I Only Got Drunk For One Night, Why Did I Have A Double Blast?

Chapter 22 Switching To Iceberg Goddess Mode

Watching Jiang Shiyu sitting at home, the feeling was completely different from when he was in love with Liu Xiaoxiao.

When he was in love with Liu Xiaoxiao, Lin Bai always felt that he needed to constantly prove himself in order to maintain the relationship.

including but not limited to:

Use various reports to prove that you have not cheated on other girls.

Prove that you still love her by remembering various anniversaries and buying all kinds of gifts she wants.

With his attitude of working hard to make money part-time, he proved that he could support her and could afford to support her.

Sometimes Lin Bai feels very tired and wonders why she started this relationship before.

In the beginning, was the gentle and cute little girl in your memory like this?

For a long time after he separated from Liu Xiaoxiao, Lin Bai felt at a loss.

It wasn't until this moment that he thought clearly that he was not wrong from beginning to end in the last relationship, and it was Liu Xiaoxiao who had been wooing him.

Jiang Shiyu gave him the tenderness and trust that Liu Xiaoxiao had never given him.

Maybe Jiang Shiyu was right.

He really needs a replacement ticket and a new relationship.

and Jiang Shiyu.

Jiang Shiyu's needlework was done quickly and well. In a short time, the hole in the lining was repaired.

"My girlfriend is so awesome."

Lin Bai sat aside and admired the fine stitches on the sweater:

“It feels like my mother’s needlework.”

"Sister Qiu has been working in a textile factory for more than ten or twenty years, how can I compare to you? It's just nonsense.

Also, you haven’t chased me yet, so why are you my girlfriend? Are you taking advantage of me? "

Although he said this, Jiang Shiyu's eyes were full of smiles, and he was obviously very satisfied with this title.

"Okay~ I'll call you Professor Jiang from now on?"

Lin Bai laughed:

"It's okay to call me that at school, but at home or in bed...it always feels like there's something unspeakable about it."

"Not in shape!"

How could Jiang Shiyu not understand what Lin Bai meant? Her pretty face turned red and she glared at him angrily.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Lin Bai stopped as soon as he was done, and helped clean up the pile of things that had just been placed on the sofa and coffee table.

He accidentally touched Jiang Shiyu's computer mouse, and the dormant screen lit up.

"Hey, were you reading the papers of our graduate students just now?"

Lin Bai took a look and asked curiously.

"Stop talking about it. Apart from yours, the big dwarfs can barely pick out two or three that can be seen. What are the rest?

Even if I put a lot of rice on the keyboard, I can write better than them. "

Seeing Lin Bai ask about this, Jiang Shiyu's pretty little face immediately twisted up.

"The professor who taught me was outrageous. Most of his students were through connections and had backdoor connections, just to get a master's degree.

His own abilities are not very good. If it weren’t for me..."

At this point, Lin Bai suddenly choked up and did not continue.

But as smart as Jiang Shiyu, he could guess what Lin Bai wanted to say:

"Did you choose this professor at the request of your ex-girlfriend?"

"Yes, she lost the first battle and was unwilling to let me go to another school, so she let me take the exam from this school.

At that time, all the other professors in our college were fully elected...forget it, just don't mention it. "

Lin Bai shook his head.

"Really, how can you give up your great future for a woman? How important is a valuable professor."

Jiang Shiyu complained softly.

"It's all over, and now I can't wait until you become my professor?

Goddess Professor from First Normal University, isn’t this valuable enough? "

Lin Bai smiled.

"Glib tongue."

Jiang Shiyu snorted softly.

“Can I see their paper?”

"Look, I also submitted my application this morning to select you as a teaching assistant. I guess you will receive a notification in the next two days.

Now that I'm a teaching assistant, I won't have to help me read papers in the future. It doesn't make any difference if I read them one day earlier or later. "

Jiang Shiyu tilted his head and smiled:

"Some of them are really written, but they are nonsense. My brain is buzzing after reading them."

"Then let me taste this bullshit."

Lin Bai was casually reading while chatting with Jiang Shiyu.

When he saw a name, his eyes stopped and his eyes gradually became cold.

Wang Yiming.

The wealthy young man who Liu Xiaoxiao ran away with.

To be honest, Liu Xiaoxiao no longer has any sense of existence in Lin Bai's heart.

But Wang Yiming couldn't help but always mentioned Liu Xiaoxiao in front of Lin Bai intentionally or unintentionally, treating her as a tool to show off.

As the old saying goes, this behavior is like a toad crawling on your feet.

It doesn't bite people, it bites people.

Jiang Shiyu on the side saw Lin Bai's face darken slightly and stopped talking. He just stared at the computer screen, understanding in his heart.

"Lin Bai, can you pour me a glass of warm water?"

Putting Lin Bai away with an excuse, Jiang Shiyu quickly glanced at the author's name of the paper on the screen.

Wang Yiming.

Although it is a fully furnished room, when you actually move in, you will need to buy a lot of things.

Taking advantage of the remaining two days of vacation, Lin Bai and Jiang Shiyu went to a nearby supermarket to pick out some warm gadgets for home decoration, making the whole house look more like home.

Considering that Jiang Shiyu is currently pregnant with twins, the school has deliberately simplified the work arrangement.

In class, she was only given four lessons per week on the basics of philology, divided into two days.

Postgraduate students’ topics are also allowed to be tutored online.

In other words, there are only two days a week that you have to attend school.

Lin Bai knew that this class allocation was already very easy, but he still couldn't help but worry about whether Jiang Shiyu could bear it.

"Why am I so squeamish?"

Seeing Lin Bai's gloomy worry, Jiang Shiyu burst into laughter:

“I’ve talked about the basics of philology before, it’s very easy.

It's you, tomorrow is our Assistant Coach Lin's first show, so you won't make an embarrassment like cutting the wrong ppt, right? "

"Then you underestimate me too much."

Lin Bai shook his head helplessly.

Fortunately, I am Jiang Shiyu's teaching assistant. In addition to giving lectures, I can help her take care of other trivial matters.

Early the next morning, Lin Bai and Jiang Shiyu went to school to work together.

The offices of the teaching assistant and the professor are very close to each other, but they are not the same one.

Lin Bai could only prepare today's student attendance sheet and get familiar with the courseware plan in the teaching assistant's workroom, while thinking about what Jiang Shiyu's working status next door would be like.

"Assistant Teacher Lin, the next class is my class. Please come with me to the teaching building."

The door of the teaching assistant's workroom was pushed open, and Lin Bai raised his head. Jiang Shiyu, dressed in decent work clothes and wearing half-rimmed gold glasses, was standing at the door, looking at him calmly.

He finally understood why Jiang Shiyu said that her former students called her the Devil in private.

This iceberg temperament that repels people thousands of miles away is really not something that can be concealed.

The strong contrast forced Lin Bai to stand up quickly:

"Okay, Professor Jiang."

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