Some people move like bears rubbing against trees, while others move like fairies descending to earth.

In the rehabilitation room.

Chi Yueshan is trying to do movements that can help relieve her waist injury.

A few strands of her black hair are stuck to her forehead, and sweat drops run down her forehead, across her neck, and hide in her clothes on her chest.

Her cheeks are pink and tender after exercise, and her sweaty skin is so white that it glows.

Lu Xing couldn't stare directly at her, so he observed and studied attentively through the mirror on the wall.

He just checked Hao Haohao's information.

He is actually the god in charge of rehabilitation in ancient Greece!

The movements Hao Haohao taught Chi Yueshan were all master classes.

The essence!

Absolutely the essence!

If Lu Xing wants to see Hao Haohao again next time, she will have to pay the registration fee. It would be a waste if she doesn't listen now.

Learn, there is no end to learning!

Most of the skills that Lu Xing has mastered were learned through this way of accompanying others.

The clients have money.

The people who serve them are also top figures in various industries.

While those people are talking about the essence of knowledge.

Lu Xing is secretly improving on the side.


Learn another trick!


Chi Yueshan groaned and fell weakly on the mat.

Lu Xing forcibly pressed down his subconsciously stretched hand.

The next second.

Chi Yueshan quickly climbed up again and resumed the previous posture.

She supported the previous action, looked up at Lu Xing, and explained with a little grievance in her eyes.

"I was not pretending to be pitiful just now."

She still didn't want to give up.

Since Lu Xing felt that she was not sincere, she would try her best to control her behavior.


Over the past twenty years, these things have become part of her flesh and blood.

If she wants to change, she can only slowly peel off the skin and flesh until it is bloody.

But these pains are just a little bit of wind and frost compared to losing Lu Xing by her side.

She will change.


Lu Xing nodded, indicating that she understood.

Rehabilitation training is a test of willpower for people who have experienced trauma.

If you can't make it.

Then say goodbye and quit the industry right away.


As someone who can learn sword and horse from the drama school and can learn it well, Chi Yueshan is a very cruel person to herself.

She didn't make a sound when she was in pain, but only quietly panted, which made people's scalps numb.

Lu Xing sat on the sofa, with his left leg on his right leg, casual and ruthless.

He thought of his hand that was almost out of control just now, and propped up his head and said thoughtfully.

"Is your occupational disease serious?"

Occupational disease?

Chi Yueshan was stunned for a moment, and raised his head with difficulty.

"The injuries on your body?"

Lu Xing smiled and shook his head: "No."

As his mind was flowing, Chi Yueshan suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Are you talking about the daily tone, accent and body movements?"

Lu Xing nodded.

Chi Yueshan was a little happy that she guessed what Lu Xing meant, and her pink and moist lips curved slightly.

"Of course."

"Sometimes I suddenly stop talking, and when people ask me what's wrong, I say I'm waiting for the door."


Lu Xing couldn't help laughing.

It turns out that his occupational disease is not the only one in the world that is so serious.


It feels good!

He said that his subconscious desire to help someone just now was an occupational disease!

Chi Yueshan quietly raised her eyes and glanced at Lu Xing's happy expression, wanting to ask if his occupational disease was also serious.

But she couldn't ask.

Lu Xing's occupation was really special. What if she asked about Lu Xing's wound?

This would simply make the already shaky relationship between the two of them worse.

It was not easy for the two of them to chat so harmoniously, and she didn't want to ruin the atmosphere.

After thinking about it.

Chi Yueshan didn't want such a good atmosphere to be quiet, so she changed her posture and talked casually.

"You can take a look at my movements more often, they are all very standard, I am Dr. Hao's proud patient!"

"After you remember it, you can also learn to do it when you have back pain in the future."

Lu Xing smiled.

"You are really energetic, aren't you tired now?"

Say you are tired quickly.

Then he can personally send Chi Yueshan to the taxi.

He can't rest until he sees Chi Yueshan leave here.

As an excellent professional

Professional lickers must learn to extract key information from complex and trivial conversations.

For example, just now.

When he was listening to Chi Yueshan's conversation with Hao Haohao, he learned the pattern of Chi Yueshan's visit to the hospital.

This is really useful!

Generally, Chi Yueshan would come to the hospital for rehabilitation treatment from Monday to Friday. This time was just an accident.

Fortunately, fortunately.

Lu Xing thanked the Jade Emperor, Buddha, Sanqing, and Amen in his heart. In short, anyone is fine. Thank you for blessing, thank you for blessing!

Anyway, he doesn't come to the hospital from Monday to Friday.

If nothing unexpected happens, the two will never meet again in the future.


Another layer of insurance is needed!

Seeing Chi Yueshan biting his lower lip and making movements, Lu Xing said calmly.

"Is your waist never going to get better?"

Chi Yueshan was stunned for a moment, and his three thousand black hair fell like a waterfall, carefully savoring the meaning of Lu Xing's words.

After a moment.

Chi Yueshan understood.

She immediately denied it.

"No, my waist just hurts sometimes.

But it works very well."

"If you don't believe me, I can show you ten fixed-point somersaults and continuous backflips right now."

Lu Xing:......


People are not tools, it is normal not to follow the script.

The next second.

Chi Yueshan's eyes fell on Lu Xing's hand. She stroked the pad under her hand and asked softly.

"What about your hand? Is it seriously injured?"


Chi Yueshan! You are my only sister!

That's what I mean!

Lu Xing was happy. He didn't expect that the script would come back after being bent for a while!

So he thought for a moment and smiled with some relief.

"It just hurts a little. If I came to the hospital a little later, it would have healed directly!"

Chi Yueshan laughed softly.

She still likes to see Lu Xing so energetic.

Chi Yueshan whispered, "What a pity."

"What a pity?" Lu Xing asked her.

Chi Yueshan finally reached her limit and fell on the mat helplessly, her long black hair falling to her waist.

She said sullenly.

"It's a pity that I can't see you in the hospital anymore."

Lu Xing forced the corners of her mouth to rise, and said with emotion.

"There are always regrets in life."



The insurance is in place!

I am worthy of it!

Playing you is like breathing!


Lu Xing scratched his head, always feeling that he had forgotten something.



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