The old man was very happy.

"Have I been cast into some romance series by a mud truck?"

Looking at Wei Qingyu and Xia Yeshuang in front of him, Lu Xing couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

His high school life used to be quite monotonous.

Eating, studying, Wei Qingyu.

But since the deal with Wei Laodi ended, his style in school suddenly became wrong!

When I used to be a dog beside Wei Qingyu.

I saw Xia Yeshuang talking to me!

The only few words she said were just mocking him for his rustic clothes.

"I want to talk to Lu Xing!"

Xia Yeshuang gave Wei Qingyu a provocative look, and raised her chin proudly, like a noble swan.

Wei Qingyu looked at Xia Yeshuang expressionlessly and said calmly.

"You go to queue up."

Xia Yeshuang: ? ? ?


Queue up?

"Queue up!"

Historical experience tells us that shameless people can always live better.

Xia Yeshuang didn't have any warning, and directly pulled Lu Xing's shoulder and pulled her out. When she passed by Wei Qingyu, she glared at her proudly.

"I seem to have obtained the experience card of the guy whose arm you broke."

Lu Xing pinched his shoulders helplessly, and didn't know where the little golden retriever in front of him got so much strength!

Xia Yeshuang snorted and pulled Lu Xing to the corridor.

The sun fell on her hair, as if every strand of golden hair was shining.

Lu Xing was fascinated unconsciously.

Seeing this, Xia Yeshuang raised her chin proudly, and a charming expression appeared on her beautiful face.

"Does it look good?"

Lu Xing stared at her hair, nodded wholeheartedly, and was a little stunned.

"It looks good."

It's so beautiful!!!

His first favorite color is red, which represents money.

The second favorite color is gold, which represents gold!

It's so wonderful!

This golden color is shining and directly hits Lu Xing's heart.

Xia Yeshuang is even more proud.

She knew it!

Her face must be a killer for Lu Xing, a country bumpkin!

It's just that she didn't have a good face like Lu Xing before, so he licked Wei Qingyu.

Now that she has a good face for Lu Xing, isn't Lu Xing falling in love with her like a pug?



Thinking that Wei Qingyu actually had a good face for such a person, Xia Yeshuang couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Let me ask you a question."

Lu Xing stared at her golden hair and nodded happily: "Go ahead."

He thought of it!

Although he didn't have gold, he could buy a golden wig.

It was so golden and made people happy!

"Where did you go after school yesterday afternoon?" Xia Yeshuang asked the question she cared about most.

Lu Xing looked at her in confusion.

"Do you want to be friends with me?"

Otherwise, why would you testify for him today and ask about his past movements?

Xia Yeshuang:......

"Who wants to be friends with you!"

Lu Xing was silent.

This silence angered Xia Yeshuang, and her little face was puffed up.

"I wanted to talk to you about something yesterday."

"I saw that you went into the bathroom and didn't come out. I thought you fainted in the bathroom, so I called the logistics department."

She was still thinking about a beautiful woman saving a hero!

"The teacher from the logistics department was busy in the toilet for ten minutes, and didn't even see a hair of yours!"

Later, Xia Yeshuang was severely criticized by the teacher from the logistics department for reporting a false alarm, and she was so angry that she couldn't sleep in the middle of the night yesterday!


Lu Xing felt that the arrogant little golden retriever in front of him was a little too crazy.

What does she want to do?

Lu Xing thought for a while: "I went home directly after school yesterday. Do you have something to talk to me about?"


Going home?

Xia Yeshuang looked at Lu Xing's school uniform. Maybe she recognized the wrong person in the crowd after class?

It doesn't seem impossible...

Lu Xing looked at the time: "You want to talk to me about this? If there is nothing else, I will leave."

He was too lazy to guess Xia Yeshuang's motives.

As a professional licker, he makes money by guessing the client's mind, but there is no money to guess the mind of such people.

"Don't leave!"

