Lin Yinong returned home, feeling a little depressed.

The Lin family, who had been waiting for a whole night, saw Lin Yinong coming back, and

hurried out of the room and gathered in the living room.

Seeing that Lin Yinong looked quite disappointed,

Lin Weiwei guessed that Lin Feng must have been exposed, and was furious, and bullied Lin Yinong!

She sat down next to Lin Yinong and put her arms around her shoulders,

"Yinong, don't be sad!"

"I knew that Lin Feng was not a good bird. Now that he has been exposed by Yinong, he must want to retaliate against us even more!"

At this point, she gritted her teeth,

"Dare to frame us like this, I must teach him a lesson!"

"Ah?" Lin Yinong was stunned.

"Third sister, you are confused. If you go to him alone, he might go crazy." Lin Jue leaned against the sofa, with a smile on his face.

He did not have the worries of the other members of the Lin family,

He was just happy that Lin Feng was going to be dealt with.

If things continue like this,

it won't be long before Lin Feng disappears from the Lin family completely!

Just go back to his orphanage,

Why do you have to threaten my position?

Lin Yinong was speechless, "No, we all misunderstood Lin Feng!"

"I'm unhappy because of something else."

Lin Weiwei frowned: "Misunderstanding?"

Lin Yinong explained, "Lin Feng didn't buy hot searches to discredit us, he started his own business."

"Lin Feng is really good, I shouldn't be so prejudiced against him."

But Lin Hai, as a father, sneered subconsciously when he heard Lin Yinong's words, "Just him?"

"He can start a business? What a joke."

"You are just simple-minded, don't let him cheat you out of money again!"

Lin Yinong looked at everyone's hesitant and contemptuous eyes, and realized why Lin Feng would rather leave home.

Indeed...prejudice is too great.

"I did see him at the entrance of the entrepreneurship incubation base last time." Zhou Xuan hurriedly explained, "He should be really working on an entrepreneurial project in school, right?"

Lin Zhuyan really didn't expect that such a useless brother would choose to start his own business,

and he also had the means to approach Weibo's internal staff.

She let go of her hanging heart,

as long as he didn't go to discredit the Lin family.

She didn't bother to care about other things.

Lin Weiwei was also a little embarrassed at this moment,

Lin Feng really didn't want to deliberately buy hot searches for hype,

making it seem like she was being self-indulgent.

Thinking of Lin Feng's attitude towards her at that time,

Lin Weiwei was a little angry again,

Why didn't he explain it to her clearly, causing her to misunderstand him,

and causing the family to be alarmed!

She blushed a little, and hurriedly explained a few words and went back to the room.

Lin Jue, who was watching the show on the side, couldn't hold back the smile on his face.

What's going on?

Why did the third sister and mother suddenly speak for Lin Feng?

What did Lin Feng say to the third sister!

He spoke hurriedly,

"Third sister, don't be fooled by Lin Feng's words, he..."

Before Lin Jue finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Yinong,

"I'm tired and want to rest. You don't have to worry. He didn't want to discredit the Lin family."

Lin Yinong didn't want to hear anything now,

The strong guilt weighed on her heart.

Lin Jue saw that the third sister interrupted him for the first time,

He was even more annoyed,

Why did the third sister not only speak for him but also interrupt him after meeting Lin Feng once? !

What did Lin Feng do? !

Lin Jue became more and more angry,

I thought that this time he could make Lin Feng never stand up,

Who knew that he would be defeated by him!

Zhou Xuan also noticed that something was wrong with Lin Jue at this time.

She also heard what he said to Lin Yinong just now.

She frowned and couldn't say anything to blame Lin Jue.

She still touched the back of his hand and said with some warning,

"Xiao Jue, Lin Feng is your brother after all..."

"Don't look at him with prejudice. Even if he has made mistakes, as long as he is not unforgivable, he can correct it."


After making it, Lin Feng played it every day.

He also sent the link to his roommate Li Yuxin.

Because the game has not been put on the shelves, it can only be downloaded from the link.

Li Yuxin has never touched the game since he smashed the mouse last time.

Everyone was drowsy in this Marxist philosophy class.


Li Yuxin put down his mobile phone.

The "level clearance failed" on the mobile phone made him scratch his head anxiously.

His hair was scratched into a mess.

He couldn't help but complain,

"Lin Feng, your game is too difficult. I can't even pass the second level!"

He clicked "Try Again"

"I just don't believe it,"

"Your crappy game is reallyHead, now when I close my eyes, all I can see is this!"

Li Yuxin swept away the annoyance of not being able to pass the level just now,

and a cheerful smile appeared on his face again,

The class beauty Liu Rongrong in front of him also turned her head curiously when she heard this,

She was really sleepy listening to this crappy class.

Now when she heard that there was a game that could not be passed, she immediately became energetic,

"What game? Let me try it, I want to see how difficult it is!"

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, and seeing that she was eager to try,

so he sent her the link,

"This is it, it's awesome, you try it! "

Liu Rongrong downloaded it and started playing immediately.

She still had a smug smile on her face at the first level,

"What? It's so simple..."

When she reached the second level, she became more and more serious,

until she saw "failed to pass the level",

her brows knitted tightly.

She played again and again in disbelief.

Until she heard the end of get out of class,

she suddenly woke up,

she accidentally played for two classes!

Li Yuxin packed up his things and saw that Liu Rongrong didn't look very good,

and put on a smug smile on his face,

"How about it, class flower, did you pass the level?"

Liu Rongrong shook her head and glared at Li Yuxin hatefully,

"What do you care? ! You can't pass the level either!"

Li Yuxin pouted,


He punched Lin Feng next to him, his teeth clattering,

"Why do you make the level so difficult? Where is the relaxing game you promised? My CPU is burning up!"

Liu Rongrong, who was still immersed in the trouble of not being able to pass the level, suddenly looked up and widened her eyes,

"What did you say? ? ?"

She grabbed Li Yuxin's arm,


Li Yuxin felt pain and grimaced in pain,

Liu Rongrong pointed at Lin Feng,

"Is this game developed by Lin Feng? "

Lin Feng nodded innocently, indicating that his game has not been put on the shelves yet, and it is still a beta version.

Liu Rongrong was very surprised,

Isn't it said that Lin Feng is a dog who only works part-time?

Her friend lives in the same dormitory with Jiang Yuhan, and she also heard that Lin Feng has been pestering Jiang Yuhan.

She has never looked down on dogs like Lin Feng.

I didn't expect that he could actually make such a game.

Although it is not a big production,

It is really fun!

Thinking of this, she changed her opinion of Lin Feng.

It turns out that you can't know a person by hearsay.

Now it seems that Lin Feng is quite good!

Liu Rongrong suddenly had an idea.

She is actually a game short video blogger.

She is worried that there are no good games to shoot videos recently.

Thinking of this, she patted Lin Feng,

"Hey, Lin Feng, can I live broadcast your game before it is released? "

Liu Rongrong felt that such a magical game live broadcast would definitely be very effective.

Besides, the game has not been released yet,

she can seize the opportunity!

She explained her identity to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng really didn't expect such a pleasant surprise.

Although he had Weibo to help promote it,

if he could promote it in advance on the short video platform,

the effect would be better!

Lin Feng gladly accepted Liu Rongrong's request.

When they separated, Liu Rongrong seemed to suddenly think of something,

and called Lin Feng again,

"I think you should create an official account that is awesome first."

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