The old man was in trouble.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

"Brother, we are Song Junzhu's family. Can't we sign to send her to a mental hospital?"

"It's more likely that she will send you to a mental hospital."


Silence is today's reception room.

Song Junzhu left in a cool way, which made Song Yaozu and Song Xinmei mad.

The most painful thing in this world is not that you have enemies, but that you have to force yourself to smile at your enemies.

This feeling is as uncomfortable as praising the capitalist boss for being very kind.

Listening to Song Xinmei's increasingly nonsensical thoughts, Song Yaozu immediately warned: "Don't think about these miscellaneous things."

"Let alone the fact that grandma's will stipulates that we need Song Junzhu's signature to apply for more money from the trust, just think about Song Junzhu's current position in the national project."

"If she is gone, none of us will have a good ending!"

Song Xinmei nodded reluctantly.

"She is really smart. She knows that she is being targeted with the inheritance, and she still clings to the country."

Song Yaozu said unhappily: "If you want, you can cling to it, but doesn't that mean you are not smart enough?"

Hearing this, Song Xinmei was unhappy.

"Brother, what you said is meaningless. Do you think you are smart enough?"

"Why are all the intelligence genes in our family on Song Junzhu? It's really annoying."

"Besides, you cheated Song Junzhu a lot in the past, right?"

Song Yaozu was also anxious.

"At least I didn't complain to my parents that Song Junzhu hit me because she didn't write my test paper for me!"

Song Xinmei was exposed and said defensively.

"Then at least I didn't instigate boys to confess to her! And spread rumors about her everywhere so that she had no friends!"

"Yes, yes, you are noble, you didn't join the girls to exclude her!"

"How good are you? Did you tell your parents that Song Junzhu always wanted to retaliate against them?"



A quarrel with each other giving evidence officially kicked off.

Song Yaozu sneered.

"You are quite good at talking now, why didn't you say it just now?"

"If I tell her, won't she know why she was beaten so many times for no reason? And why don't you dare to say it?"

Dong, Dong, Dong.

There was a knock on the door.

The two people stopped talking for a moment, and only heard the housekeeper outside the door saying kindly.

"Two guests, do you need me to lead you to the door?"

This means to drive people away.

"Wait a minute." Song Yaozu said loudly.

The housekeeper was still calm: "Okay, sir."

Song Yaozu grabbed Song Xinmei's collar and lifted her up, saying coldly.

"We have done these childhood things, and no one should blame each other! The most important thing now is to please that crazy person, let her return to our family, and then willingly pay for it!"

Song Xinmei rolled her eyes, and her newly transplanted eyelashes were so long that they could poke people to death.

"How is it possible? She has nothing missing!"

"I think the most likely thing is that we should exercise more and try to live longer than her, and then inherit her inheritance when she dies."

Song Yaozu let go of Song Xinmei's collar and walked to the window with his hands behind his back.

"No, she lacks."

"She lacks love, she lacks warmth."

Song Xinmei still felt it was unreliable, she didn't even want to come: "Forget it, can't she just go find the warmth of love, why does she have to find family affection?"

Song Yaozu sneered.

"She is asexual at all. How could a proud person like her look down on others?!"

"Compared to her knowing what love is, I think it is more reliable for the Chinese national football team to win the World Cup."

Song Xinmei was speechless: "You are quite rude when you curse people, two at a time."

Song Yaozu felt that the slap on his face still hurt: "Fuck, this Song Junzhu is a lunatic. She was beaten when she was a child, and now she is so manic!"

"Anyway, let's go back to the capital and talk to my parents about this. Seeing Song Junzhu's attitude, I think we have to make a new plan to influence her."

Song Xinmei laughed: "She won't go back to the capital. Do we have to move our family to Haicheng?"

"It has always been the beggars from other places who go to the capital to beg. I haven't seen anyone move to Haicheng!"

The most important thing is that her social circle is in the capital. She definitely doesn't want to leave!

Song Yaozu waved his hand.

"Don't worry about this. The country has a new project recently. She will

She is one of the top talents to be invited. She will definitely return to the capital, and she will not be able to return to Haicheng for at least a year or two."

"What we need to do now is to think about how to let her let go of the past and willingly take out the money."

It is reasonable to use money to exchange for family affection, right?

People will eventually be troubled by the things they could not get when they were young.

Song Junzhu lacked family affection when she was young, so why not give her more now?

It's no big deal to hit the snake at its weakest point!


In the evening.

Master Lu, who had been writing the paper for a long time, stretched his body, and his bones were crackling.

Seeing Song Junzhu coming down from the study, Lu Xing got up and said energetically.

"Professor Song, do you want to have dinner? I'll cook tonight. "


Don't go into the kitchen again.

Okay? Okay.

These are the two words Lu Xing wants to hear the most at this moment.

Song Junzhu wore a red satin dress and a thin silver necklace on her collarbone, which made her skin look even whiter. She tied her hair up. Although she wore pearl earrings on her ears, they were not as striking as her delicate facial features.

No tricks, pure beauty.

Song Junzhu walked to the sofa next to Lu Xing, picked up the paper he had just finished, and raised her chin.

"Go to the cloakroom to change clothes, and go out for dinner tonight. "


The little man in Lu Xing's heart is celebrating!


Master Song, who has been busy all day, finally figured it out and plans to give up cooking, right?



The probability of him being killed by the food of Song Junzhu is small, but it is definitely not zero!

Looking at Lu Xing's back as he left, Song Junzhu picked up his phone and sent a message.

[We are about to go out, check everything again]


Enter the cloakroom.

Lu Xing saw the area prepared for him by Song Junzhu.


One by one, the clothes of the season, which have not been released, and may not be borrowed by celebrities for the red carpet, are placed there.

Quietly waiting for his arrival.

"Professor Song...I really underestimated you. ”

Lu Xing used the mobile phone app to randomly identify a few clothes and shoes.

“One, ten, hundred, thousand, brother, father…”

Lu Xing was already numb from counting zeros.

Woo woo woo ~~~

Lu Xing wore clothes that cost more than his life, and his defense was silently broken.

“Sister Song! If you don’t mind, I will take care of you in your old age♡(╥﹏╥) ♡”



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