The rich and the poor were so shocked that Lu Xing didn't recover until he got on the bus. He looked back at Song Junzhu's villa. The villa is worth eight figures, and because of its good location, the price is still rising steadily. Lu Xing may not be able to earn the tax for a villa in his lifetime, and the brand of his clothes is even more funny. Countless people buy one piece in a group to wear in turn in order to show off with this brand. For such an arrogant brand, its staff respectfully carry piles of clothes to Vic's house. As for fate, don't talk about fairness. Before he became a professional bootlicker, his only contact with the high-end villa area was...

He had picked up food from the trash can at the entrance of the villa area and ate it. The food quality was very good.

Occasionally, he would get some gold coins on Valentine's Day or other festivals.

The only disadvantage was that it was easy to eat things with added ingredients.

Lu Xing smiled as he thought about it.

"We have never been from the same world."

He just wanted to save enough money before the college entrance examination, successfully enter university, and become an ordinary person.

A cup of hot tea, an acre of thin land, and a deposit of 100 million.

[Please pay attention, passengers, the next stop is Haicheng Grand Theater! ]

The reminder of the bus made Lu Xing come back to his senses, and he packed up his things and prepared to get off.

An old man also planned to get off at this stop. Seeing Lu Xing's actions, he smiled and talked to him.

"Young man, are you going to the amusement park?"

Five hundred meters west of Haicheng Grand Theater, there is an amusement park with a lot of people.

Lu Xing shook his head and smiled at the old man.

"Go to the Grand Theater."

The old man was stunned for a moment: "Your parents are theater staff? You are here to see your parents, right?"

Lu Xing didn't understand.

"Uncle, why can't I come to the Grand Theater to watch a play? There is a performance today."

The old man waved his hand.

"Don't be funny, you are not yet 20 years old, right? Who would listen to a play at this age!"

"My granddaughters are also your age, they all like that thing, what is it called, oh, right, right, it's called Lai Fu Hao Si."

Lu Xing was happy.

"Uncle, that's live house."

The old man clapped his hands casually: "That's what it means, as long as you understand it."

"But today's song is performed by Chi Yueshan, you won't lose out if you listen to it."

"Chi Yueshan is not very old, but she has solid basic skills. I think she will win the Plum Blossom Award sooner or later!"

Lu Xing nodded and smiled: "I think so too."

After finally seeing a young audience, the old man became interested and kept talking to Lu Xing.

"It's great that Chi Yueshan is my granddaughter. I can listen to her singing every day!"

Lu Xing laughed.

"Are you going to make her sing like she's splitting her legs?"

The old man waved his hand: "How can that be possible? I and a few friends who love to listen to opera are optimistic about Chi Yueshan. Fortunately, she didn't quit the circle!"

"I heard that she didn't make it back then and planned to quit after participating in a charity performance. I didn't expect that the charity performance was in a stormy weather and only one person came to watch. Under such circumstances, Chi Yueshan actually realized the truth and sang better and better afterwards!"

Lu Xing listened to the old man and flipped through the small notebook until he turned to the page of Chi Yueshan and stopped.

[Chi Yueshan, female, 24 years old, opera actor, dignified and elegant, gentle and smart]

The old man smacked his lips and continued.

"I don't know who the only audience member is. If I knew, I would definitely treat him to a meal!"

"His name is Lu Xing."

The old man was stunned: "What?"

[We have arrived at Haicheng Grand Theater Station. Please get off the bus in an orderly manner to avoid crowding]

After hearing the bus reminder, Lu Xing stood up and said with a smile.

"The audience member is Lu Xing."

The old man looked at him in surprise: "Lu Xing? Young man, you know a lot of inside information. Your family is not really in the circle, right? What's your name?"

Before Lu Xing got off the bus, he left a message.

"My name is Lu Xing."

[The door is closed. Please pay attention to safety]

"Oh, your name is Lu Xing."

The old man came back to his senses and was shocked.

