The next day, the sky was clear and clear.

The Water City is as peaceful as ever, but the underground forces in the backstreets are in a little chaos because of the loss of their informants, just because they can’t figure out who did such a thing, and because of the recent incident with the Kingdom of Ekmundo With the arrival of the prince, the Water City has always been under a high state of martial law...

Everyone refrained from causing trouble, fearing that they would be punished by the city government. At the same time, they quietly launched an investigation in secret, but the object and direction of the investigation were their former enemies.

French House.

After a night of drunkenness, the gangsters who woke up dizzy did not notice any sign of anyone coming, including the combatant guarding the gate, who touched his stinging head. They just thought that the wine they drank yesterday was adulterated with fake wine. He was planning to find trouble in the tavern, completely unaware of the possibility of being attacked.

Even Franky himself had not yet completely woken up from his hangover. He took a bottle of ice-cold Coke from the refrigerator and drank it down to relieve his hangover.

The sweetness of Coke made him feel a little comfortable.

He let out a long breath.

He reached out to open the secret door on his stomach, took out the empty Coke bottle, put two more bottles of Coke in it, and then closed his belly again. Everything was the same as before, and his life seemed to be headless. Like flies, they circle around the city randomly.

In his belly was the Pluto blueprint, the design of the most powerful battleship in the world. However, he got this blueprint from his senior brother Bingshan and hid it in his belly without taking a second look. Carter, the boy who once loved shipbuilding the most, Frame also disappeared into the past due to the death of his teacher.

The people living today are depraved, confused, confused, unable to find the way forward, unable to see a future worth working for, Franky who is keen on dismantling the pirate ship...

"Brother Franky, our wallets are empty!"

Screams started.

The sisters with square hair are holding empty wallets in their hands.

They are the Cube sisters, Kiwi and Moz, who are the deputy leaders of Franky House and are in charge of the financial power of Franky House.

"Ah! I have no money again. Zanba, Danzi,'s time to work! Are there any valuable pirates recently?" Franky threw away the brief complicated emotions. Afterwards, the future is too far away, so living every day now is just trying your best.


"Brother Franky, I know a group of pirates who landed yesterday!"

The perverts in Franky's House burst out with enthusiasm as strong as fire. They looked at the man wearing only a pair of swimming trunks with admiration and respect. No matter how bad the residents of the Water City had a bad impression of Franky, None of it could affect their loyalty to Franky.


Just when his junior brother Franky led a group of perverted boys to hunt the pirates who landed in the Water City, Bingshan once again came to the Horned Cat Hotel next to the city hall. After a night of thinking and weighing, he finally made a decision .

Still in the same reception room, the host and the guest were sitting opposite each other.

"Prince Eleus."

"Mayor Bingshan, you came a little early today!"

"The technology of Haitrain is here." Bingshan picked up the briefcase he brought and took out an extra-large kraft paper bag. "All the manufacturing processes of Haitrain are here. It only requires a few skills. It’s not difficult for a bad shipwright to master the techniques inside.”

The brown paper bag was placed on the coffee table and pushed in front of Elus.

He revealed his answer.

"What? Aren't you afraid that I'm lying to you?" Elvus did not touch the brown paper bag, but stared at the iceberg.

"It's impossible not to be afraid! But I've figured it out. It's useless to be afraid of this. What are you going to do, Prince Elus? The Water City has no strength to resist. Even the World Government... As long as His Highness Don’t go too far, and you won’t be punished for it.”

Bingshan said it very straightforwardly.

If Elvus wants to grab what he likes, no one in this water city can stop him. And judging from the previous exchanges, Elvus's technology on the sea train is inevitable. , whether he agrees or not, I am afraid that he will eventually reach the only ending.

In this case, you might as well agree!

Even if he could only get an illusory promise, it would be better than getting nothing at all. He didn't know whether the promise would come true, but it shouldn't be difficult to take this opportunity to establish a good relationship with Elus. Pull the tiger's skin to intimidate the secret World Government agents.

