I only want to be a Shichibukai when I have Bengyu

Chapter 58 Kaixia Jinbei’s investigation

"Does the Navy want to come back to the New World? I see."

The sixth generation king of the Kingdom of Ecmundo, Soccachio Burwell, was holding a cigar and puffing away smoke in his study, letting the smoke curl up in the small, airtight space, like a fairyland. Well, although this fairyland is very intimidating to people. There is no benefit to your body at all.

"Cooperating with the Navy? Al, the risk is a bit high!"

"Is this what a king of a world government member country should say?" Elus rolled his eyes.

"Just tell the truth."

Burwell waved his hand carelessly, "The new world now is the territory of the four emperors. Even though the relationship between the four pirate emperors is not friendly at all, and there are constant wars at the junction of each other's territories, there is no doubt that , if the navy dares to try to reach out into the new world, it will definitely be attacked head-on by the four emperors."

"The Navy... is not missed by many in this new world."

This is too much to say.

But it is also an indisputable fact.

The Navy's control over the New World has been very fragile in the past, far less powerful than it was in the Four Seas and Paradise. No matter how pirates swarm in the Four Seas and Paradise now, the Navy has always occupied a dominant position, but in this new world it is just the opposite. , the navy has basically never occupied a strong position.

The overlords of the New World changed one after another, but the navy never successfully took root in the New World.

The people here have never enjoyed the peace and tranquility brought by the navy, so naturally they cannot talk about missing it. Many World Government member countries, including the Kingdom of Exmundo, are also accustomed to fending for themselves. For the navy Not very cold.

"But if you think it's okay, then I have no objection."

Burwell looked at his eldest son sitting on the sofa.

Ever since the news of Elus's draw with Big Mom came out, and the news of the rise of the fifth overlord of the New World was openly published in newspapers, the Kingdom of Exmundo has been different from the past. The kingdom transformed from its original position of being dominated by humans to one of the rulers of the new world.

There are not as many scruples as before.

As long as it does not affect the actual interests of the four emperors, the Kingdom of Exmundo is now said to be unimpeded in the New World... Of course it is an exaggeration. The muddy water in the New World is not blown out, except for those at the top of King's Landing. In addition to the Four Emperors, there are still countless predators hidden under the water.

"We don't need to make a decision now. We can talk to the navy slowly. How can we do such a big thing as helping the navy return to the new world without enough benefits?"

Elvus didn't care much about this matter. The navy wanted to compete for the dominance of the new world. This matter could not be achieved in a day or two. After the initial surprise, there was not much discussion. interest of.

The uncertain future is too far away.

It is more reliable to seize the current interests.

"Father, I plan to go to the Red Earth Continent."

Eleus said.

"Go if you want! I have prepared a gift for your grandpa." Burwell replied calmly, "Also, I will bring Sal and Adela with me this time to let them familiarize themselves with life in the Red Earth Continent in advance. , they will always go to the Red Earth Continent with me in the future, so they can get familiar with it in advance so as not to feel uncomfortable going there later."

Socacio Salmak.

Socacio Adela.

They are Eleus's younger brother and sister.

According to the rules of the Kingdom of Ecmundo, in order to make way for Elvus and avoid the consequences of brotherly fratricide, his younger brothers and sisters were all taken to the Red Earth Continent to seek a life.

"Grandpa has already told you?"

Elvus hasn't told Burwell about this yet, but only consulted his grandfather Wojuk who was far away in the Red Earth Continent in advance.

Since Burwell had already prepared,

It can only mean that his grandfather and father have already communicated.

"Of course, how can we not discuss such a big matter in advance? Besides, His Majesty the Seven Warriors... Al, when did you become interested in this kind of thing?"

"Well, it's hard to say, probably... it's about the time when we are preparing to take over Wumit's shipping network!"

Eleus said hesitantly.


It’s hard to say whether this kind of thing was hidden deep in his heart from the beginning, or whether it sprouted suddenly. Elus’s situation is an example. Ambition has been around since he was a child, but he knew very well that he didn’t have anything to do with ambition. Matching strength, so-called ambition is just a joke like a monkey show.


