I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 48 One Stone Stirs Up A Thousand Waves

The azure blue enchantment is vibrant, like a thick layer of plastic.

With a light touch, it makes a dull buzzing sound!

Under the barrier, those copper-bell-like pupils stared directly at Su Chen with a thick fire light!


Just when Su Chen exclaimed, the enchantment under his feet was like ice meeting the bright sun, slowly melting, and suddenly disappeared!

Su Chen only felt that his feet were empty, and his whole body instantly fell into the void, and landed on the dark red land with scorching heat again!


There was a beast roar, followed by a jet of fire snake as thick as a bucket, piercing Su Chen's face!

The heat wave swept across, and Su Chen felt as if his whole body was going to be scorched!

Huo Ling was full of energy, and retreated quickly, staggered under his feet, and was knocked down by a crimson spar!

The fiery snake swept down and pierced Su Chen's thigh!

"I wipe..."

Su Chen was shocked. At the critical moment, he split his legs suddenly, and a horse with the word "one" came to avoid the attack of the fire snake!

At this moment, big beads of sweat rolled down, and Su Chen's back was already wet with cold sweat!


There was another beast roar, and the magma in the magma lake was shaking!

Only then did Su Chen see the monster in front of him clearly!

It has dragon horns on its head, its shape is like a deer, its body is covered with colorful scales, its hooves are like horseshoes, its tail is like that of an ox, it can breathe out fire, and its sound is like thunder.

"Auspicious Beast, Qilin?"

The word "Qilin" suddenly flashed in Su Chen's mind!


There was another loud roar, and a fiery snake spurted out, attacking Su Chen's chest!

"I rub, is this the rhythm of being roasted?"

Su Chen was speechless for a while, feeling terrified in his heart!

At this moment, without the protection of the immortal artifact, how could he deal with a Qilin?

Only on the run!

Looking back calmly, Su Chen's face paled in an instant!

There is no way, and there is a cliff three feet high in front of it, and there is hot magma below the cliff!

I heard ghosts crying and howling gods, and the waves of fire billowed high!

At this moment, Su Chen panicked!

There was Qilin before the magma, how did he escape and ascend to heaven at this time?

Qilin approached step by step, and Su Chen could even hear his heartbeat thump, thump, thump, like a drum!

"Blast me!"

The only thing Su Chen can do is to make the only 20 pills in his hand explode!

Before, the Qingyun Sect Master robbed Su Chen of course the space treasure, these 20 elixir, Su Chen kept in his pocket at any time, in case of emergencies, thus escaped Qing Sect Master's clutches.


The loud noise shook the sky, the mushroom cloud was transpiring, the heat wave was rushing, and the endless dust mixed with the flames drowned Qilin!

Su Chen turned over, and with the cover of dust, he left in a hurry!

However, just as he walked through the thick dust, before he had time to run to the place where the barrier broke, he was grabbed by his ankle by a claw and lifted upside down!


The dull roar poured in from the top and came out through the body, almost shaking Su Chen's true spirit away!

"Are you going to die?"

Su Chen felt a burst of sadness!

"There are many ways to die, why am I always devoured by spirit beasts?"

Su Chen was speechless!

Before, outside the cold pool, he was swallowed up by a blood python!

In the desert, if it wasn't for the agreement with the Viper, it would have become the Viper's dinner!

In the desert canyon, he was almost swallowed alive by the red fire dragon!

Every time, Su Chen's luck was overwhelming and he saved the day!

What about this time?

You can't be so lucky all the time, can you?

Seeing Qilin open his bloody mouth, Su Chen finally despaired!

Only then did he discover that death is also a kind of relief!

Watching Xuepen bite down, Su Chen smiled, closed his eyes, and showed a relieved face!

After a long time, Su Chen didn't feel any pain and her breathing was still smooth!

Opening his eyes gently, Su Chen was instantly shocked by the scene in front of him!

The auspicious beast Qilin disappeared, and was replaced by a broken token, which echoed with the token in his body!

"It turned out to be a magic token!"

Su Chen's hanging heart finally let go!

Gently reaching out and grabbing the broken token fragments, Su Chen burst into joy.

The token is worth nine points, and now I get four pieces of fragments, which is really a stroke of luck!

The rays of the sun were dense, and the fragments of the token buzzed and melted into Su Chen's chest!

"How to make the token manifest?"

Su Chen was a little puzzled, the token was clearly on his body, but he couldn't see it, touch it, or even sense its existence!

Shaking his head slightly, he walked towards the broken gap in the barrier!

At this moment, by the edge of the cold pool, the patriarch of Qingyun Sect looked ashen!

"The duck with its mouth is flying!"

The suzerain was frantic for a while. After thousands of years, there was finally a sliver of news about the unknown guest, but he left in such a grandiose manner!

"Are you sure Su Chen was swallowed by the blood python?"

The suzerain squinted his eyes and looked at the three protectors. The coercion of the Immortal Venerable Realm was overwhelming, and the three protectors knelt on one knee, dripping with cold sweat!

"I'm sure, I've seen it with my own eyes, there will be no fakes!"

The three protectors were fierce, and without the slightest hesitation, they drank loudly!

"The blood python, the Immortal King Realm, is about to cross the catastrophe and transform into a dragon, suzerain, we can't mess with it!"

The third protector smiled wryly, and his face turned pale. Obviously, he had more or less suffered some internal injuries from resisting the coercion of the suzerain abruptly!

"Let's go back to the sect!"

"Pay close attention to the movement here, as long as the blood python survives the catastrophe, I will kill it invisible with an immortal weapon!"

The suzerain threw down a sentence, stepped on the auspiciousness, and flew away into the air!


The third protector opened his mouth, and the bright red blood spurted wildly!

"Sooner or later, I will take revenge. I will kill my father and kill my father. Sect Master Qing, I will ruin your reputation. I will extract your soul, refine lamp oil, and light sky lanterns for a hundred years!"

The three protectors sneered at the corners of their mouths, and secretly said cruelly!

"Sovereign, what about Su Chen?"

As soon as Sect Master Qing returned to Xulong Mountain, Qing Yunfei asked eagerly!


"How did he die? Where is the body? I will cut off his neck and head, and go to the desert to pay homage to the little eagle's spirit in heaven!"

Qing Yunfei's face was full of ferocity, almost going crazy!

"Are you questioning me?"

"Su Chen is in the belly of the blood python, and it won't be long before he will be photographed as poop!"

"You have the ability, but you are looking for someone from the blood python! This suzerain has no time to talk nonsense with you!"

Sect Master Qing was very upset, even though Qingyun Sect was his own son, he didn't give him a good face!

Flying forward and stepping into the hall, Sect Master Qing was stunned for a moment!

The main hall is empty, where is the figure of Sect Master Tian?

"ran away?"

"how is this possible?"

The master of Qingyun Sect was a little confused!

"Sovereign, it's not good. There are rumors that you have obtained the inheritance of the unknown guest. Now, the Yunluan Sect of the Southern Region, the Sect Master Yun, the Zijin Sect of the Western Region, the Sect Master of the Purple Sect, and the Sect Master of the Hunyuan Sect of the Central Region. Immortal Venerable, plus the five guardian elders from Wuling Academy, all came to Qingyunzong!"

Just when Sect Master Qing was extremely depressed and angry, the chief protector of Qingyun Sect came in panic, full of black lines, and said!

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