Xia Yeshuang grabbed Lu Xing's sleeve and asked all at once.

"I want you to never get close to Wei Qingyu again!"


Lu Xing turned around and saw Xia Yeshuang pinching the corner of his clothes, and then looked at her angry expression.

After thinking for a moment, he suddenly asked.

"Are you a lesbian?"

Xia Yeshuang

I was stunned, and after I realized what was happening, my head was buzzing with anger.

"You are the lesbian!"

Lu Xing leaned on the railing of the corridor, looked at Xia Yeshuang, and pushed his non-existent glasses.

"The scheming frog has been touching your belly! There is only one truth!"

"You must be a lesbian. You have a crush on Wei Qingyu but dare not say it, so you can only warn others to stay away from Wei Qingyu!"

It's really not easy to have a crush on someone of the same sex.

Lu Xing patted Xia Yeshuang's shoulder with some pity.

"Come on."

Xia Yeshuang's face first turned red with anger, then turned blue, and in the end she had begun to think about the possibility of giving Lu Xing two punches.

She clarified angrily.

"I don't like Wei Qingyu!"

"Then why did you come to me?"

"I want to use you to make Wei Qingyu angry!"

As soon as the voice fell, the atmosphere instantly froze.

Xia Yeshuang's mind was blank.

It's over.

It's said smoothly.

After getting the words out, Lu Xing smiled knowingly.

"I'm Wei Qingyu's licker, so you want me to lick you to make Wei Qingyu angry?"

These two words made Xia Yeshuang's heart beat violently, and her fair face was delicate and cute.

"Can you change the word!"

Lu Xing spread his hands: "Okay, but I have decided not to lick Wei Qingyu. It's useless for you to find me. There are so many people who like Wei Qingyu. Why don't you find someone with a stronger presence, such as Hu Zhongzhong?"

Xia Yeshuang glared at Lu Xing with her pretty eyes and said with disgust.

"I don't want to find that idiot!"


Lu Xing laughed.

He felt that Xia Yeshuang's way of speaking was really cool, too straightforward.

"I really can't help you with this matter. I'm leaving first. Thank you for testifying for me. I'll treat you to dinner when I'm free."

If an adult is free to come back, he will not be free in the next life.


Xia Yeshuang grabbed the corner of Lu Xing's clothes and said with gritted teeth.

"Don't you want Wei Qingyu to like you? I have a plan."

"TD unsubscribe."

Lu Xing waved his hand and said, "Let's go."

He hoped that Wei Qingyu had no feelings for him, otherwise Wei's father would tear him apart alive.


Life is still more important.

Lu Xing did not hesitate and raised his legs to leave.

Never! Never! No one has ever made Xia Yeshuang so embarrassed, her plump shirt undulated violently with anger.

Bastard! Damn bastard!

Looking at Lu Xing's back as he left, Xia Yeshuang shouted angrily.

"Don't you think I'm good-looking!"

"How much is good-looking worth?"

"I'll give you money!"


Xia Yeshuang didn't even see how Lu Xing teleported here!

The bastard's originally lazy expression suddenly became attentive, and he squeezed beside her and rubbed his hands.

"Tell me more?"

Xia Ye Shuang: ???

Lu Xing looked at Xia Ye Shuang's 40,000 yuan luxury dress and the 200,000 yuan watch on her wrist, and introduced with a bright smile.

"Do you miss your first love in a foreign country at night? Do you have a white moonlight that you can't miss?"

"We professional licking dogs have a wide range of businesses, such as licking dog business, stand-in business, etc. As long as your money is in place, I will crush any emo emotions for you! You will get a loyal and dedicated licking dog who looks up to you all the time, solves your unhappy emotions, and makes your life reach the peak of life from now on!"

"Of course, others don't have so many services. Who made me so comprehensive?"

Xia Ye Shuang was stunned in place.

Her mind was blank.

What is this bastard Lu Xing talking about?

The most important thing is...

Why is she so strangely moved!



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