He has been carefully growing up in the murky waters of the New World, enduring hardships under the claws of dragons and predators. Until he killed Umit, the king of shipping, in Dressrosa, he confirmed I am no longer the inconspicuous little shrimp I used to be.

After three days and two nights of fierce fighting with Big Mom,

Only then did he realize that he had unknowingly grown into a giant beast qualified to make waves in the new world.

Ambition also expanded step by step during this process.

Now, he has dared to bargain with the navy, the strongest overlord on the sea.

The so-called growth,

It seems that this is the case, and it has expanded inadvertently.


Burwell flicked his cigarette butt and said, "As long as you know everything about the Shichibukai, I can't help you. In short, be careful when going to the Red Earth Continent. It's best not to cause trouble if you can..." ·Well, even if you say this, I guess you won’t listen, and even if you do, it probably won’t be of any use.”

"No way? I don't like asking for trouble. Trouble always comes to me, okay?"

Eleus defended himself.


His Majesty the King smiled kindly and made no comment.


The weather in the new world has changed. Ever since the World Economic News published the news about the rise of the fifth rising overlord, people living in the new world have understood that there is another sun pressing in the sky. wheel.

In addition to the four emperors, a young overlord was added to the throne.

However, the residents of the new world did not wait for the huge storm that broke the existing balance. This young and excessive young overlord did not have the vigor and impulsiveness of young people at all. He just methodically incorporated the remaining forces of the King of Shipping. Put that huge shipping network in the palm of your hand.

Otherwise, he showed no more aggression.


It's just that Wumit's inheritance has already satisfied the Black Prince, and he is not ready to be greedy for more.

The pirate emperors are still aloof, the giants of the dark world still respect each other, and most of the dragons and predators of the new world are watching the young overlord's every move with cold eyes.

The New World is such a big place. It's really big, and there are still many unexplored areas.

It's really small to say the least. The four emperors have already divided up the places in the new world that are easy to occupy. The remaining thorns and hard bones were able to jump around among the four emperors back then. Naturally, they won't be able to do so now because of the fifth emperor. The emergence of a new overlord resulted in a change of stance.

Apart from the lavish propaganda in the newspapers, the residents of the New World have not yet experienced what it feels like to have another sun in the sky.

"How can it be possible that nothing remains the same?"

The polished boots kicked away the rubble blocking the road, crushing the bones that had become cold, leaving behind a long series of gradually fading bloody footprints. Eschbach's tenderness and compassion have always been Neither will be given to an enemy who is stubbornly resisting.

He stood at the gate of the palace, and the magnificent and huge building complex behind him turned into a huge group of ruins in three minutes.

"This is what happens to those who resist."

Looking down at the former aristocratic ministers who were kneeling at their feet and wanting to kiss their toes, he said coldly: "Your country is finished. From today on, this is the fifty-first overseas territory of the Kingdom of Exmundo. The kingdom will send a new mayor to manage the city and the island. Before that, you must cooperate with my troops to control the security of the island."

"If, if the new mayor and I complain that the security here is too poor and the economic level is too low... you will understand the consequences."

"Sir, we dare not have any intention of disobedience."

The losers abandoned their dignity and offered the humblest obedience and prayer to the conquerors.

"Really? That's good. I hope you can do as well as you said."

After dismissing this group of frightened losers, Eschbach turned around and looked at the ruins behind him, exhaling a long breath. The recent work was really tiring.

In order to ensure the integrity of Umit's legacy, they were sent away by Elus and had to run around the new world, suppressing the unwilling rebels and attacking the snoops with malicious intentions. , running around 24 hours a day, even the animal-type ability users feel the fatigue that goes deep into their bones.

Even though his physical strength was still abundant, his spirit was already full of fatigue.


There is also a very troublesome guest to deal with.

"The world has changed, Your Excellency."

Eschbach looked back at the whale shark man standing next to him.

"Under the guidance of His Highness, it will get better and better."

"Is that so? But all I see now is death with no end in sight. Is this what your Highness calls better?" Jinbei looked coldly at the city that had just been suppressed. The laughter and laughter flowing in the air were already there. No more, only endless fear and sadness filled the streets.

"The roots are already broken. Is there any better way than tearing it down and starting over?"