He knew very well that the agents of the World Government had never given up on searching for the blueprints of Pluto. Otherwise, he would not have given the blueprints to the unreliable junior brother who faked his own death and escaped. If there was no other way, he really didn't want to hand over the blueprints to him. Leave the important things to Frankie, that fool who always likes to have whimsical ideas.

"Of course, future promises make people a little nervous after all, so I hope that the Water City can become an ally with the Kingdom of Ekmundo. Prince Elus, you can rest assured that I am not asking the Kingdom of Ekmundo to separate. I have the power to protect the Water City, but I just hope that I can use your reputation, His Highness, to deter some daring lawbreakers."

Bingshan made his request in an extremely sincere tone.


Eleus agreed happily.

It was just borrowing fame, and he could get Haitrain's technology without paying any actual price. In his eyes, it was a very good deal, and it also made him feel more or less the pleasure of being borrowed from others.

"I really want to form an alliance! Let's do this! Why don't we let the people below discuss the details of the alliance, and then hold a formal alliance ceremony after the charter is finalized, call a few more reporters, and publicize the alliance through newspapers .”

The more Elus thought about it, the more he thought it was a very good idea.

At that time, more shipwrights can be sent to the Water City for further study, and they can legitimately absorb the world's best shipbuilding technology in the Water City, and they can also dig into the corners of the Water City in the name of exchanges.

Shipbuilding technology is not just about building ships.

In fact, it is also rich in the inheritance of the skills of forging cannons and other weapons. What is sold most in the Water City is not civilian merchant ships, but warships, warships for the navy, and pirate ships that pirates want. Although it is the royal shipbuilding company of the World Government , but Carrera Company did not refuse the commission to help pirates build ships. Many specially customized pirate ships can even suppress the navy's highest-standard warships in terms of firepower.


Don’t underestimate the world-famous shipbuilding city of Water City.

This city indeed has many treasures worth poaching!

After concluding the transaction of sea train technology, the subsequent dialogue became much easier. Elus placed many orders with Iceberg. The expansion of the New World doubled the pressure on the country's shipbuilding companies. The maintenance of warships alone was It has already brought those shipbuilding companies to the brink of collapse, let alone replenishing the lost warships.

If you cannot count on domestic shipbuilding companies in a short period of time, you will have to seek supplementary channels from the outside world.

It happens that Elus is in the Water Capital. Although it is a bit far from the New World, it is possible to temporarily purchase a few batches of warships to alleviate the urgent need.

"It just so happens that a non-world government country in the original paradise ordered a batch of warships from us. As a result, before they had time to deliver, this country was wiped out by their enemy, and these warships were in their hands. If you don’t say anything, Prince Elus, I’m going to sell it to the navy.”

Bingshan said with a smile.

"Looks like I'm lucky!" Elus also laughed.

Regardless of whether the Water City really happened to have such a backlog of warships, or whether Bingshan had specially selected finished products for him from other orders, in short, he could get a batch of freshly baked warships without waiting. This was undoubtedly A good thing.

There are indeed many benefits to forming an alliance with the Water City.


The Kingdom of Exmundo in the new world and the autonomous city of Water City in Paradise have formed an alliance. This matter was published in the newspaper and did not cause much waves. Compared with this kind of news that is not exciting at all, it still involves the sea. News about thieves and wars are even more thrilling to read.

Of course, there are still many people who have been paying attention to Elus's every move.

For example, the Pirate Emperors of the New World, the birdman Shichibukai nestled in Dressrosa, the right arm of the Pirate King hiding in the Shampoo Islands, the blind swordsman traveling alone in the New World, is being chased by the former Navy Admiral Fighting the Supernova Pirates...

New world, a certain sea area.

There were dark clouds in the sky, and the eyes were dim. Suddenly, people's eyes were blinded by the lightning that suddenly shot up in the clouds. The howling wind roared like an evil ghost, and the raindrops falling from the clouds were covered with water lines. The wind blew crookedly, and crackling water droplets hit the deck of the pirate ship. The monstrous waves were like big hands, vigorously slapping the pirate ship floating on the sea.

