The relationship between people is so wonderful.

At this moment, I said I will love you forever.

The next moment, I said forever only to express the degree.

I was sincere when I said this.

But sincerity changes in an instant.

Wen Lingxiu's plan to keep Lu Xing was completely overturned!

It was Lu Xing who reminded her.

She didn't dislike Lu Xing's past, but Lu Xing's past might have an impact on Nannan.

What if Lu Xing held a parent-teacher meeting for Nannan in the future, but met his former client at the meeting?

This possibility is small, but it is definitely not zero.

So be it.

The neon lights of the city shone into the car, and Wen Lingxiu looked through the rearview mirror to see Lu Xing and Nannan having fun.

That's it.

Her contract with Lu Xing is signed until June.

Lu Xing has the best looks, the strongest body, and the gentlest personality.

By that time.

He will be admitted to university, he will meet many new people, and he will have a new world.

And she...

will also find a new father for Nannan.

While waiting for the traffic light, Wen Lingxiu looked at Lu Xing's sunny and handsome face, a little absent-minded.

She didn't have much time to spend with Lu Xing.

Thinking of this, Wen Lingxiu sighed lightly.

She might...

She might like Lu Xing very much.

But she is already 31 years old, and she has long passed the age of being satisfied with love.

She chose Lu Xing before because he could coax Nannan.

Now she gave up Lu Xing because his past experience is no longer suitable.

Compared to liking.

Is it more important to be suitable?

She only has Nannan, and Nannan's feelings are the most important.

Wen Lingxiu glanced at the warm scene of father and daughter playing in the rearview mirror again, and always felt uncomfortable in her heart like a blunt knife cutting her flesh.

When everything is marked with a deadline, a sense of urgency follows.

Wen Lingxiu sighed again.

After Lu Xing finishes the college entrance examination, she will persuade him not to do this business anymore.

With Lu Xing's software and hardware, he will attract many... girls in college.


The next second.

An orange-flavored lollipop was unwrapped and handed to her lips, accompanied by the baby voice of Nannan.

"Mom, don't sigh! Eat candy, be happy soon!"

Wen Lingxiu looked back in surprise.

Lu Xing hugged Nannan, looked at her with a smile and raised his eyebrows.

"Try it, it's very sweet."

He didn't like sweets, but he always had candy, chocolate and tissues in his pocket.

It would always be useful.

Wen Lingxiu smiled, opened her mouth and took the lollipop on her lips.

"Very sweet."

Forget it.

After Lu Xing is admitted to university, I will give him more tuition.

It can be regarded as her... compensation.



After returning home and washing up and resting.

Wen Lingxiu held the mobile phone in her hand and said to Lu Xing who had just picked up the storybook.

"Xingxing, you read the story to Nannan first. I have something to do in the company. I will make a call."

Lu Xing blinked, made an OK gesture, and said confidently.

"Don't worry, I will definitely mess it up if you leave it to me!"


Wen Lingxiu glanced at him and left the bedroom with a smile.

Lu Xing lay on the bed, Nannan held her two little hands in her pockets, blinking and staring at him.

"Dad, what do you want to listen to tonight!"

"What does Nannan want to listen to?" Lu Xing handed the storybook to Nannan, "Let Nannan choose a story today, okay?"

Nannan took the storybook in a hurry, as if she had received a difficult task, her face wrinkled, and she began to flip through the storybook very seriously.

Lu Xing couldn't help but sigh.

It's really expensive to have a child these days. A crappy picture book dares to sell for 89? It's more expensive than a 79 eyebrow pencil!

Where did you get such a big face!

Looking at Nannan's chubby little face, Lu Xing asked with a smile.

"Is Nannan happy in kindergarten?"


Children are always full of emotions.

Lu Xing's nerves were rarely relaxed. He turned over like a pancake and asked lazily.

"Then, Nannan, remember, if you are unhappy at school, you must tell your mother when you come back!"

"If a teacher or classmate always wants to touch you, don't bear it, you must tell her when you come back!"

Lu Xing kept nagging, as if he was really an old father worrying about his daughter.


He seemed to understand Father Wei a little bit.


Nan listened to Lu Xing's chatter, suddenly looked up, blinked and asked.

"Dad, are you leaving?"


Lu Xing instantly became alert, the string in his mind instantly tightened, and he showed a professional smile.

"Dad is here."

Nannan frowned, threw away the storybook in her hand, and crawled in front of Lu Xing.

She thought for a moment, stretched out her chubby little hand to press down the arc of Lu Xing's mouth.

"Dad, your smile just now was not good-looking."

How is it possible?

Every smile of his was practiced countless times in front of the mirror, how could it not be good-looking!

"That must be Dad getting old, woo woo, Nannan grew up, and Dad started to get old."

Lu Xing tried to get away with it by playing the victim.

Nannan shook her head and said seriously.

"Dad's eyes are not smiling."

Lu Xing was stunned.

He underestimated the child.

It's too wrong.

Dereliction of duty.

This is a serious dereliction of duty!

How can a child see it?

Such a failure!

Nannan stuffed herself into Lu Xing's arms and whispered.

"Xingxing, can you tell Nannan when you leave?"

Lu Xing was silent.

He should have spoken, but Nannan was more perceptive than he thought.

"Dad, you are going to become a star too, so will Nannan become a star too?"

Lu Xing was stunned for a moment, always feeling that the meaning of Nannan's words was strange, so he asked.

"Why did you become a star?"

Nannan said while counting her fingers.

"Because dad became a star, mom became a star, grandpa and grandma also became stars, and people will become stars when they leave."


Really wrong!

Lu Xing's head was buzzing, he could understand that Nannan's biological father became a star because he died.

But why did he say that mom also became a star?

Wasn't Wen Lingxiu making a phone call outside?

And what about grandpa and grandma?

Since he started to get along with Aunt Wen and Nannan, it seems that he has never seen Nannan's grandparents!

Logically speaking, Nannan's biological father died, so Nannan is their only blood, how could they not come to see?


It's so wrong!

Lu Xing's heart has begun to quickly recall the details he missed in his memory, but his hands are still slowly patting and coaxing Nannan in his arms.

"I won't leave, I will stay here with Nannan."

"Dad, sing a song for Nannan."

Nannan lay drowsy in Lu Xing's arms.

Lu Xing nodded: "Okay."

He gently patted Nannan's back, slowly rocked the child in his arms, and sang gently.

"Rocking, rocking, rocking, rocking, the fifteenth rocking is the Grandma Bridge after the spring equinox

Looking forward to the sweet calls of grandma and grandma

Noisy, noisy, rice candy hangs on the corners of the mouth, always hungry..."

Inside the house.

The soft and gentle singing slowly flows.

Outside the house.

Wen Lingxiu leaned her forehead against the door, tears streaming down her face.



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