Eschbach responded calmly: "It is not His Highness, nor us, that brings pain and death. It is the natural law of the new world where the weak eat the strong, and it is the unsightly rulers of these countries who have long since decayed. Since they cannot see the new world The situation is changing, even if you don’t die today, you will fall under the sword of others one day in the future.”

"I just ended the shackles imposed on this country in advance and brought new hope to the people here. Even if many people were sacrificed in the process, this is only the price that must be paid in the pursuit of hope."

"Don't you think it would be better for my motherland to take over these territories than to be ruled by these royal families that have long since decayed?"

The Kingdom of Aikmundo is naturally not a perfect utopia.


Because of the strict heir training methods established by previous kings.

The successive kings of the Kingdom of Ekmundo were all good kings. They always squeezed the people to a slightly lower level than their neighboring countries. Coupled with the high profits of the coffee plantations, the Kingdom of Ekmundo was The finances have always been running well.

Therefore, the lives of the citizens of the Kingdom of Exmundo are generally good, especially when compared with those countries under the rule of tyrants, their happiness can rise by dozens of percentage points.

at this point,

This is the conclusion that Jinbei came to after personal inspection.

It's interesting to say that in order to see clearly whether Elus is the one who can be entrusted to Fish-Man Island in the future, Jinbei painstakingly visited every island in the Kingdom of Exmundo. Except for some closed areas, he could go He went to all the places.

Later, he even got involved with each of his attendants and personally investigated the expansion of the Kingdom of Exmundo.

all of these,

All to observe Elus’s character.

For this reason, he even asked Elus to postpone his trip to the Red Earth Continent, and even stopped the navy fleet in the harbor of the Kingdom of Exmundo, because Elus really hoped that a navy could escort him through this place. The "dangerous" new world successfully arrived in the Red Earth Continent.

As a member of the World Government, it is possible to obtain a certain degree of protection from the navy.

Of course, this kind of work is usually the responsibility of rear admirals, but who knows that Lieutenant General Karp is here! And in order to keep an eye on this terrifying monster who could stand up to Big Mom, even Garp stayed behind, preparing to take Alvus back to the Red Earth Continent in case anything happened on the way.

"Fishman Island...Why don't you understand the princess's last wish? Brother Tiger has never hated humans! He just can't like humans anymore..."

Jinbei's eyes were vacant.

He thought of Fishman Island.

The flag of the Whitebeard Pirates can protect Fish-Man Island from external pirates, but it cannot solve the internal problems of Fish-Man Island. Many of his friends who he once hung out with in Fish-Man Street regard humans as enemy pirates. If it weren't for Whitebeard being too scary...

Maybe a civil war has already started on Fish-Man Island.

"It seems like you, the king of the Shichibukai, are having a hard time!"

Eschbach glanced at Jinbe sympathetically.

Here, I would like to remind you again, don’t be fooled by Eschbach’s monster-like body of 350 centimeters. Under this rough and powerful appearance, he has a smart and knowledgeable brain and a soft and gentle heart. heart.

Just from the few words Jinbei expressed and the darkly melancholy look on his face, it was obvious that this king's life in the Shichibukai was not going well at all.

"Of course I'm not as satisfied as your Highness, I'm just...a mouse in the cracks!"

He couldn't find a way to break out, so he could only struggle to survive in this dilemma. While dealing with the World Government and the Navy, he also tried hard to maintain the relationship with the Whitebeard Pirates. He had the best of both worlds and gave the fishmen as much as possible. Island and Dragon Palace Kingdom have room for respite and choice. "

Jinbei sighed.

He has not yet told His Majesty Neptune about his plan to transfer the Shichibukai to His Majesty!


It's almost time to talk to His Majesty the King.

Such a big thing cannot allow His Majesty Neptune to be shocked when he reads the newspaper.

Judging from his observations in the past few days, the Black Prince is indeed not as difficult to deal with as Big Mom and the Beasts. Perhaps, it is indeed a good idea for Fishman Island and Dragon Palace Kingdom to take refuge in this young overlord in the future. Not a bad choice?

I hope,

The future of Fish-Man Island will really be as beautiful as Elus described!

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