The skull with goggles and the pirate flag of spades rustled in the storm.

"Boss Ace."

"Did you get rid of that old man?"

The companion, whose hands were trembling from exhaustion, looked at Ace standing on the stern deck of the ship. He had been fighting the pirate guerrillas for a day and a night, and he was almost exhausted.

"Well, I'm out of it for now!"

Ace nodded slightly.

The moment he finished speaking, several extremely tired companions fell down on the deck with a plop. Immediately, the loud snoring echoed in the wind. They didn't care about the raindrops the size of broad beans hitting them. They were really Very sleepy.

Staying up for a day and a night without rest is actually nothing. The Spade Pirates don't have old people in their seventies or eighties with declining physical strength. They are a group of strong and strong young men. Even the female pirate Bangsi, who is jokingly called the aunt. In fact, she is just a young girl no more than thirty years old.

The real reason that made them lose their strength was the pressure. Being chased by the former navy admiral, the huge pressure doubled their energy and physical strength. It was an amazing perseverance to be able to hold on until now.

Even Ace himself looked pale and blue.

He was also very tired.

As the captain of the Spade Pirates, he must be the one at the front in the pursuit battle with the pirate guerrillas, and only he can stand at the front, otherwise no one else can stop the former marine. General, [Black Wrist] Zefa.

He had clashed with that gangster many times.

He was defeated every time. If the battlefield hadn't been at sea and the battles had taken place across a considerable distance, he wouldn't have been beaten over by that ferocious old man. The power of his fist easily dispersed his fire fist.

Even their pirate ship almost fell apart several times.

Thanks to the concerted support of the partners on the ship, I barely escaped from the tiger's mouth, and finally managed to temporarily escape the pursuit of the pirate guerrillas with the help of the changing celestial climate. At least, the pirate guerrilla fleet was able to escape Ace's Seeing and hearing is outside the range of Haki's perception.

As the saying goes, if there is a loss, there must be a gain, and if there is a gain, there must be a loss.

Although being chased by Zefa was a narrow escape, Ace also benefited greatly from it. He knew that if he was caught by Zefa, he and his friends would definitely have to live in prison for the rest of their lives, even if they were not executed. of prison.

Even if it is not for himself, but for the group of friends on the ship who trust him, he must become stronger. He forces himself to exceed his limits again and again. The training has made great progress.

"Ace, go and rest for a while. Leave the matters on the ship to me for the time being."

The ship's doctor, Deus, came over, wiped the mixture of rain and sweat from his face, and urged Ace to rest, "You are the backbone of our pirate group. If you don't rest well, if the Black Wrist catches up again, We are really going to die."

Ace was forced into the cabin by his friends who still maintained their strength, forcing him to rest.


Ace did not lie down and take a nap when he returned to the captain's cabin. This was probably because he always slept from time to time and had too much sleep. He was not sleepy at all now, only a strong sense of tiredness made him feel A little dizzy - that's all.

He unfolded the folded map.

This was the trophy he snatched from a group of pirates. It was a map of some of the explored sea areas of the New World. It happened that Ace and the others' current positions were recorded on this map. The reason why he looked at the map was I was thinking about where to go next before I could completely rely on Black-Wand Zefa's pursuit.

The record pointer will guide them to the next island, but when they get there, they need to think about where to go next. And unlike the paradise, the record pointer in the New World will point to three islands in different locations. He needs to decide in advance. destination.

After the recording pointer is full of magnetic force, you can start directly without wasting extra time.

"... Places you can go to... Edamame Island, Crooked Neck Island, and Black Swan Island..." Going to Edamame Island will gradually get closer to the territory of Yonko Big Mom.

If you go to Crooked Neck Island, you can get close to the secluded Wano Country, which is the territory of one of the four emperors, the Hundred Beasts, by visiting it twice.

As for Black Swan Island, it is one of the islands under the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Aikmundo.

The three islands represent three choices.

Ace's eyes wandered back and forth on the map, and finally gradually settled on one point.

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