissipated, and the electric eel was not harmed!


Another piece of chicken fell into the water, Viper couldn't bear it anymore!

He opened his mouth and bit down frantically...

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