The more you know about someone, the more you will learn about him.

Creation tips: When you want to highlight someone's awesomeness, you often have to learn about it from other people's mouths.


If Lu Xing is like Xianglin Sao, he would pull someone he passed by to tell her how miserable he is.

Then in the end, these experiences would become a sharp knife stabbing into his chest!

The most taboo thing in life is to talk about deep things with people you just met.

As a professional bootlicker, it is completely unnecessary to tell these things to these customers.

So Lu Xing chose not to say it, and he didn't want to say it.

But Wen Lingxiu found out.

Not through Lu Xing's narration, but through the lines of words printed on the paper.

From the lines, Wen Lingxiu finally got a glimpse of what Lu Xing had been doing these years.

Orphan, poverty, relief, meals from hundreds of families, orphanage, adoption, abandonment, fire, hospital, until...

Betrayed himself.

Wen Lingxiu's gentle and dignified face was full of woodenness, and she murmured.

"No wonder you are so good at coaxing children."

When they first met, Lu Xing was very skilled in holding the child.

At that time, she thought that Lu Xing might have brothers and sisters at home.

But it was not until now that she understood.

It turned out that these were all skills that Lu Xing had trained in the orphanage, and they were forged by the fierce fire and oil cooking of life!

Where is there a natural genius who can read people's expressions?

If it weren't for reading people's expressions too much, how could he be so sharp?

Physical scars can still be healed, but mental scars need to accompany you for life!

Wen Lingxiu suddenly felt that she was so hateful.

After experiencing these things, Lu Xing was like a desert that was about to wither.

But she was craving for rain and oasis in the desert.


Lu Xing drained himself to give everyone love and sunshine.

Wen Lingxiu closed her eyes, but a tear slipped quietly.

What about him?

How far has he held on? Has he reached his limit? Can he continue to give love?

People are not robots.

Robots need high maintenance and upkeep costs after running for a long time.

But what about Lu Xing?

He didn't, and he didn't say it.

No one cared whether he needed to rest or recharge.

Everyone was asking him for smiles and happiness.

But is Lu Xing happy?

Wen Lingxiu sat exhausted on the chair, her eyes were dull and her expression was numb.


Thinking carefully.

She seemed to have never heard Lu Xing say how he felt.

He was always happy.


Can a person really be happy forever?

Wen Lingxiu lowered her eyes, her long eyelashes sweeping down the shadows: "It would be great if you were doing it for money..."

But he was not.

Orphanage, orphanage.

He was running in the rain, but he had to hold an umbrella for others, why?

Wen Lingxiu thought.

If she asked Lu Xing this question, Lu Xing would definitely say with a smile:

I have been caught in the rain, I must tear up other people's umbrellas!

But he would never do that in reality.

The boy who came out of the thorns has grown the softest heart.

The hardship is doubled, and the pain is doubled.

Wen Lingxiu suddenly felt a little breathless, as if a heavy stone was pressed on her chest.

The surging guilt was like a ruthless wave, swarming towards her with a roar!

When an avalanche occurs, no snowflake is innocent.

Is she also the snowflake that Lu Xing collapsed?

Wen Lingxiu gritted her teeth and burst into tears.


Really a fool!

Do you think you are the savior?


Knock, knock, knock.

There was a knock on the door, and Wen Lingxiu came back to her senses instantly!

She wiped away her tears and quickly stuffed the investigation materials in front of her into a pile of documents.

It must be Lu Xing who came back!

Wen Lingxiu wanted to see him urgently, but she didn't dare to see him.

After a while.

Wen Lingxiu took a deep breath and said after she felt that there was nothing wrong with her.

"Come in."


The door was opened, and Lu Xing poked his head out of the door and said with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Wen, are you going to eat? I saw you were working in the study so I didn't call you. I'll cook first."

"Hey, today I made my best tomato scrambled eggs."

"There's only one in the world."

"Would you like to try it?"

Wen Lingxiu looked at Lu Xing with complicated eyes and nodded gently.



It's over.

She can no longer refuse Lu Xing.

Looking at Lu Xing's raised mouth, her heart was sour all the time.

When Wen Lingxiu walked to the door, Lu Xing held her shoulders and blocked her way.

Wen Lingxiu looked up at him in confusion.

"Mr. Wen, don't cry."

Lu Xing took out a small pack of tissues and gently wiped Wen Lingxiu's cheeks.

The fragrance of tissues filled her nose, and Wen Lingxiu stared at Lu Xing's eyes as he wiped his tears seriously.

The villain in Lu Xing's heart was dancing proudly.


Just say that carrying paper in your pocket is useful!

He used rolls of paper himself, but he used small packs of tissues for these precious women!



Quite professional!

Wen Lingxiu seemed to be bewitched, took a step forward, and gently stuffed herself into Lu Xing's arms.


Lu Xing was shocked.

Damn it!

With someone suddenly in his arms, he really didn't know what to do with his hand, and it really hit him!

Where should he put his hand? !

Although he used to coax these customers, he didn't have such close contact.

Lu Xing was panicking, but he had to keep his expression calm.


Don't panic, don't panic, you are a professional!

After cheering himself up, Lu Xing reached out and carefully patted Wen Lingxiu's back, and asked softly and gently.

"What's wrong, Mr. Wen, did you encounter difficulties at work?"

Wen Lingxiu shook her head and suddenly wanted to cry again.

Why is she still asking Lu Xing for emotions!

Wen Lingxiu suddenly found that her dependence on Lu Xing seemed to be higher than she thought.

After a moment of silence, the person in his arms said sullenly.

"I just read a book and was a little moved."

Lu Xing: ? ? ?


That's it?

He was calm and composed, and never thought that someone would cry after reading a book.

And Aunt Wen didn't seem like someone who would cry after reading a book. Are all mothers emotional?

Without waiting for Lu Xing to reply, Wen Lingxiu continued.

"The protagonist in the book grew up in a slum, worked hard to study and become an athlete, and was finally found to be a child of a wealthy family. At the end of the story, their family lived happily together."

"I felt like crying when I saw their family reunited."

Although Lu Xing had no feelings about this story, he knew that Wen Lingxiu's background should be very touching for such a family reunion.


"Okay." Lu Xing touched her hair and said soothingly, "Their family is reunited, we should be happy for him."

Wen Lingxiu buried herself in Lu Xing's arms and refused to come out, and said sullenly.

"What do you think of this story?"

There weren't many things she could do for Lu Xing, but helping Lu Xing find his parents was one of them.

People who have been wandering outside for a long time should miss the ending of warmth and reunion, right?

Even if Lu Xing's biological parents are poor, it doesn't matter.

She can make the parents rich, and then Lu Xing can naturally become a rich second generation.

All the storms in the past have nothing to do with him anymore.

He will have a home, a father and a mother, and someone waiting for him.

Lu Xing laughed dumbly, and after a moment of silence, he said: "This story is very good."

"You tell the truth."

Lu Xing was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Aunt Wen to be so sharp.


"I don't like this story."

Lu Xing stared at the piles of documents on the desk and said slowly.

"Even without wealthy parents, the protagonist can still become an athlete and live a good life."

"A person has gone through untold hardships and found the meaning of life."

"And at this time, God said that this is the training I gave you. You passed the test. Now I will give you the identity of a rich young master or a rich illegitimate child. You should be grateful to me!"

Using status to distribute morality, and using assets to distribute the outcome.

This is ridiculous.

If his parents are really very rich, but still abandoned him.

Then what is the meaning of such parents?

"Hearing such words."

Lu Xing's voice is still gentle and steady.

"I will vomit."



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