Hearing that Ace spontaneously mastered this power called Haki during the battle with the Vice Admiral, Luffy's interest can be said to be aroused to the extreme at this moment. As the youngest of the three sworn brothers, Luffy I have never defeated Ace since I was a child, and the record of defeats hundreds of times is still clearly in my mind.

Of course this was unlikely to discourage him.

On the contrary, it made his fighting spirit even higher, looking forward to the day when he could catch up with Ace, and when he could truly defeat Ace.

"Rubber Jet Beast Machine Gun!"

The pain of being whipped by the iron rope did not make Luffy take a step back. On the contrary, with a shining desire, he mustered up more courage to continue swinging his fists, resisting Elus's whipping with the iron rope, and using his fists to experience for himself what the so-called Haki is. Something like that.

In the pain that was like peeling off skin and knocking bones, he pondered the true face of Haki.

This courage and courage,

Even Elus couldn't help but admire him.

Although they keep saying that Luffy is the Son of Destiny, the journey of this Son of Destiny has not been smooth sailing. He has experienced severe tests that are rare in ordinary people's lives, and he has made rapid improvements, like riding a rocket. become stronger.


Some people may say that if you endure pain you can become stronger, then he can do it too.

Elus was noncommittal about this. As the opponent who caused Luffy pain, he knew very well how heavy his strength was. Luffy's fist would probably have cracked the bones, let alone punching, even if it was slight. You can feel severe pain even if you move.

However, Luffy still maintained his 'second gear' state, using his fists at the highest speed to launch ferocious attacks like a storm.

That kind of pain——

Elus felt his teeth sore just thinking about it.

Sure enough, the reason why the protagonist is the protagonist is not only because of destiny, but also because he has put in enough efforts to be favored by destiny, endured pain that ordinary people cannot bear, and always maintains such an innocent heart... ··

“Successful people don’t get lucky.”

Elus looked at Luffy who was sweating profusely and decided to give this boy a reward.

Although this was his whim, to be honest, Luffy, who dreams of becoming the Pirate King, is naturally the enemy of the World Government, not his own enemy. The images of these villains were created by Elus himself.

As Luffy gets stronger, the benefits actually outweigh the disadvantages for him.

He mobilized a bit of Bengyu's power, added his own prayers, and transmitted it along the iron rope. The moment it collided with Luffy's fist, he sent this power into Luffy's body, and he was healed in an instant. The messy pain on Luffy's body was wiped away, along with the aftereffects of using the third gear before it could explode.


You are aware of the changes in your body.

Luffy noticed the changes in his body immediately,

But the problem is that he doesn't know the source of this change... No, there is probably only one person who can do such a thing at this time, not to mention there are not many people nearby, even if his companions are all here Here, there is no way to do such a thing, he knows this very well.


After eliminating the impossible options, the only answer fell on Eleus who was fighting against him.


Luffy clicked his tongue in a small voice.

Being pitied by your opponent...it really makes people feel a little complicated! Especially since he doesn't know how to define Elus' identity. Is he an irreconcilable enemy? It doesn't feel right! So, is it an opponent that can be dealt with? Or something else...

This complicated relationship made Luffy's meager brain suddenly insufficient. He had a headache for a few seconds. He simply stopped thinking about it and continued to punch.

Fighting is what he does best.

Rather than relying on your head to figure things out, it’s better to use your body to understand.


The Ark Proverbs is sinking.

Without the energy supplied by Enero, the wind power stored in the two hundred wind shells was almost exhausted. It was natural that the wind shells would sink at this time. Fortunately, the wind shells were still emitting that little wind power and did not let them sink. The Ark fell rapidly in a straight line, but maintained a slow speed and sank little by little.

Nami was lying on the side of the ship, looking at the approaching forest land below. She couldn't help but hold on to the railing, and many ways to avoid the impact flashed in her mind.

But just when she was thinking about how to land safely, the Ark moved slightly, floated for a moment and then began to slowly descend at an unnatural and constant speed. Yes, this was by no means sinking, but falling. Ark It's landing downwards.

"...What kind of monster is he?"

Nami muttered in a voice so quiet that even she herself couldn't hear it clearly.

Her mind is very smart.

Almost instantly he thought of who had interfered with the landing of the Ark.

She looked at Luffy and Elus who were still fighting fiercely. For some reason, the worries in her heart dissipated a lot. Her intuition told her that Elus would not really hurt Luffy and would just face it rationally. The irresistible power is still a bit uneasy.

"Miss Nami!!!"

Suddenly, an extremely familiar shout came to her ears along with the breeze.

She lowered her head and looked over, and saw Sanji running quickly on the land below. The chef, who was eager to protect the flowers, chased the landing ark. Regardless of the fact that the ark was about to land on the ground, he leaped up and stepped on the ark. The long oars flew all the way up.

"Miss Nami, are you okay?"

Sanji rolled over and jumped onto the deck, kneeling on one knee and gliding in front of Nami.

"I'm fine, Luffy is fine too, but Sanji, your injuries don't matter, right? And everyone, how are you all? Are you all fine?" Nami looked at Sanji and blurted out a series of questions.

"This little injury is nothing to worry about. I don't know what happened to the others. I saw the Ark falling and rushed here. But Miss Nami, don't worry. Everyone will be fine. I'd say it's probably that way. The green algae head got lost in the forest again, the others should be looking for him."

After looking carefully and confirming that Nami was fine, Sanji breathed a sigh of relief, took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, took a long puff, and then slowly exhaled the smoke and relaxed.

"Miss Nami, why is the Black Prince here? On the contrary, that god... why did he lie down?"

Sanji looked up at Elus, who was having a lively fight with Luffy, and then looked at Enel lying on the deck, and asked a question.

