After a long time, the two of us went to bed.

Thursday morning.

Lu Xing habitually carried out his NPC process.

Get up, wash, cook, and say goodbye to Wen Lingxiu.

Ever since Lu Xing sang a song for Aunt Wen that night, he always felt that Aunt Wen was a little weird...

Aunt Wen had obviously given up the idea of ​​letting him be Nannan's father.

But she has been extremely considerate and gentle to Lu Xing these two days.

It's like, just like the last tenderness before parting.

"I can understand it."

Lu Xing calmly packed the insulation box and put it in his schoolbag.

"If it were me, I would play it to my heart's content when the game was about to expire."

At least I can't lose money!

Since I know Aunt Wen's background.

Lu Xing suddenly felt that there was a reason why Aunt Wen was such a surveillance maniac.

Okay, lens wholesaler, I forgive you.

Who made me a soft-hearted god?

Lu Xing hummed a song and walked to the door.

Wen Lingxiu stood there with her long hair draped over her shoulders in a pink silk nightgown.

She had Lu Xing's school uniform on her slender white arms. Seeing Lu Xing coming over, she smiled softly.

"Come and get dressed."

Lu Xing put on his coat neatly and said distressedly.

"Boss Wen, I have to go to school early, so I can get up by myself. You work so hard, I want you to go to bed early, no, no, I have to learn to make some soothing soup recently."

Wen Lingxiu felt warm in her heart.

She gently patted the wrinkles on Lu Xing's shoulder and said with a smile.

"It's none of your business. I want to get up a little earlier and breathe fresh air."


When Wen Lingxiu was zipping up Lu Xing, a crisp shutter sound startled her and she immediately looked up.


Another shutter sound.

Aunt Wen was surprised that Wen Wan's face was recorded in the camera.

Lu Xing shook the camera in his hand proudly, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

"Record Mr. Wen's daily life?"

If you say something to coax someone, you have to pretend to do it.

Otherwise, if someone remembers it one day, it will be a bad debt.

Wen Lingxiu was stunned for a moment, and her mind quickly thought of what Lu Xing said when she went to the theater that day.

He said he wanted to make an album, and the name was Mr. Wen's daily progress.

Wen Lingxiu's nose suddenly felt sore, and she immediately lowered her head, covering her helpless eyes, and said softly.

"I haven't put on makeup yet."

Lu Xing was surprised: "Water lilies emerge from clear water, naturally without any decoration."

"The poems I racked my brains to recite every day turned out to be used in this way! Sure enough, theory should be combined with practice!"

Wen Lingxiu pushed his shoulder embarrassedly and stuffed the schoolbag into his hand.

"Slippery tongue!"

"Bye, President Wen! Remember to eat lunch even if you are busy at work!!!"

"Got it, got it."

The moment the door closed, the smile on Lu Xing's mouth fell, and he walked towards the station with steady steps.


Wen Lingxiu covered her pounding heart and leaned against the door.


Her eyes fell on the camera on the cabinet.

Flipping through the two photos in the camera, Wen Lingxiu smiled, her eyes sparkling, and murmured.

"I thought you were saying nice things to coax me."


What Lu Xing said actually counted!

The two photos clearly showed her, but because of the special photographer, Wen Lingxiu looked at them for a long, long time.

A fire burned all her photos.

In the past 20 or 30 years, there were only a few images of her that could be found in the archives.

Wen Lingxiu could not find any records.

She had given up.

But now.

Lu Xing said that he wanted to make a new album to record her every day.

Everything seemed to be starting over.

"It's great... It's great."

Wen Lingxiu slowly slid to the floor, holding her chest tightly to the camera.

If I were younger, if you were not this past.

How great it would be.


Today's campus is filled with a tense atmosphere.

Nothing else.

The results of the first mock exam are coming out.

"Lu Xing!"

Lu Xing walked forward.

"Lu Xing!!"

Lu Xing walked forward.

"Lu Xing!!!"

Study committee member Hu Zhongzhong seemed to be waiting for Lu Xing and called him first.

After finding that Lu Xing was pretending to be deaf, Hu Zhongzhong became anxious.