"What? Your name is Lu Xing! Don't go! Wait for me! I'll treat you to a meal!"

"Master! Master! I haven't gotten off the bus yet! My show is about to start!!!"

The driver waved his hand: "Hey uncle, my car has already started, please get off at the next stop."

"Fuck you!"

"So heavy?"


Lu Xing got off the bus and walked towards Haicheng Grand Theater.

He met Chi Yueshan by chance.

One day more than a year ago.

It was raining and windy, and Lu Xing was exhausted from working part-time, so he found a pavilion to rest.

Suddenly he heard a noisy sound, and he looked up and found that there was a charity performance on the stage not far away.

It was pouring rain, and there was no audience below, but the singing, recitation, and fighting on the stage were still going on as usual.

The play had started, and people from all directions came to listen.

It cannot stop, this is the rule of our ancestors.

Although this is the case, the opera actors can't help but lose their energy when they see the empty stage, and even the string music is sluggish.

Lu Xing thought for a moment, walked to the audience with an umbrella and stepped on the mud, and listened to the whole play.

There are all kinds of people on the stage, and there is only one person below the stage.

The performance ended, and the rain stopped and the sky cleared.

When Lu Xing finished clapping and was about to leave, a girl in costume and makeup stopped him.

She asked Lu Xing: "Did I sing well?"

Lu Xing nodded: "I sang very well."

The costume girl was a little disappointed. It was such a polite remark again.

After being a professional bootlicker, Lu Xing has the instinct to detect people's emotions.

In short - occupational disease.

So he was silent for a moment and added.

"I saw that your hands were shaking a little because of the thunder, but your voice did not tremble, so I think you have solid basic skills."

"You will become a star."

The costume girl's eyes instantly burst into hope!

Lu Xing can say such a small detail, which means that he really listened carefully!

The costume girl held Lu Xing's hand and said thank you repeatedly, and introduced herself as Chi Yueshan.

From then on, Lu Xing remembered this name.

Chi Yueshan, very nice.

The next day, Lu Xing received a call.

The person on the phone asked Lu Xing to watch Chi Yueshan's play every Sunday night, write a no less than 1,000-word analysis of the play, and cheer Chi Yueshan up so that she would not give up singing.

The reward was 4,000 yuan per time.

Lu Xing agreed.

Chi Yueshan's ability is really good, and her appearance and singing are both top-notch.

Listening to her singing a play is a rare break for Lu Xing, who is tired of making money every day.

So this habit has continued for more than a year.

As long as there is a play by Chi Yueshan on Sunday night, Lu Xing will go rain or shine.

I have to say that his vision is really good.

In more than a year, Chi Yueshan has become famous for singing and has a good reputation in the circle.

However, Lu Xing thinks that with Chi Yueshan's face, it is only a matter of time before she becomes popular.

While thinking.

Lu Xing walked to the door of the Grand Theater and saw a familiar figure looking out the door.

It was Chi Yueshan.

Chi Yueshan was wearing an exquisite costume, looking like a fairy concubine. Years of learning the basic skills of opera made her posture dignified and outstanding.

Because she hadn't put on a headdress yet, Chi Yueshan's long hair fell on her shoulders like a waterfall. The evening breeze gently brushed her hair, which was softer than silk.

But at this moment, Chi Yueshan didn't seem to be waiting for the person she wanted to wait for, and her eyes were a little dim.

"Chi Yueshan!"

"Lu Xing!"

When she saw Lu Xing, Chi Yueshan's dim eyes lit up instantly, and she quickly ran over here.

When she came to the front, Chi Yueshan raised an elegant smile.

"Why are you here just now?"

Chi Yueshan sang too much opera, and the tone of her voice in life also rose slightly, which made people feel numb.

The wind blew through Chi Yueshan's long hair, and the end of her hair brushed across Lu Xing's cheek.

Lu Xing said with a smile.

"I will always come to Chi Jiaoer's place."



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