About this question,

Nami was actually just as confused.

"I don't know either. That long-eared guy was knocked down by Luffy. As for... Prince Elus, he appeared so suddenly. I don't understand how he found this place at all, but... Isn’t it strange? I always feel like he is a monster.”


Sanji raised his head and stared at the unclear figure of Eleus, and nodded slowly as if in agreement.

Strong to the point of being unreasonable, he is indeed a real monster.

"Hey! Nami!!! Sanji!!!"

The shouts from not far away immediately drew the attention of the two people. They saw Usopp standing on the treetop waving. This long-nosed sniper who likes to tell some unreasonable lies saw Usopp falling. The ark's motto, pursued all the way,


Nami and Sanji were also very surprised.

Sanji's appearance was like a signal, and all the members of the Straw Hats came together one after another, including the lost Zoro, who was also discovered by Robin on the road and rushed over together.

The companions reunited on the deck of the ark.

After briefly describing their respective encounters, it was confirmed that there were no major problems. Everyone's attention was naturally attracted to the captain who was fighting hard. The Black Prince Elus was not a stranger to everyone. monster.

"Prince Elus...what exactly is he planning? Why are you still following us?"

Robin frowned slightly.

She didn't know what Elus had planned. Was he planning to use Luffy to deal with the revolutionary army? Or use it against the naval hero? Or is it some other unknown purpose?

"Hey, Nami, what's going on with this strange fruit?" Usopp asked, pointing to the fluttering fruit on the table.

"Devil Fruit?"

Robin's eyes widened.

"Why are there devil fruits here?"

Sanji was also shocked.

To be honest, it's not that they didn't observe carefully, but that they were distracted by other things. They were so busy caring about Elus in the sky that they didn't even notice the fluttering fruits that were so grandly placed on the table. Now they were occupied by Wu. After Thorpe said this, he suddenly noticed it.

"Ah! By the way, this is..."

Nami patted her head and told her companions what she had seen and heard before.

Zoro, Usopp, and Chopper, who had little knowledge, didn't think Elus's series of manipulations were powerful at all. They just looked at the devil fruit with curious eyes, but they always kept in mind that it was Elus. It belongs to Us, so no one can touch it at will.

In contrast,

Sanji and Robin, who have broad vision, immediately realized how terrifying Elus was!

If what Nami said is true, the Black Prince has the ability to steal other people's Devil Fruits, and seems to be able to eat multiple Devil Fruits... What kind of monster is this? This was completely beyond their imagination.

If Nami wasn’t reputable,

They really have to wonder if this is a trick.

"Have you mastered the abilities of multiple Devil Fruits? It makes sense to say that. There are so many different abilities... It can't be said that a single Devil Fruit can do it. The Black Prince is worthy of being a Black Prince. prince."

Robin rubbed his eyebrows, vaguely guessing the purpose of Elvus coming to Sky Island.

"Sanji, do you think Prince Eleus is here for that god's Devil Fruit?"

"...It's very possible! The natural Devil Fruit, if you are right, it should be the Thunder Fruit... If it is this Devil Fruit, it is indeed worth a special trip to Sky Island, speaking of which He was also the first to tell Luffy about the information about Sky Island, right?"

They add up to this.

He became more and more convinced that Eleus was here for the Thunder Fruit.

As for why Luffy and Luffy are suddenly fighting now... Since Luffy has been alive after fighting with Elus for so long, it seems that Eleus doesn't intend to hurt Luffy, although he is still very uneasy. , this kind of monster is best to go as far as possible.

At this moment,

The battle between Luffy and Elus also made new progress.

In the cycle of breaking the bones of his hands after being whipped with iron ropes again and again, and then recovering, Luffy finally touched the realm of armed haki, and stood firmly in this realm under the violent whipping of Elus. , able to skillfully use the power of armed color domineering.

"Okay! It's almost done."

Eleus jerked his hand away.

All the iron ropes were retracted, and the body turned into lightning and flashed in the air, passing through the dense fist shadows, and appeared on the deck in the next moment, "Oh, there are so many people! Miss Robin, we meet again!" She’s still as beautiful as before!”

"Prince Eleus."

Robin smiled, his attitude neither far nor near.

"I wonder why you came to Sky Island?"

"It's okay! I'm here for the long ears, Miss Robin. Please relax. Although I am the Seventh Warrior of the King, I am actually not your enemy. Believe me, although I hate pirates, I also We won’t go so far as to say that if we see the skull and crossbones flag, we will kill them without mercy!”

Elus walked to the table, picked up the Piaopiao Fruit and stuffed it into his sleeves.

He waved his hand to open the air door and sent back all the refrigerator, tables, chairs and other things. He also put a few large gold coins in the consumed red wine and apples. The currency of the air island was not Beli, but gold was a symbol of money everywhere. , considered a real hard currency.

"Everyone, if there's nothing else, I'll take my leave."

Elus left as soon as he said it, shook his hand and shot out a chain to wrap around the unlucky Enel, opened the air door and walked in. The next second another air door opened, and in an instant he was four thousand kilometers away. Outside, which is the limit distance that Gaglaguo can currently reach, he opened the door several times in a row, and he came to the Magic Triangle Sea.

That is Moria's territory.

After leaving Alabasta, Elus came here and continued to be roommates with Moria, sharing the world's largest terrifying three-masted sailing ship.

"Your Highness, you are back."

Seeing Elus coming out of the air door, Fran calmly sent her greetings.

"Well, I got what I wanted. I originally wanted to bring some gold back, but after thinking about it I gave up. Anyway, it's not that much money away."

"So you brought back a girl with long ears like an old lady?"

"Leave this guy to Farug and let him arrange some training. He is not bad at talent. He will be more or less capable of fighting after a good training."

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