I Only Got Drunk For One Night, Why Did I Have A Double Blast?

Chapter 80 Son, Tell The Truth, Have You Sold Ice? (Please Order The Complete Order And Customize It

"Shigure, Shigure?!"

Lin Bai shouted and rushed in.

The burning smell became stronger as it approached the kitchen. Lin Bai pushed open the kitchen door without thinking.

Then he was shocked to find Jiang Shiyu holding something in one hand and hiding it behind his back~.

"You...don't come here, get out!"

She panicked and waved the spatula with her other hand, trying to drive Lin Bai out.

Lin Bai could clearly see that her fair little face was covered in tar somewhere, making it black and sticky.

The apron he was wearing was also splattered with oil.

Looking at the eggs that had been beaten to pieces and the charred unknown objects piled in the kitchen waste bin, Lin Bai immediately understood what had happened.

There was a fire somewhere in the house.

This was clearly another failed attempt by Jiang Shiyu to blow up the kitchen.

"You...get out quickly, I know I made the kitchen dirty and messy, I will clean it up myself.

Seeing Lin Bai's expression change from panic to understanding, Jiang Shiyu certainly knew that he had fully understood what was going on here, and blushed and whispered to Lin Bai to leave.

"The kitchen is my battlefield. How can a small soldier drive the general out?"

Lin Bai not only did not withdraw, but instead took two steps forward with a smile and stretched out his hand towards Jiang Shiyu:

"What's hidden behind there? Hand it over."

".....…don't want."

Jiang Shiyu hid his hands behind his back, shrank back, and turned his head to the side.

"Should I do it myself or should you hand it over?"

She really had no choice but to slowly stretch out her hand.

It is an object that has been deformed when held in the hand, and the surface is burnt black, but it can barely be seen that it is a small cake.

"I, didn't I tell you, I have recently learned several quick recipes that look very simple, including this egg cake...

I saw that it was easy and simple for others to do it, so I thought about it and tried to do it, but it was completely different from what they said...

I obviously followed the steps they told me step by step..."

At the end, Shigure's voice sounded obviously aggrieved.

"It's okay, everyone has things they are good at and things they are not good at, so how can you generalize them.

You can teach, draw, and design jewelry. How many people want to do it but still can't.

It's just that you didn't use your talent points in cooking. It's not your fault. "

Lin Bai picked up the black egg cake and broke it open in the middle.

Lin Bai's mouth twitched slightly as he looked at the cake, which was uncooked on the inside and charred on the outside.

It's quite... shocking to be able to do this.

But of course it was impossible for him to say this.

Break off the burnt outer part and dig out as much edible part as possible. Lin Bai was about to put the broken piece of cake into his mouth to taste it, but was stopped by Jiang Shiyu:

"You...don't eat it, it's not cooked inside..."

she whispered.

"It's okay, just eat it as a cake.

Lin Bai smiled and tasted the cake:

"Well, it's pretty good. It's just that the outside is a bit mushy and I didn't control the heat properly. The rest of it is pretty good."

"Really? Why do I feel like you are comforting me?"

Jiang Shiyu asked in a low voice with a look of disbelief.

"Really not, I promise."

Lin Bai stretched out his hand and wiped the burnt grease on Jiang Shiyu's face:

"You really want to do something yourself?"


She nodded.

"Well, you go wash your face and tidy up first, I'll clean up the kitchen, and then we can bake a simple cake together, okay?"

I will teach you that you will never fail. "

Lin Bai asked with a smile.

"But, but it's already very late now... You've been busy for another day."

Hearing Lin Bai say that he wanted to teach her how to make small cakes, Jiang Shiyu was obviously a little moved, but still shook his head.

"It's okay, this is very simple, it only takes me ten minutes to do it.

As Lin Bai spoke, he reached out and took off Jiang Shiyu's dirty apron:

"Go ahead, go clean up, and then we'll make a cake together."


Jiang Shiyu nodded obediently and carefully washed away the dirty oil on his face and hands.

When he came back, Lin Bai had tidied up the kitchen and put several materials needed on the countertop.

As he said, it is really simple, cake mix, eggs, butter, half a sliced ​​lemon, and a carton of milk.

"Here, first use a kitchen scale to weigh out 200 grams of cake flour, and then use this egg separator to separate the egg whites and egg yolks..."

"Yes, squeezing a little lemon juice into the egg whites will help to beat them."

"Then use an electric mixer to beat the egg whites until they have a little bit of a hook when you lift them.

"Then mix all the materials evenly and pour them into the mold..."

"Adjust the upper and lower fire, and then wait."

Lin Bai patiently explained step by step.

He was not impatient because Jiang Shiyu was clumsy, nor did he step forward to try to replace her more skilled operations.

Instead, he patiently guided her step by step.

Jiang Shiyu was originally very nervous, but under Lin Bai's patient and gentle tone, he slowly relaxed.

"Just wait like this?"

Pushing the mold containing the cake batter into the oven, Jiang Shiyu looked at the cake batter being baked under the dim light in the oven and asked.

"Yes, just wait like this. Isn't it really simple?"


She nodded and reached out to grab Lin Bai's hand:

"Why do these things become so easy when you are around? I can't do them alone..."

"It means you just need me in your life."

