I Only Got Drunk For One Night, Why Did I Have A Double Blast?

Chapter 58 Sister-In-Law Lin’S Thank You Gift (First Order Requested)


Lin Bai nodded, already knowing what Jiang Shiyu was going to do at this moment, and without saying a word, he went upstairs to help get Jiang Shiyu's cosmetic bag.

The moment Lin Ruo's mask was pulled off, Mrs. Lin could hardly control herself and rushed out the door.

Fortunately, Grandma Lin next to her reached out and held her:

"Wait a minute."

"Sister-in-law, you didn't lie to me? Is there really a little butterfly on my face?"

Although she trusted Jiang Shiyu, Lin Ruo was still a little uneasy. She hid her face as close to Jiang Shiyu's arms as possible and asked carefully.

"Sister-in-law won't lie to you, you will see it soon."

Jiang Shiyu touched Lin Ruo's little head lovingly.

Lin Bai was very fast and took down the things in a short time.

Jiang Shiyu led Lin Ruo to the small bench in the courtyard and let her sit on it. He opened the cosmetic bag, took out the makeup palette and makeup brush, and began to apply makeup on Lin Ruo.

The skin grafted after burns is different from normal skin and is very delicate.

The makeup products Jiang Shiyu uses are all non-irritating types specially purchased by Lin Bai for pregnant women.

In addition, her technique was as gentle as possible, so it did not burden Lin Ruo's skin.

She only felt itchy on her painted face.

I felt very uneasy.

There wasn't a day when she didn't hate the ugly scar on her face, and she even resisted it and didn't want to look at her face in the mirror.

When Jiang Shiyu put makeup on her, Lin Ruo suddenly felt a little expectation ignited in her heart.

Maybe I really didn’t realize that there was actually a cute little butterfly on my face?

Jiang Shiyu painted with great concentration, and the children watching nearby were also very attentive.

A few minutes later, an unknown child in the crowd suddenly said:

"Wow, there really are little butterflies on Ruoruo's face!"

Lin Ruo's eyes lit up.

She almost couldn't wait to see the little butterfly on her face that she had never noticed, but Jiang Shiyu gently held her shoulders:

"Ruoruo, wait a little longer?"

"Okay, if Ruoruo listens to my sister-in-law, if you can cover it."

Lin Bai, who was standing aside, was also surprised when he saw the butterfly on Lin Ruo's face that took shape as Jiang Shiyu drew it.

He had naturally seen the scars on Lin Ruo's face before, but he had never thought of linking the ugly dark red scar with the butterfly.

Use a dark eyebrow pencil to outline the outermost outline of the butterfly's wings and body, and then use contouring to outline the lines on the wings.

Finally, use pearlescent loose powder to simulate the glittering scales on butterfly wings.

After finishing the last stroke, it is actually a bit regretful to love Shigure Shinjung.

After all, what she brought out this time was only the simplest basic makeup, and there was no way to make it more detailed and beautiful.

I just hope that Lin Ruo will be satisfied with this, right?

"Sister-in-law, has your magic gotten better? Can Ruoruo watch it?"

Feeling that Jiang Shiyu stopped, Lin Ruo asked almost impatiently.

"Okay, Ruoruo, let's take a look. Is there really a little butterfly sitting there on your face?"

Jiang Shiyu put away the makeup tray, took out the makeup mirror with a smile and handed it to Lin Ruo.

Full of anxiety, expectation and a little fear, Lin Ruo looked at herself in the mirror.

She froze.

But the other children around her wouldn't give her a chance to be dazed.

Almost in a swarm, they all gathered around Lin Ruo:

"The little butterfly on Ruoruo's face is so beautiful!"

"Ruororororo, can I touch your little butterfly?"

Lin Ruo felt as if she was in a dream, stretched out her hand and gently touched the butterfly pattern drawn by Jiang Shiyu on her face.

Confirming that it was real, Lin Ruo cheered. He didn't even have time to return the makeup mirror to Jiang Shiyu, so he couldn't wait to shout:

"Mommy mommy!"

Hearing her daughter's call, Mrs. Lin hurriedly ran from the window to the door:

"Be good, mom is here!"

"Mom, mom, do you think the butterfly on my face looks good?

My sister-in-law is so amazing. If she hadn’t told me, I wouldn’t have even noticed the little butterfly on my face!

Lin Ruo happily ran to Lin's second sister-in-law and took the initiative to show her scarred cheek, where Jiang Shiyu had painted a beautiful little butterfly with makeup.

Looking blankly at her daughter's happy look, and looking at the fluttering butterflies on half of her cheeks, Mrs. Lin felt as if her throat was stuffed with a ball of cotton.

How long had it been since she had seen her daughter smile so happily?

She couldn't even remember it herself.

"Mom, what are you doing? Doesn't my little butterfly look good?"

