The scene changed, and Lin Feng seemed to be blown by the wind, walking in the corridor of time,

visiting and participating in his blurred memory fragments.

This time, he saw Jiang Yuhan,

the white moonlight that he had always taken care of as a relative since childhood,

Lin Feng's mind flashed,

opened his eyes, and was waiting for Jiang Yuhan downstairs in the girls' dormitory with a breakfast in his hand.

Oh, as always,

she had an early morning today, and she must not be able to get up and rush to eat breakfast.

Lin Feng sent her a message yesterday, but Jiang Yuhan didn't reply.

The wind is cold in winter, and the sky is still a little dark after seven o'clock.

It snowed two days ago, and there is still some snow on the green belt on the roadside.

Lin Feng's cotton jacket is not of good quality. He bought it for dozens of yuan on Pinxixi.

It looks thick, but it is not warm at all.

【Yuhan, I'm waiting for you downstairs and bought you breakfast. 】

Lin Feng sent a message, but it fell on deaf ears.

"Ha...!" Lin Feng exhaled and rubbed his hands in the cold.

Then he was a little worried that Jiang Yuhan might get cold because she didn't wear enough clothes, so he sent her another message,

[Yuhan, it's cold, you should wear more clothes, and wear the scarf I gave you before! 】

It's not easy to work in winter,

Lin Feng sighed as he looked at the snow on the roadside that was trampled black.

He bought a scarf worth several hundred yuan for Jiang Yuhan before, but his neck was empty.

After standing downstairs for nearly an hour, Lin Feng's face was red from the cold.

It was 7:40 before Jiang Yuhan and Liu Rou ran down from the upstairs hand in hand.

Lin Feng hurried forward,

"Yu Han, the breakfast I bought for you is still hot, take it and eat it!"

Jiang Yu Han frowned, "I don't want it, eat it yourself!"

Lin Feng insisted on stuffing it into her mouth,

"You will have a stomachache if you don't eat it, and why don't you wear a scarf?"

Lin Feng kept nagging, admonishing Jiang Yu Han like an old woman.

"Remember to wear the scarf I bought for you last time..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Rou interrupted him, "Yu Han will not wear the cheap scarf you bought, the ones Lin Jue gave her are all big brands worth tens of thousands a day! Yours has been thrown away long ago!"

Jiang Yu Han wanted to say that she didn't accept Lin Jue's scarf either, but she didn't say it.

Lin Feng was a little surprised, "What?"

Jiang Yuhan impatiently slapped the breakfast that Lin Feng handed over.

Lin Feng didn't hold it firmly for a moment, and the breakfast was knocked to the ground. The steaming meat porridge flowed out of the box and gradually melted the ice and snow on the ground.

"I told you I don't want it!" Jiang Yuhan frowned in disgust, thinking that Lin Feng was really annoying.

After saying that, he pulled Liu Rou away quickly.

Lin Feng squatted down and cleaned up the hot porridge that was spilled on the ground.

"Stupid, if you don't eat it, you will have a stomachache later..."

Lin Feng squatted on the ground, feeling a pain in his heart.

"I'm sorry... I can't give you better..."

Lin Feng muttered, feeling a little depressed.

In the past, Jiang Yuhan would be happy for a long time if he gave her a piece of candy, but now he can't give her what she wants.

Lin Feng's eyes were a little sour, and he got up and threw away the garbage.

Jiang Yuhan no longer needed what he could do, but Lin Feng was willing to wait and show up when Jiang Yuhan needed him.

Lin Feng was kicked out of the Lin family and finally felt a little relieved.

He used the remaining money to rent a dark and narrow basement.

Because he was still studying and couldn't find a stable job, he had to do several odd jobs while studying.

Finally, he fainted at the place where he worked.

Before losing consciousness, Lin Feng was only worried that he had no money to treat his illness.

When he woke up again, he saw Cheng Sui, who was domineering and arrogant, but as hot as a little sun, constantly attracting Lin Feng to get close to her.

Cheng Sui's mother was a very kind middle-aged woman. Her temperament made Lin Feng feel very warm,

like the dean's mother.

She said she would help Lin Feng pay for the medical expenses, but Lin Feng remembered what the doctor said,

he was already very serious and there was no need to continue the operation.

Lin Feng still smiled and shook his head and refused.

Later, he was arranged to stay in the high-end ward of Cheng Sui's mother.

All this was Cheng Sui's doing.

Lin Feng lay on the bed, getting thinner and thinner day by day, until only bones were left.

No one came to see Lin Feng, and Lin Feng did not tell others, because he knew that even if he told others, the Lin family would only hate him more.

There was no need.

Cheng Sui often came back to see Lin Feng, maybe out of sympathy?

Lin Feng was very grateful. Cheng Sui paid a lot of medical expenses for him. Did she think that she would not know if she kept it from him?

Living in a high-end ward costs a lot of money every day.But Lin Feng did not reject Cheng Sui's kindness, and he did not have the strength to reject it anymore.

It hurts so much...

Will anyone be sad if I die?

It seems that Lin Ling'er likes me very much, she will definitely be sad, right? Then I'd better not tell her.

She should be happy all her life!

On the day before his death, Cheng Sui brought a bag of fruit.

Cheng Sui sat by the bed, looking at Lin Feng, whose eyes were almost unable to open, with a face full of heartache.

She took out a box of winter strawberries from the bag and fed it to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng had never eaten such delicious strawberries since he was a child,

Very sweet and fragrant.

The strawberries in his memory were small, looked very red, but were so sour that his teeth were about to fall out.

He remembered that it was the first time he earned money to buy them for Jiang Yuhan, and he only ate one.

So strawberries are so sweet?


Lin Feng took a bite and was very grateful to Cheng Sui, but unfortunately he no longer had the strength to take a second bite, his body was not good.

Cheng Sui's eyes looked red. She wiped Lin Feng's mouth, leaned over the bed, and whispered to Lin Feng, "I'll bring you more delicious fruits tomorrow, wait for me, okay?" Cheng Sui's voice was a little choked up, Lin Feng nodded, trying to force a smile, "I'll wait for you!" In fact, after Lin Feng found out that he was in the late stage of cancer, he called Jiang Yuhan several times. He told Jiang Yuhan that he was feeling a little uncomfortable, and asked if he could come to see him. But Jiang Yuhan refused every time. She said, "I'm very busy, Lin Feng, do you think everyone is as leisurely as you?" "If you are sick, go see a doctor, don't bother me!" "I don't have time..." Lin Feng stopped calling Jiang Yuhan until he was blocked. He knew that Jiang Yuhan just didn't want to see him. When she said she was busy, she was actually socializing with others and shopping. Even if she was free, she would not be willing to see Lin Feng. What could he have? It was nothing more than trying to deliberately arouse his sympathy.

Liu Rou was right, such people should not be ignored, otherwise they would become more aggressive.

Lin Feng no longer had the energy to look at his phone.

He sighed and looked at the direction where Cheng Sui left, his eyes full of nostalgia.

"Thank you, Cheng Sui..."

Lin Feng still couldn't eat the more delicious fruit that Cheng Sui promised,

His life stayed forever on that cold snowy night.

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