At this moment, in Nuoda's training room, a group of members are sitting there quietly.

They are not training, but are watching Luo Hao's live broadcast.

However, at this time, several people also showed confusion on their faces.

"How did this wave just work?"

"How do I feel that his technique is a bit professional?"

"If it were me in this wave just now, I'd probably have to go straight back to the spring."

"Indeed, it's hard to react at all, what did he do just now!"

Around the large TV, several players looked at each other.

Even scratching his head, he couldn't help but say, "This great god is really just a hero designer, not a professional player."

Soon, when everyone was still talking: The whole game progressed very quickly! Sun Wukong, who was on the line with Luo Hao, had already died ten times now, and he almost hung up! After playing for a long time, even Luo Haorui Wen's clothes corner: I haven't touched it at all! And the remaining eight people are like a robot that can only play 666! This time, it's a bit embarrassing to get Sun Wukong! After all, I wanted to install a pen before, I didn't expect to be suppressed so badly! "Everyone, this game can be over."

Luo Hao moved the mouse to the position of the big dragon, and under the illumination of his eyes, he found that the five people on the opposite side were stealing the dragon.

All water friends: ""

After hearing Luo Hao finish speaking, the entire live broadcast room was filled with question marks.

They couldn't see at all that Luo Hao had five people 5 opposite him, and it was obvious that he had started to get serious.

It is estimated that he wants to win Luo Hao a game, go back and brag.

Looking at the overall situation, Luo Hao is the most passive now! In the entire battlefield, all his teammates have died.

Therefore, only Luo Hao's Raven is left.

They couldn't understand, how could Luo Hao have such confidence in the next second.

Just at the moment when the water friends are still completely puzzled.

Luo Hao cut the screen quickly and played a song [This is a movie, the background music of Pacific Rim.

When the music is played, a majestic atmosphere is created.

In the blink of an eye, now Luo Hao has appeared at Lan! His target is the enemy five who are stealing the dragon! "My God, you are alone, aren't you courting death?"

"Father of Heroes killed Red Eye, it doesn't make sense!"

"Hey hey hey! Wait for your teammates to revive!"

"Impulse is the devil and will lose!"

When the barrage of all the water friends is still: when they are frantically brushing.

Luo Hao immediately.

Driving forward, Raven rushed out immediately! "The day the broken sword is recast, when the knight returns!"

The front of exile opened in an instant! The broken blade was pieced together again, and the broad long sword was held in Raven's hand.

When the five enemy 5 saw Luo Hao, Raven immediately.

Dodge! Immediately after dodging, Ruiwen's second-stage damage hurricane has been swung out! 1! Double kill two enemies and die on the spot! It's not over yet! At the moment of landing, Luo Hao's Ruiwen Just a stun! The remaining three people, 3, are all fixed there! Dance of Broken Wings! Ruiwen directly used the speed of light 1! At this moment, killing Luo Hao three times is completely like no one! The background music has also reached its climax at this moment! 1! After killing the Ruiwen in Luo Hao's hands four times, the scalps of everyone who has started to show off are tingling! At this time, when there is only the last monkey left, he just wants to run away.

Luo Hao's Ruiwen swooped away again, the soul roared, and the green runes burst out! 1!! Five kills! With the roar of the dragon being harvested, a beautiful wave of five kills came to an end. ! The music that followed gradually slowed down just right.

And the entire previous barrage seemed to explode in an instant after a brief silence! "Damn it, awesome, father of heroes, are you a devil!"

"What kind of speed is this, what did Raven do just now?"

"Five kills! This is the first hero's five kills!"

"I played before, and the anchor is really a Raven"

"who am i where i was and what i just saw"

"Domineering! I'm holding my thighs now, is it too late!"

All the water friends were shocked! The faces of each one sitting in front of the computer were full of astonishment! Originally, the new hero came and gave them a great surprise.

But through a show like Luo Hao today, they found that the heroes designed by Luo Hao are not so simple! Especially those big anchors who are watching the live broadcast, and professional e-sports players.