Lin Ruo asked with some confusion as he watched the big ones pouring out.

"It's beautiful, very beautiful.

No matter how regretful my mother is, she also blames herself for not discovering such a beautiful little butterfly on Rourou’s face earlier..."

Sister-in-law Lin hugged Lin Ruo tightly and choked with sobs.

"It doesn't matter, Ersheng and the others didn't notice it before.

It’s my sister-in-law who is so powerful, she can do magic and can make the little butterfly appear on Ruoruo’s face!”

Lin Ruokai happily kissed Lin Ersao on the face, ran back to Jiang Shiyu, and smiled sweetly:

"Sister-in-law, you must be a fairy, right? Only fairies can perform such powerful magic."

"Oh... my sister-in-law is indeed a fairy, but she is only a trainee fairy, so her magic tricks cannot last long.

Sister-in-law can only wake up your little butterfly for a while, and when it falls asleep again tomorrow, it will become the same as before. Will Ruoruo be very disappointed?"

Jiang Shiyu thought for a while and asked pretending to be distressed.

"A little disappointed?"

Lin Ruo tilted her head and thought for a moment, then showed a bright smile:

"But it doesn't matter if the little butterfly falls asleep. Ruoruo has already seen it wake up, and everyone has seen it too!

Ruoruo can wait until sister-in-law turns into a real fairy, and then come back to wake up Ruoruo’s butterfly!”

"Ruoruo is so good."

Seeing such a well-behaved Lin Ruo, Jiang Shiyu couldn't help but kiss her gently on the face:

"Then sister-in-law will come back to see Ruoruo when she has time, and help Ruoruo wake up the little butterfly and play together, okay?"


Lin Ruo nodded vigorously.

"Then Ruoruo, do you still need to wear a mask now?"

Lin Bai picked up Lin Ruo's mask that had just been thrown aside by the children and asked with a smile.

"No! The little butterfly finally woke up once. If you want to take it to play with me!"

Lin Ruo chuckled, grabbed a sugar snowball from the basin, and ate it with the other children.

As the smile appeared on her face, the butterfly painted by Jiang Shiyu seemed to be really given life, blooming with dazzling brilliance on Lin stubble's cheeks.

Putting a few sugar snowballs in their pockets, the children swarmed out.

Only this time, Lin Ruo was surrounded by them and was no longer the one left alone.

"Xiaoyu, I, I really don't know how to thank you..."

She had never seen her daughter playing with other children so lively and cheerfully. Sister-in-law Lin was stunned at the door for a long time before coming back to her senses and holding Jiang Shiyu's hand tightly.

"Why are you thanking me? If Ruoruo is such a good child, anyone who sees her will like her and want to help her.

Jiang Shiyu shook his head and said with a smile:

"What I can do today is to open the knot in her heart to face herself.

She will grow up in the future, and this method may work for a while, but not for a lifetime.

To truly build up her self-confidence, she has to rely on the constant influence of her second aunt and your second uncle.

Let her know that scars should never be a symbol of inferiority, but a mark that belongs exclusively to her.

If you all avoid her scars, how can she truly face them? "

"Yes, yes..."

Second Sister-in-law Lin nodded repeatedly:

"Neither your second uncle nor I have gone to school and don't know that much...

Ruoruo didn't like us to mention her scars, so we carefully avoided mentioning them, but we didn't expect it would be wrong..."

"It doesn't matter, now Ruoruo should trust me more and be willing to treat me as a big friend.

If she has any little thoughts in the future, just ask her to tell me directly.

As long as I can help, I will do my best to help her. "

Jiang Shiyu smiled.

"Wouldn't that be too much trouble for you... You are still pregnant with a child and teaching in a university, and you still have to worry about Ruoruo.

I really don’t have anything I can use to thank you for..."

Sister-in-law Lin lowered her head and rubbed her hands awkwardly.

Just when Jiang Shiyu was about to say that the family didn't have to be so exposed, he saw Lin Ersao suddenly raised her head and looked at her expectantly:

"Xiaoyu, do you like to eat fruit? Oranges picked fresh from the tree?"

"She really likes oranges. When I have nothing to do at home, I squeeze juice for her to drink.

Lin Bai took over the conversation with a smile.

"That's great!"

Sister-in-law Lin smiled so much that her brows widened and she nodded repeatedly:

"Right now, the orange orchard contracted by your second uncle and I is about to produce fruit. There are already early-ripening fruits, but the sugar content has not yet reached its peak, and they are still relatively sour.


This time it was Jiang Shiyu's turn to try.

She had been thinking about eating sour food recently, and when she heard about the freshly picked limes from the trees, her mouth almost started to water.

"Hahaha... You love eating sour food right now, I know that.

If you two have nothing to do now, why don't you go to the orange orchard with me? Pick a few and try them.

"Then I'll trouble Second Aunt."

