Elus stood on the bow of the ship relaxed and happy, holding a telescope and looking at the islands at the junction of the sea and the sky in the distance.

After a long sea voyage, he couldn't help but miss the solid and steady feeling of stepping on land. Specifically, he was tired of the days of wandering at sea. These days, he has been at sea almost all the time. Running around.

First, he went to the Whitebeard Pirates to hand over the protection fee, and then after returning home, he hurriedly went north and cut off Umit's extended claw. Before he could return to the palace to rest for a few days, Umit sent out another German message from the air. Dressrosa's invitation, so he got on the boat again and headed towards Dressrosa.

After careful calculation, he has basically spent more than four months from the beginning of this year to now on the boat.

This made him miss life on land extraordinarily.

"Dressrosa, phew! We're finally here, Fran, let's have a good few days here and take a rest. The food and clothing in Dressrosa are pretty good, and there's also the bullfighting arena. You can also go and have a look, Lover's Avenue is also very famous..." Elus turned his head and started talking to the maid standing next to him like he was talking about his treasures.

“The land of love and passion and toys?”

The maid stood on the side of the ship. Like Eleus, she seemed to be looking forward to the next time in Dressrosa.

She looks good today, her long red hair shines brightly, her bright red eyes are not as cold as before, but have a bit more of a girl's expectation and excitement, and her pink lips are blooming with a rare beauty. smile.

"I heard that Dressrosa's toys are alive, Your Highness, is this true?"

Fran was probably looking forward to the pleasant time ahead, and Fran's attitude was particularly soft when she spoke.

"Well, it's true, although... well! It's nothing. When you get ashore, you will soon see all kinds of toys and humans living together." Elus still endured it. Live without debunking the truth about the so-called living toys.

It's better not to talk about such unpleasant things and put you in a bad mood now.

He is not a messenger of justice,

He didn't come to Dressrosa to bring justice. He came to rob things, to rob Umit's status and wealth. The newspaper called him the 'Black Prince', and regardless of this, you could tell that he was. It was a nickname that came out without much thought, but the word 'black' is really not a joke.

Even if it is to be more worthy of his name, he is determined to be the King of Shipping!

"A scene where toys and humans live together? I can't imagine it!"

"Can it be said that toys and humans can form a family?"

"Then how do they reproduce? Are the children born humans or toys?"

Fran asked one strange question after another.

"... Fran, what are you focusing on is not right? Shouldn't most people doubt the authenticity of living toys?" Elus looked at his personal maid and couldn't help but complain.

"Eh? Is that so?"

"Well, generally speaking, normal people should think so!"

"Ah! Did the living toy turn out to be a lie?"

The maid lady clearly showed disappointment.

"It's not that I'm lying, it's just..." Looking at the girl with a disappointed look, Elus thought of the numerous stuffed toys in the girl's private bedroom, and almost forgot about his own. The maid's hobby is to collect different toys.

Well, although there are many weird things in it, such as a brown bear doll tied up with a ball and a rope, a particularly sad-looking drooling cat, and a long-legged rabbit wearing a one-piece swimsuit...

It's a bit of a tangent, but let's get back to the point. In short, what I want to explain is that Fran, who seems to have cold eyes, is actually a serious toy addict.

If she is allowed to know the truth about the so-called living toys, but if you think about it carefully, it is better to tell her in advance, otherwise God knows what the hell those cute-looking toys are. It is impossible to say what a cute dog toy actually is. But there is a pirate who doesn’t like to take a bath...

I can't think about it, I can't think about it, it makes me shudder just thinking about it!

"Fran, listen carefully, the so-called living toys in Dressrosa are actually..." Elus paused, brewing his emotions for a while, then continued: "Those living toys In fact, they are all humans, and they were turned into toys by people with abilities."


Fran's eyes widened and she looked at Eleus with disbelief, "Your Highness, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

"Think about it with your head. Do you think living toys are reliable?"

"But giants and fish-men exist, so why are living toys fake?"

"That's what I said, but the living toy... In short, what I said is true, and don't let it slip when we get ashore. This matter is a secret of the Don Quixote family. , if it is accidentally leaked, we will have to fight with the King Qibukai again."

Fran carefully observed Elus's expression, judged it based on her past experience, and came to the conclusion that this was indeed the truth.

He suddenly became depressed and looked greatly shocked.

She has been looking forward to it for a long time. The Land of Toys... is actually a lie. It is actually a lie...

The sea breeze was blowing fiercely, and the snow-white sails were bulging high, pushing the warship to break through the waves and gallop forward on the sea like an arrow from the string. Beautiful seagulls were hovering high in the sky, making loud and clear sounds. The cry seemed to welcome guests to Dressrosa.

Before the maid could recover from the blow, Dressrosa, which was still far away, had already appeared in front of her. Standing on the bow of the ship, she could see the long coastline covered with a large number of mushroom-shaped rocks, as well as the crowded The thousands of white sails in the port look like a sea of ​​clouds from a distance.

"Fran, don't be sad, we will be able to go ashore soon. How about we try the delicious food in Dressrosa first?"

"not so good!"

The shocked maid immediately lost her previous tenderness, and her cold-sounding attitude changed back.

"And Your Highness, please don't forget the King of Shipping. He has been waiting on the island for five days. He might call over as soon as he gets off the boat."

"You're not so careless, are you?"

Eleus raised an eyebrow.


He looked at the port that suddenly became a little chaotic for some reason, and lightly scratched his chin with his finger, "It seems that there are really no rules at all... But it's better to solve it as soon as possible. You can now concentrate on playing!”

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