I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 37 The Incarnation Of The Red Fire Dragon Flood Dragon

Ye Wushuang's face turned black, he knew that he could no longer play happily with everyone!

"Bitch, since we act tonight, and Leng Cangyue wants to spend a wedding night in the bridal chamber, then this young master will follow suit and take you down!"

Ye Wushuang muttered in his heart, squinting at Murong Xue, he had a crazy idea in his mind!

"Young Master Ye, save yourself, we don't have teammates like you, we don't want to hand over our backs to trusted friends!"

"Besides, are you worthy of being our friend now?"

Su Yan'er stuck out her tongue, her face was full of contempt!

The anger in Ye Wushuang's heart!

"Since that's the case, then this young master will have a double flight tonight, killing two birds with one stone!"

Ye Wushuang was about to explode!

"People don't kill heaven and earth for themselves. At the critical moment, I run away by myself. It seems that there is nothing wrong!"

Ye Wushuang questioned himself, and felt that what he did was right. If he did it all over again, he would still choose that way, and even kill one of them directly, so as to escape!

The atmosphere was very dull, and no one knew when the man transformed into a red fire dragon would come!

Waiting is the most annoying and stressful process!

At this time, Viper Xiaohui led Su Chen and Xie Hufa through the yurt-like sand dunes, and appeared in a grand canyon!

The cliffs on both sides are all piled up by solidified yellow sand!

"right here!"

"In the depths of the canyon, there is a hot spring. The sun shines high at noon, and the spring water is the warmest. At that time, the lotus on the other side of the sun will come out of the water, and the lotus will stick out of the water to absorb the essence of the sun!"

Xiao Hui introduced.

"As long as all the spirits in the world are guarded by spirit beasts, are there no spirit beasts here?"

Xie Hufa was a little puzzled, looked at Xiao Hui, and suddenly his eyes lit up!

"You are also a spirit beast, is this the place you guard?"

Xie Hufa continued to ask!

"Okay, protector Xie, if you don't work hard, just shut your fly mouth!"

Su Chen said angrily.

The Grand Canyon is very long, along the way, full of dry cracks!

Occasionally there are centipedes and lizards, which make people feel scalp numb!

"The hot spring is shining brightly in front of us. It's noon, the sun is shining brightly, and it's the most vigorous time when the lotus blooms on the other side of the sun!"

Xiao Hui is a little anxious!

"Someone has been here!"

Looking at the footprints on the yellow sand, Su Chen was puzzled.

According to Viper, this is the deepest part of the desert, where there are few people and the aura is thin, so it is impossible for anyone to set foot there!

"Smells good!"

Xiao Hui was intoxicated for a while!

"It's a woman's scent. There used to be women here!"

Xiao Hui smiled lightly, as if she didn't believe her nose, but the woman's fragrance did exist!

"Could it be that the red fire dragon has attracted a beautiful woman?"

Xiao Hui muttered, but the voice clearly fell into Su Chen's ears!


Holding Xiao Hui's seven inches tightly, Su Chen stared straight at the Viper, "Explain clearly, what is the Red Fire Dragon?"

Xiao Hui had no choice but to tell Su Chen the truth!

"Aren't you cheating on me?"

"How can I beat the monsters in the Immortal King Realm?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to reflect the sun on the other side!"

The anger in Su Chen's heart, fortunately, it's not too late to turn around now.

"let's go!"

Su Chen turned around and was about to leave!

Xie Hufa's face was ashen, and he was disappointed as much as he hoped. At this moment, he was really disheartened, and he sat down on the dry yellow sand, feeling hopeless!

"If you don't go, you can stay by yourself!"

Su Chen smiled wryly, given him ten thousand courage, even nine lives, he wouldn't dare to provoke the monsters in the Immortal King Realm!

Su Chen doesn't want to make trouble, but trouble always comes unexpectedly!

Just when Su Chen turned around and walked ten feet away, an unparalleled coercion enveloped him.

The void is imprisoned, and space-time and time seem to have become eternity!

Su Chen didn't move at all, as if he had been cast with a freeze spell, and he seemed to be a statue, frozen in the Grand Canyon forever!

"Someone actually found this king's territory!"

"Want to make the idea of ​​Yingri Bianhe? It depends on whether you have the life to get it!"

With a loud shout, it was like thunder, and Su Chen's seven orifices were shocked to bleed!

A middle-aged man stepped on the flames, but his whole body was sprayed with thick mist, floating forward!

"Today is really a bumper harvest!"

"Your meat seems unusual, it smells like a blood python!"

"Haha, tonight, this king will not only have a wedding night in his bridal chamber, but also have a full meal!"

The middle-aged man chuckled, squinted at Xie Hufa, and frowned again!

"This king knows, you must want to use this fairy grass to heal your wounds!"

"Tonight, you should be a witness. Tomorrow, this king will reward you with a lotus seed. From then on, you will be my servant!"

The middle-aged man seems to be in a good mood, his face is full of smiles, it seems that he has never had a trace of trouble!

From the beginning to the end, the middle-aged people did not notice the existence of Xiao Hui.

The moment Su Chen turned around, Xiao Hui flew and landed on Su Chen's head, his body turned upside down, as if putting a gray hat on Su Chen!

If you don't look carefully, you won't even notice that it's a snake!

Since Xiao Huizhao returned to before liberation, its aura has disappeared!

The next moment, the middle-aged man waved his hand, walked on the waves, and brought Su Chen and Xie Hufa to the center of the hot spring!

Here, the golden light is shining, and the glow is transpiring!


Su Chen felt as if he was traveling through the void, and landed in a slightly luxurious palace!

"Su Chen..."

Leng Cangyue let out an exclamation, and immediately rushed forward.

"You... what did you do to Su Chen?"

Seeing Su Chen dying, as if he had no life, Leng Cangyue burst into anxiety!

"It's nothing, the coercion is too strong, he seems to have collapsed and passed out!"

"Hey, you humans are like that."

"So what about the Immortal Venerable? This king is invincible all over the world, and I feel lonely at the top!"

"Queen, do you know him?"

The middle-aged people feel a little upset!

"He is my husband. If he dies, I will go with him too."

Leng Cangyue cried loudly, with a look of choice in her eyes.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited!"

"The king will let him go now, and he will heal his wounds. From then on, he will be my friend, and I will satisfy him with everything he eats, drinks, and scatter, how about it?"

The anger in the hearts of middle-aged people.

"Queen, I will send him to the city that never sleeps now, and give him a drop of my king's blood!"

The middle-aged man has made up his mind, but he wants to appease Leng Cangyue in face!


The middle-aged man directly took Su Chen out of the palace and appeared in the Grand Canyon!

"It's really bad luck!"

"Since you have a husband and wife relationship with him, then this king will kill you and make her give up completely!"

"By the way, this king has a secret technique!"

"Do you think this king has cultivated to the realm of transformation?"

"Ha ha……"

The middle-aged man showed a ferocious face!

The breath changed, and in the blink of an eye, the middle-aged man revealed his body!

The body is thirty-three feet tall, and the skin is as red as magma!

The eyes are like copper bells, the ears are like fans, and the five claws are slender like heavenly pillars!

This is the Red Fire Dragon Flood Dragon, fighting for hegemony in the water and inferior to the Heavenly Dragon!

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