Jiang Shiyu responded with a smile, took Lin Bai's arm and shook it:

"Oranges, oranges! I've never eaten fresh oranges right off the tree!"

"Eat, eat the big one."

Lin Bai couldn't help laughing:

"Even if you eat with an open stomach, you won't be able to eat enough of my second aunt's food. I'm afraid your teeth will fall out first."

Sister-in-law Lin's orchard is still some distance from the village.

Afraid that Jiang Shiyu would be too tired to walk over, she specially rode on the three-wheeled electric donkey at home, took two large baskets, and put some soft cushions on them, and asked Jiang Shiyu to sit in the carriage behind and pull her over.

As the tricycle gradually drove out of the village and approached the foot of the mountain, a large lush orange orchard appeared in front of them.

"This variety emerged almost ten years ago and is called Ehime. There are more people called Jelly Orange on the market.

Because it has a thin skin, a lot of water, and a sweet taste. When it is fully cooked, it becomes soft when you pinch it. When you scoop it up with a spoon, it feels like eating jelly, so it got this name.

Sister-in-law Lin said while driving.

".||Jelly orange! I know, I've bought it before, it's delicious."

Jiang Shiyu nodded repeatedly.

"When this orange first came out, your second uncle and I thought this variety was promising, so we took over the garden here.

I bought Ehime seedlings and planted them.

The first few years were very good, because the quality of the fruit of this variety was really excellent, many people bought it, and the price was high, so those years were still good.

But in the past few years..."

Sister-in-law Lin sighed:

“In recent years, orchards in many places have developed so-called improved varieties of Ehime, which have a higher fruit-bearing rate and are tougher and easier to care for than the original Ehime variety.

This kind of improved fruit does not have the same fruity flavor as Ehimedi, the skin is thicker, and the taste will be worse.

But it can't stand the fact that it carries Ehime's name and has a large output. The price of Ehime has been falling in the past two years.

Because the taste is not as good as the original Ehime, consumers buy less, and fruit merchants don’t like to harvest anymore. On the contrary, we, the original fruit growers, are the first to suffer.

It is obviously good fruit, but the price is suppressed and there is no market.

Seeing that this year's first batch of fruits is about to fall from the trees, but no one has been contacted to collect them yet, your second uncle has been so busy these days that he has been asking for help from fruit sellers everywhere.

Ehime has high water content and thin skin, so it does not hold up as well as ordinary phoenix-skin oranges.

If it cannot be sold in a short period of time, it will just rot in the ground. "

After listening to Mrs. Lin's words, Jiang Shiyu said thoughtfully:

"I just said that the Ehime oranges I bought in the past few years are not as delicious as in previous years. It's actually because of this..."

"Yes, you will know when you try the oranges in our field. Compared with those so-called improved varieties, they are really as good as heaven and earth."

Sister-in-law Lin said as she stopped the tricycle.

She led Lin and Bai into the garden and stopped under an orange tree.

"It smells so good..."

What hangs on the tree are the fine fruits after fruit reduction.

Even so, it is still hanging heavily on the branches, and the branches are already bent.

Huang Chengcheng (Li Wanghao) is really gratifying.

"Come on, Xiaoyu, I'll pick a piece and give it to you to try."

Sister-in-law Lin picked an orange from the tree that was larger than an adult man's fist, and took out a small fruit knife from her arms.

Jiang Shiyu subconsciously wanted to reach out to pick it up, but the orange was cut halfway, and the juice burst out and splashed into her hand.

"So juicy? And the orange peel is so thin..."

Jiang Shiyu stared at the orange in his hand dumbfounded, brought it to his mouth and took a tentative bite.

The sweet and sour orange juice bursts out in your mouth instantly. You can't even feel the fiber of the orange flesh, and it has turned into juice and flowed down your throat.

"Isn't this delicious?"

After finishing half of the orange in his hand almost like a storm, Jiang Shiyu sighed with unfinished emotion.

"This is not the most delicious time yet. After hanging on the tree for a few more days, the sugar content will be accumulated, and the Ehime that is completely ripe on the tree will be complete.

Since my second aunt’s family took care of this garden, I can eat the freshest Ehime cooked on the tree every year. I still know when it tastes best. "

Lin Bai grinned and finished eating the half in his hand, and said.

This acidity is just right for Jiang Shiyu, but it is still too much for him.

"It is obviously such a good product, but the market is squeezed out by inferior products. It's so unfair..."

Jiang Shiyu looked at the gnawed orange peel in his hand and muttered sadly.

It's okay, Xiaoyu, we are all used to it.

Sister-in-law Lin smiled and patted Jiang Shiyu on the back, then handed her a pair of fruit-picking scissors specially used to cut oranges:

"With such a big orchard, you can pick as much as you want, eat it directly or drink orange juice when you go home!"

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