I Never Rely On My Dantian For Cultivation

Chapter 90 Reincarnation Appears On The Reincarnation Circuit, How Can Ghosts See Living People

"Xiaoxiao, do you still know me?"

The stone statue chuckled, and turned its head suddenly, revealing five hideous faces.

A face is golden in color, shining golden light, like a human face made of pure gold. It has eyes but no pearls. The eye sockets seem to be golden bottomless pits. When the eyelids are raised, the sword energy is sharp and splits the void.

A face, extremely emerald green, green glow rising, full of a strong breath of life, between the nostrils, the breath flies, like a hurricane passing through, plundering all the vitality.

The third face was covered with azure blue, surrounded by thick water mist, making people unable to see the true face of the face, only a long nose was seen protruding from the water mist, and between breaths, The sound is like the roar of a long river, the rumbling sound makes one's scalp tingle.

The fourth face was extremely red and distorted, like a flame slowly burning, seemed to be full of endless resentment, between the opening and closing of the mouth, the fire was steaming, and the black smoke rose to the sky.

The last face exudes a strong old-fashioned air, thick, dull, and the breath of soil is lingering in the void.

The mouth is open, rustic, but with endless cold air, it seems that it can swallow tons of yellow sand in one mouthful, burying all life.

The five faces are combined with the five elements, and the five elements are rippling and the fire is eternal.

The liver and eyes can make the heart fire vigorous, and the heart fire commands the spleen and earth to be flat.

The spleen produces gold and water, and the water can produce wood and psychic.

Life, biochemistry, and chemistry are all due to fire, and the fire burns through the sky, and thousands of bones wither.

The five-faced demon king shakes a foreign land, but it is difficult for Su Chen to climb the five-faced mountain.

"The five faces represent the five elements, and the five elements are endless. We seem to be in big trouble."

Su Chen smiled wryly. Ever since the Broken Token lost against the Purple Gold Scorpion, Su Chen seemed to have lost his backbone and confidence.

At this time, the voice of the fairy is soaring, if there is nothing, people can't hear it clearly.

"Brother Su Chen..."

Su Yan'er was a little dazed, grabbing Su Chen's arm, sleepy.

"No, this is the usual method of the multi-faced demon. It is a silent and silent method of instigating the soul. The soul is separated under the instigating song. Everyone hold your breath and concentrate. Don't be confused by him."

The ant king exclaimed, it has no powerful cultivation base, and now it has no equal right to speak in the face of the multi-faced monster, and it is very likely to become the ration of the multi-faced monster.


Su Chen was taken aback, and called out vigorously, even shaking Su Yan'er's shoulder lightly.

However, Su Yan'er fell into a drowsy sleepiness, and finally collapsed into Su Chen's arms.

Immediately afterwards, a solid soul body floated out of Su Yan'er's body, looking in all directions in a daze.

"Brother, what's wrong with me?"

"How did I see my body?"

"elder brother……"

"help me……"

The soul and body drank loudly.

On the fifth face of the multi-faced monster, there was a thick rustic atmosphere, and an unparalleled suction bloomed, attracting Su Yan'er's soul.

"Come on, come on, send you reincarnation!"

There was a hint of indifference in the hoarse voice.

"Everyone has regrets."

"As a human being, it is impossible to look back and relive the path you have traveled."

"It's human, and everyone wants to take regret medicine. But is there any in the world?"

"Come on, come on, only reincarnation can calm regrets, only reincarnation can make up for past injuries!"

There was a faint smile on that rustic face, the earth was steaming, and a path was paved, bright and dim light bloomed, twists and turns, drowsy, really like the cycle of reincarnation in the underworld!

"elder brother……"

With a loud shout, Su Yan'er's soul stepped onto the cold path.

Su Chen waved his hand, and the dragon's hand pierced through the air, trying to catch the dead man.

But he grabbed the air with his palm and caught a handful of air.

The broken tokens shone with golden light and gaudy rosy clouds, and the chains flew over, but they directly passed through Su Yan'er's soul body, floating in the air without being bound by anything.

"how so?"

Su Chen was stunned, Xianxia who played the token lost again, making Su Chen's heart skip a beat.

At this time, Su Yan'er seemed to be traveling in the void, in the past and in the future, like an image cast by the future time and space, which can be seen but not touched.


Su Chen became anxious, let go of Su Yan'er's body, and jumped up into the air, heading towards the dimly lit path.

A bright blade light cut through the void and cut straight on the path.

The void was filled with light, and ripples were scattered in all directions. The knife glow directly passed through the path, and then smashed on the ground, causing dust to fly in the air.

"One sword kills ghosts and gods, and the second sword shatters time and space!"

The sword god is full of energy and spiritual power, and a golden long sword is condensed.

With a crisp sound, the air was blasted abruptly.

With a faint sword light, he headed towards the path.

Layers upon layers, space distorted, Jian Guang didn't turn up the slightest wave, just drifting like that, going up against the sky, and submerged into the sky.

With the second sword, there was a crackling sound in the void, and it continued to shatter. The power of space along the way seemed to pulverize everything.

However, the high-spirited sword that cut through time and space still did not have the slightest impact on Xiaolu.

"Damn it, what the hell is this?"

"This king feels dizzy, and wants to leave the demon spirit."

Xiaohong's whole body twitched, and the dragon roar shook the sky.

With a sound of swish, Xiao Hong got into Murong's chest and fell into a coma.

Viper also became dizzy for a while, as if about to hibernate.

"Su Chen..."

Leng Cangyue shouted, jumped up, and chased after Su Chen's footsteps.

On the dark and cold path, the whirlwind blows people's guts, and the chill blows through the bones.


Su Chen's blood was boiling, and every inch of his skin was glowing with bright flames, gushing out waves of heat, resisting the oncoming severe cold!

He found that the distance between himself and Su Yan'er was getting farther and farther away, as if they were hundreds of miles away!

"Samsara appears on the reincarnation circuit, how can ghosts see living people?"

"It's a truth to separate Yin and Yang, and it's easy to lose your soul when you meet each other!"

The five-faced demon chuckled lightly on the side exuding a strong rustic air, opened his mouth, the rustic air was reeking, and the cold aura became stronger!

In an instant, Su Chen felt his body lighten, and then saw a perfect body floating down!


Su Chen froze, raised his hand slightly, and saw that it was his soul arm.


Not being able to control that much anymore, Su Chen floated up, as if teleporting, and arrived in front of Su Yan'er in an instant.

"elder brother……"

Su Yan'er shouted, tears in her soul.

"Let's go, let's leave this evil place!"

Su Chen's face was solemn, and he turned around suddenly, and found that the way he came from had long since disappeared, and there was endless darkness under his feet, like an abyss, with a palpitating atmosphere.

Behind them, there was a faint path, and a blue light suddenly appeared, which seemed to guide their way forward.

In the rear, Leng Cangyue's body also trembled, her body drifted away, and her condensed soul body went up against the sky, following Su Chen.

"His weakness is the neck below five sides."

The ant king shouted, it really couldn't bear the all-pervasive dementia.

The Sword God's face was solemn, without any hesitation, he cut the five-faced monster's neck with a sword against the sky.

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