I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 68 I Am Very Satisfied With This Knife

"Who are you?"

"To make friends with me, you have to be strong!"

Su Chen didn't take it seriously, and yelled in a disgraceful way.

"It's over, this kid is dead!"

"Yes, he's dead, he doesn't even give the sword king face, I really don't know if he is really stupid or fake!"


All of a sudden, everyone was talking about it, and they all looked like they were watching a show and gloating!

"Dude, do you know who I am?"

"Embarrass me? It doesn't matter what dick alchemist you are, just cut it off!"

Swordsman Liu Yidao was furious. In the city that never sleeps, the mention of his name would scare the crap out of everyone, not to mention embarrassing him!

Back then, the sword king blood slaughtered the demons for 100,000 miles, which became an invincible myth in Tianyu Continent. It was only because the sword king didn't bother to join the five major sects that he was at ease in the city that never sleeps.

"Sword King, for my sake, don't argue with him. A pharmacist, naturally has arrogance, arrogance, and a temper. It is natural to run into you. You are a generation of heroes, don't be as knowledgeable as him!"

Seeing the king of swords getting angry, the sword god Mo Wenjian naturally wanted to stand up for Su Chen, otherwise, what he just said was farting?

"Hmph, back then you and I had a decisive battle against Zixiao Mountain. After a month, it was hard to tell the difference. Now, I have mastered my sword skills, and at worst I will fuck my mother!"

The sword king was so angry that he had the intention of strangling Su Chen to death!

"Little friend, he is the king of swords, and he is also one of the best in the city that never sleeps. Why don't you give him some face and give him one more friend and one more way!"

The sword god smiled wryly, if he really wanted to turn against the sword king, the price would be quite high.


"How much is face worth?"

"Do you have more face than the two of them?"

"I don't care about you because you let them go, so I recognize you as a friend!"

Su Chen pointed at Lin Yiyue and Su Yan'er, said carefreely and confidently.


The sword king was so angry that his lungs exploded!

On the side, Su Yan'er and Lin Yiyue were terrified, not knowing how to persuade Su Chen.

Murong Xue's face twitched even more. She understood that Su Chen was not disrespecting the sword king, but humiliating herself.

Murong Xue sighed softly, feeling sore in her heart, the thing had already happened, and it was useless to regret it.

It's a pity that the marriage contract on that page is no longer counted, and the Patriarch of the Su family's injury does not know when it will get better.

"Sword God, step aside, today's matter can only be resolved with the knife in your hand!"

"Boy, as long as you don't die after receiving a knife, let's forget about today's matter."

The sword king shouted angrily, he was very confident in his own sword, with one strike, ghosts and gods would kill him, not to mention the low-level ants in front of him!

"Okay, I promise!"

"You have full confidence in your own knife, and I also have great hopes for my elixir."

"Come on, you are the Immortal King. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, I hope that what you say is like a nail. You are a man, not a difficult woman!"

Su Chen didn't think so, and slammed back fiercely, making the knife king feel a burning pain on his face.

"Go to hell!"

The king of swords shouted loudly, his swords were flying...

"and many more!"

Su Chen waved his hand and stopped the sword king.

"The sword has no eyes, let's go to the wide place over there, so as not to hurt innocent people."

Su Chen waved his hands, smiled mysteriously, and walked towards an open field not far away.

"This house belongs to underpants again!"

On Lin Yiyue's chest, Xiaohong poked her head out and said with a sneer.

"What's the meaning?"

"How can a person have pants?"

Lin Yiyue was speechless and confused.

"What's in the pants? Of course it's pretend!"

Xiaohong had a helpless face, full of contempt.

In an instant, Su Yan'er burst out laughing.

"Xiaohong, explain to me what does it mean when an old tree is rooted and hung upside down with a golden hook?"

Su Yan'er asked.


"It can only be understood but not expressed in words, just like piling, you can only understand it by yourself!"

Lin Yiyue was convinced, she felt that if this red fire dragon dragon transformed into a form, it would definitely be suave and suave, like a rascal!

At this time, on the wide ground, Su Chen carried his right hand on his back, and stretched his left hand forward. His horse stance was tied up and he was ready.

"Fuck me, with bare hands, are you going to take the knife from the king of swords?"

"This kid is truly unprecedented, the best in the world!"

Everyone praised, the one with the thumbs up is called a tall one.

"Let's say it first, after the knife is over, I can consider becoming friends with you! The premise is that your knife must satisfy me."

"Haha, are you asking me to release water in disguise? It's too late!"

The sword king was furious, if he released the water at this time, wouldn't it mean that he was afraid of Su Chen?

Or in order to get Su Chen's approval?

Did you get angry just now? Don't want the title of sword king?

Therefore, no matter what, the sword king must go all out to kill Su Chen!

"You can think that if you let go, big brother will be very dissatisfied, and big brother will not be friends with someone who has no strength."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar!

"This guy, don't you leave yourself a way out?"

"Young and frivolous!"

"A pharmacist is such a bullshit!"


A group of people who eat melons are talking about it, and no one is optimistic about Su Chen!

"Go to hell!"

The king of swords was angry, his sword clanged, and he slashed out with one blow!

The raging wind covered the sky and the sky was dark, and the sword glow covered the ground!

The wind blows the sky and the earth is dark, and it is good at blowing ghosts and gods!

The sword glow mixed with the strong wind, drowned Su Chen in an instant!

And just when everyone thought that Su Chen was bound to die and turned into scum, an incomparable explosion suddenly exploded!

The tall mushroom cloud soared to a height of thirty feet, causing the five-element barrier above the Nightless City to shake for a while, auspiciously shining, and automatically running!


Everyone's eyes widened.

"Knife King, when did you learn this trick!"

The Sword God swallowed a mouthful of saliva, if it fell on him, he would definitely not be able to handle it.

"No...it's not me..."

The sword king's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief!

After a long time, the wind dissipated, the mushroom cloud calmed down, and the dust settled. Everyone clearly saw a large pit with a depth of eight feet emerging, and Su Chen was standing leisurely at the bottom of the pit, smiling innocently at everyone!

"I wipe..."

The sword king was stunned for a moment.


The sword king was full of doubts, his sword was clanging, and he was about to make another cut, but was held down by the sword god!

"Sword King, under the watchful eyes of everyone, you have to keep your word, you can't..."

Sword God reminded through sound transmission.

"Hehe, not bad, this knife, I like it!"

"I am very satisfied with this knife!"

"You friend, I made it!"

Su Chen leaped out of the big pit, flicked his fingers, and three streamers of light flew out, falling into the hands of the sword king.

The sword king took a closer look and saw that there were three fourth-rank elixirs.

"What? Don't you think it's too little?"

Su Chen smiled and tossed out a handful of them. He had a total of 20 pills, all of which were fourth-grade elixirs.

"Good guy, my sword king is not a small-bellied person, so I will make you my friend!"

Dao Wang patted Su Chen on the shoulder and laughed.

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