They all rubbed their eyes, completely unaware of what happened to this Nima just now! Soon, after the five kills, the normal game soon came to an end.

And when he returned to the lobby, Luo Hao now found countless reminders that he wanted to add himself as a friend.

Looking at the live broadcast room, the popularity is now as high as [-] million! Luo Hao naturally did not go offline, he thought for a while, and decided to take the water friends to the car to play! Soon, the next game will be played again. Start! This is the first part of this article, the first part of writing the actual combat operation.

Do you like it? If you don't like it, you can reduce it! The next chapter will return to the theme, please order it for the first time! Ten chapters exploded on the first day, and the author stayed up late!

073 The shock of the auditors!

Just when Luo Hao stayed all night, he was still having fun with his water friends.


In a separate office area here, dozens of employees are working overtime.

The department is busy and in full swing, and they are also in the industry here.

Dozens of people sitting in front of the computer are the reviewers of the next hero design competition.

The competition entries uploaded on the website must be reviewed.

Only after the review is successful, can it be officially posted on the Internet for netizens to vote.


Zhao Sheng, as an old employee of Tencent, is now in a drowsy state.

For several years, he has been reviewing the Hero Design Competition.

It was late in the night, and he yawned several times in a row, so sleepy that his tears flowed out.

"A year is not as good as a year, what a waste of time."

Clicking the mouse, looking at the hero design works in front of him, Zhao Sheng complained in a low voice.

Today is the day when the five heroes, the father of heroes, officially landed! He originally wanted to take a leave of absence, and he would have a good time at home.

Who would have thought that it would just hit the day when the Hero Design Competition started.


But just when he thought of this, Zhao Sheng clicked the mouse immediately.


With a hesitant voice, his eyes suddenly widened.

"Father of Heroes"

"Desert Emperor Azir"

Staring at the bottom of this design work, it is eye-catching.

Zhao Sheng was shocked, and the whole person immediately became energized! He quickly enlarged the design of the hero, and Zhao Sheng immediately.

Excited: "This hero is so handsome!"

"Father of Heroes"

"What desert emperor, the name is quite nice."

"I said Zhao Sheng, are you asleep?"

Hearing Zhao Sheng's exclamation, the surrounding reviewers all looked at him.


Hearing everyone's complaints, Zhao Sheng stood up directly, looked at the rest of his colleagues and said loudly: "Father of heroes! He really participated in this hero design competition!"

"Father of Heroes Participates in Design Competition"

A man next to Zhao Sheng almost spit out the coffee in his mouth, and asked with a questioning face: "You can't joke, how can this god be so interested in this game?"

"This is a national competition for college students, and the father of heroes is still there: I can't go to school"

"Zhao Sheng, what are you kidding!"

"In the middle of the night, are you trying to stimulate us?"

People in the entire office area also sneered, shook their heads and laughed.

"I didn't lie to you! I advise you to take a look at it first!"

Seeing that no one believed it, Zhao Sheng also hurriedly said: "If you don't read it, don't regret it, this is the latest draft of the Father of Heroes!"

Having said that, Zhao Sheng was a little more complacent.

After all, I am the one who reviewed this piece of work, and the one who saw it for the first time! "Then I'll see if it's not true!"

"Che, I still regret it, I'll see what I can do."

"You won't read it, it's a fake, bro"

Seeing that Zhao Sheng was so serious, the rest of the reviewers were a little curious.

Having said that, they all came over one after another and surrounded Zhao Sheng.

next second.

When I saw Zhao Sheng's computer screen, this drawing came from Luo Hao.

All the reviewers are messed up in the wind! Even this time, there is one reviewer who just came to complain.

He abruptly swallowed the second half of the sentence, holding back.

Got flushed.

Hiss! Everyone's heart was beating, and they couldn't help gasping for air.

I saw that the hero this time is different from Luo Hao's previous designs. It seems to be an innovation! In the design, the background is a barren desert.

This hero, he stands on the high sand dunes.

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