He quickly caught up with Lu Xing and

When he was about to grab Lu Xing's shoulder, Lu Xing dodged to the side and stood still.

Lu Xing said indifferently.

"Student Council, what's wrong? Did you lose money again?"

"Hu Zhongzhong! What are you going to do again!"

Li Dachun saw Hu Zhongzhong pestering Lu Xing as soon as he entered the school, and he got angry all of a sudden.

Although Xingxing is tall, he is weak!

Having eaten so many delicious foods from Xingxing, he would never allow anyone to bully Xingxing!

Li Dachun was like a giant bomb.

He ran over at the speed of a 100-meter sprint and knocked Hu Zhongzhong flying!

"Oh my gosh!"

Hu Zhongzhong fell to the ground, his body numb and his head buzzing.

"Da Silly Chun! What are you going to do!"

Hu Zhongzhong was angry.

Li Dachun stood in front of Lu Xing, frowned and said angrily.

"You are not allowed to bully Xingxing!"

Hu Zhongzhong:......

Damn it!

I'm so annoyed!

Hu Zhongzhong got up from the ground, took out a piece of paper from his pocket, and quickly stuffed it into Lu Xing's hand.


Lu Xing looked at the paper in his hand in confusion.

He opened it and saw it.

There were three big words written on it——

"Apology letter?"

Hu Zhongzhong lowered his head, his neck and face flushed, and he stammered.

"I, I asked my dad to investigate who stole the money."

"Then, then the thief was caught."

"I'm sorry, I wronged you, I apologize to you!"


Li Dachun was stunned.

He didn't come to beat people, but to apologize, right?

Lu Xing perfunctorily glanced at the apology letter in his hand and threw it directly on the ground.

Hu Zhongzhong was stunned.

That's not right!

It's really not right!

Normally, if he apologized, Lu Xing would say it's okay!

Why did he throw away the apology letter!

Lu Xing put his hands in his pockets and said calmly.

"Pick it up."

Li Dachun immediately bent down.

"I'm not calling you, I'm calling the student council."

Li Dachun was shocked.

Damn it!


Aren't you messing around?

Hu Zhongzhong blushed until he felt numb.

Lu Xing was ready for him to break down in anger.

Unexpectedly, Hu Zhongzhong took a deep breath, really bent down, and picked up the apology letter on the ground.

"I'm sorry."

Lu Xing raised his eyebrows.


It seems that there is no cure.

Lu Xing stretched out a hand to hold the apology letter, and the next second, the thin piece of paper fell to the ground again.

"Pick it up."

Hu Zhongzhong gritted his teeth and wanted to get angry!

But thinking that he had been stupid enough to want to trick Lu Xing before, he suppressed his anger and bent down to pick up the apology letter.

"I'm sorry."

Lu Xing was silent for a moment, and suddenly smiled.

He took something out of his pocket and threw it to Hu Zhongzhong, then turned around and waved his hand.

"I forgive you."


Hu Zhongzhong looked at Lu Xing in surprise.

He was ready for Lu Xing to throw away the apology letter again.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xing accepted it? !

Hu Zhongzhong spread out his palm, and inside was a chocolate with a filling.

"By the way."

Lu Xing stopped and turned his head to say.

"You'd better stay away from the person who gave you advice. He is hurting you."

Hu Zhongzhong was silent for a moment and said.

"The person who gave me advice was Wang Anxiang."

"And the thief my father found was also Wang Anxiang."

No wonder Wang Anxiang was so diligent in trying to label Lu Xing as a suspected thief.

Wang Anxiang was not killing someone with a borrowed knife.

Wang Anxiang was planning to use someone else's trick.

Lu Xing was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "You are still very cunning at such a young age, but you haven't done enough homework."

Looking at Lu Xing's back as he left gracefully.

Li Dachun and Hu Zhongzhong stood there and looked at each other, and Hu Zhongzhong suddenly said.

"Dashachun, why do you usually eat so well behind my back?"

Li Dachun suddenly became alert.

"Get lost!"

"You don't want to steal my godfather, do you?"



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