Lin Bai smiled and held Jiang Shiyu's hand, but heard her cry out in pain:



Lin Bai quickly took her hand and looked over, and sure enough he found a blister as big as a fingernail on her hand.

"I, I couldn't find the baking gloves, so I used a rag to hold them up, and accidentally hit the iron shelf..."

Jiang Shiyu whispered.

"A burn is the most painful. Have you ever taken a shower with cold water?"

Such a big blister made Lin Bai feel distressed. He hurriedly found some burn ointment and asked while applying it.

"It took a while. I still know this common sense of life. Now it doesn't hurt much if I don't touch it."

Jiang Shiyu replied with a smile.

"Still laughing, still laughing, next time you can't find something, just ask me, you know? If you hurt yourself, I will feel bad.

"Hehe, I know.

Jiang Shiyu knew he was in the wrong and kissed Lin Bai on the cheek. Seeing his frown unfurling at a speed visible to the naked eye, his heavy face turned into a helpless smile:

"You, really..."

Just as he was talking, the oven dinged.

"It's baked."

Lin Bai glanced at Jiang Shiyu who was eager to try next to him:

"You go and sit at the dining table. Your hands are already burned. I will punish you not to touch the oven for a week.


Jiang Shiyu could only sit at the dining table and wait angrily.

Of course there is no point in just eating the cake embryo. Lin Bai took a bottle of squeezable cream from the refrigerator, cut the cake embryo into two pieces, squeezed the cream in the middle, and cut some freshly bought fruits on top for decoration.

In this way, it is a simple fruit cake.

Carrying the small cake to the dining table, Jiang Shiyu's eyes lit up the moment his eyes fell on the small cake.

"Wow...is this the cake I just baked?"

………Please give me flowers…

"Of course, where else can I conjure a fruit cake for you on the spot?"

"Hey, I made the cake, I made it

Seeing her drooling look, Lin Bai couldn't help laughing, and quickly reached out to cut a piece and sent it to her.

"But today doesn't seem to be a day worth celebrating, so there's no point in eating this cake?"

After using a fork to fork a piece of cake and put it into his mouth and swallowed it, Jiang Shiyu spoke.

"What's the point of eating a cake? It's not only for anniversaries or holidays."

Lin Bai also cut himself a piece of cake and said with a smile:

"Besides, with you, every day is Valentine's Day.

Consider this a Valentine's Day cake. "

"Your mouth is getting greasy now!"

"Then you just like me?"

Because it is a school holiday, Lin Bai and Jiang Shiyu also don't have to go to class this week.

After all, Second Uncle Lin's place had just opened. Lin Bai was afraid that he would be too busy, so he originally planned to go over to help. Unexpectedly, he received a call from his mother, Zhao Qiuhong, early in the morning:

"Xiaobai, are you busy at school today?"

"I'm not busy. The school has a holiday these days for the school anniversary. What's wrong?"


"If you're not busy, why don't you come back and help move the big things in the house? Your dad and I borrowed a car. During this time, almost all the other messy things in the house have been moved to the new house. There are still some furniture that are still being moved. It doesn’t move, but hiring someone to move it is ridiculously expensive.”

"Okay, I understand. I'll just go back. You and dad can wait for me at home. Tell dad not to try to carry heavy objects. His old waist can't stand the torment."

Lin Bai said quickly.

"What's wrong?"

Jiang Shiyu heard the movement and curiously poked his head out and asked.

"My parents are about to officially move into the house in Bishui Garden that we gave them before. There are still some old furniture in the house that they can't move, so they asked me to come back and help."

"Oh...Okay, then you go.

Tell me after you move here, and I'll go over and help clean it up.

I can't move large items, but I can still clean. I have just moved into a new house, and there will definitely be a lot of things to tidy up. "

Jiang Shiyu smiled.

"Okay, we'll call you when we get here. You can rest at home first."

Lin Bai nodded and went out.

After returning to his old home, Lin Bai went upstairs and saw that all the daily utensils that could be moved had indeed been moved.

Seeing Lin Bai coming back, Zhao Qiuhong hurriedly greeted him:

"Xiaobai, come here quickly, your dad and I are thinking about how to move the TV and TV cabinet out. 17

As he spoke, he pointed to the "TV table" placed in the living room.

Lin Bai glanced at it and almost lost his temper.

"Mom, you don't want to move all these old furniture to the new house, do you? The style doesn't match at all."

You know, the furniture in the old house has been used for at least 20 years, and many of them have been peeled off and broken, and they all rely on repairs to survive.

Mom actually wanted to bring these to the new house.

"Otherwise! It doesn't cost money to buy new furniture?"

Zhao Qiuhong’s eyebrows stood up:

"Seeing that you are getting married, Xiao Yu is about to give birth, and there are many ways to spend money. Save as much as you can."

“Mom, we already live in a new house, so don’t worry about this.

Come with me, I'll take you to buy new furniture, and I'll pay for it. "

Lin Bai couldn't help but pulled Zhao Qiuhong and Lin Guodong to the mall.

After placing orders happily all the way, after he decided to buy the seventh new home appliance, Zhao Qiuhong couldn't sit still anymore and forcefully pulled Lin Bai aside:

"Xiao Bai, tell the truth, where did you get so much money? Did you do something illegal??"

Lin Guodong also helped:

"Could it be that... I'm a criminal?"

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