I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 4 The Murong Family Slapped The Face, Fake Su Chen Went Into Battle

Taking big strides, facing the humid morning dew, the Patriarch headed towards the back mountain of Chuanyun City!

"Patriarch, people from the Murong family are here!"

The Patriarch stepped out of the door with his front foot, but was held back by the housekeeper!


"They came before dawn?"

"Murong's old Patriarch said that it was the first time for the new daughter-in-law to enter the father-in-law's house, and she couldn't see the light, so she came early, and let Murong Xue leave the gate of my Su's house when the first ray of sunshine shines!"

The housekeeper was a little anxious, Patriarch Murong brought two followers, a group of four people were drinking tea in the living room!

"What are you talking about? What do you mean you can't see the light?"

"This isn't stealing. He married a daughter from the Murong family, so he didn't dare to be aboveboard?"

The Patriarch was very puzzled.

"Patriarch Murong said that we are not married yet. Seeing the light at this time will have an impact on future happiness. For the sake of future generations, we can only temporarily not see the light. Please forgive me, Patriarch!"

The housekeeper was full of black threads, he never thought that the Murong family would come at this time!

At this moment, there are still two hours before the first ray of sunshine falls!

"Go, go and see!"

The head of the family was in a calm state of mind, without the slightest panic, Su Chen didn't come back, and he also had countermeasures!

In the living room, Patriarch Murong was leisurely, with a smile on his lips. Beside him, Murong Xue was wearing a purple dress with a soft light yellow veil. Cold and dusty temperament!

"Oh, Mr. Murong, I'm sorry for being late. I apologize for being late!"

As soon as he entered the living room, Patriarch Su laughed and stepped forward, stretching out his hand, but he didn't even touch Patriarch Murong's sleeve!

"We are distinguished guests, but you don't come to greet us, don't you want this marriage?"

"I imagined that you should have stayed up all night and made intensive preparations. Now, we are here, and you are still sleeping!"

The head of the Murong family is neither salty nor bland, his words are full of dissatisfaction with the Su family!

"That's wrong. In order to welcome Xue'er, I arranged it three days in advance!"

Patriarch Su's nose was ashamed, but he was still flattered and full of aura!

"Come on, bring Miss Yan'er up."

Patriarch Su clapped his hands and called out.

Since they are here to learn martial arts, then don't talk nonsense, just climb the other party off, and leave.


Not long after, Su Yan'er came slowly. Her heart was extremely nervous. She knew that Su Chen hadn't come back. She was fighting for Su Chen. You have to bite the bullet and go on!

"Patriarch Murong, isn't it a competition? Let the little girl replace Su Chen. Spirit Qi, 8th Duan, is a bit worse than Su Chen!"

Patriarch Su chuckled, and made a gesture of invitation to Patriarch Murong!

"Su Uncle, let Su Chen come!"

"Let a wild girl come to compete with me?"

"You don't care too much about me!"

Murong Xue was a little displeased, her voice was soft, and she smiled lightly.

"Patriarch Su, what about Su Chen, don't say that the genius of your Su family hasn't woken up yet!"

Patriarch Murong stood up, let out a ferocious aura, and with a bang, Su Yan'er was sent flying!

In an instant, Su Yan'er vomited blood, and it seemed that she would not survive!


The Su family took the initiative and was furious!

The cultivation base of the master realm is soaring, so he is going to attack Patriarch Murong!

"Patriarch Su, do you dare to attack me?"

"Try to move me?"

"As long as you slap me, my Murong family will regret the marriage immediately, and your Su family will become a dog in the water in Chuanyun City!"

Patriarch Murong straightened his chest, his aura was imposing, and there was a hint of a smile on the corner of his mouth!


"Don't you! You are too angry, Patriarch Su, please invite Su Chen out."

"Let him compete with the little girl. If Su Chen deserves the title of genius, a couple of months later, a couple enters the bridal chamber. If he loses to the little girl, hehe, I'm sorry, I, the Murong family, are willing to pay a part of the price and give the page of the engagement to him." Burn it, and from now on, the well water of our two families will not interfere with the river water!"

"Of course, the breaking of the contract must be done without anyone noticing, otherwise, where will you put the old face of the Su family?"

Patriarch Murong took a sip of strong tea and said it lightly!

"Why, don't you understand me?"

"Or is it that Su Chen doesn't dare a man to stand up and accept the challenge?"

Patriarch Murong showed a bleak smile.

In fact, he bribed Su Xuan to give Su Chen the third-grade Tian Tian Pill!

Moreover, tonight he also received Su Xuan's letter from Flying Pigeon!

So, now, Patriarch Murong's expression is calm, not surprised by favor or humiliation.

Because, he has already made up his mind on the Su family. After today, the Su family will definitely be ruined!

"Patriarch, I'm back!"

Just when the Patriarch of the Su family was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot and couldn't think of a countermeasure, a figure, like stepping on the tip of the wind, floated down in the middle of the living room!

"Su... Su Chen..."

The Patriarch of the Su family was taken aback for a moment, and he could tell that the person in front of him was Su Xuan, who just used a little disguise technique, even though the faces were similar, the aura was still too different!

"Su Chen, you are finally here!"

"The ugly thing is the first, I have broken through the ninth stage of spiritual energy, successfully condensed spiritual power, and become a qualified cultivator!"

Murong Xue chuckled, and poking out her slender palm, a golden eagle was condensed out of thin air!


There was a faint eagle cry, and Su Xuan's complexion turned pale!

"Spirit Transformation Realm?"

"Isn't this cheating me?"

"If I had known this, I wouldn't have given Su Chen the Tian Tian Pill!"

In an instant, Su Xuanhui's intestines turned green.

However, at this time, he is Su Chen, and he is in a dilemma!

"Chen'er, let's make a move. Although defeat is glorious, my Su family cannot live in humiliation!"

The Patriarch of the Su family smiled wryly, he could see that today, the Murong family came to regret the marriage.



Su Xuan hesitated, if he didn't make a move, he would be seriously injured!

After thinking twice, Su Xuan decided to tear off the human skin mask and confess the matter.

In short, Su Chen should have fallen off a cliff and never came back.

At that time, he could hear the blood python's monstrous wailing!

"Su Chen, are you still a man?"

"Don't even have the guts to fight against me? Why do you marry me?"

Just when Su Xuan was hesitating, sound waves exploded in his ears!

Immediately afterwards, a slender palm brought a whistling palm wind, and slammed down on Su Xuan's face fiercely!

"I wipe..."

Su Xuan's reaction was amazing!

On the spot, he turned his back to the sky, lay down straight on the ground, and avoided the dignified palm!

A carp straightened up, straightened its chest, and looked at Murong Xue in fear.

"Xue'er, if you can move your mouth, try not to move your hands!"

Su Xuan smiled wryly.

"Coincidentally, this fairy can do it!"

With a soft shout, a chain of unparalleled spiritual power streaked across the void, bound towards Su Xuan!

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