Qin Xiangqian felt that his mind was as chaotic as a pot of rice porridge.

Senior Brother Xinghe asked about the sect's secrets without permission, but what he got was not the thundering anger of the great elder, but a sentence of "well said"?

Qin Xiangqian felt that his three views were completely overturned.

The depletion of the No. 1 spiritual mine is definitely a secret of the Haotian Sect.

No one is allowed to find out without permission, otherwise, if this matter is exposed, it may bring unimaginable harm to the sect.

Only the existence of the head of each palace is qualified to know this level of secrets, and even ordinary elders are not qualified to know.

And asking about this level of secrets without permission, even if you don't die, it is definitely the heaviest punishment.

But now... what the hell is a sentence of "well said"?

Qin Xiangqian thought he was going to die just now.

Because Senior Brother Xinghe's asking about secrets without permission is a serious crime, but if he leaked such secrets without permission, it would definitely be a dead end.

But now all the elders and the sect master are still smiling, what does it mean?

Don't care at all?

"Xinghe, now that you know, then tell me what you think."

It was the Sect Master Gu Mingchao who spoke, and when the Sect Master said this, Qin Xiangqian was completely dumbfounded.

What did the Sect Master mean by this?

Not only did Senior Brother Xinghe know the secret but he was not punished, and he also asked Senior Brother Xinghe to talk about his ideas?

You know, this level of things can affect the future of the sect. Ordinary elders are not qualified to listen, let alone express their opinions.

But the Sect Master actually asked Senior Brother Xinghe to talk about his ideas?

Qin Xiangqian felt that this must be a dream...but even if it was a dream, it didn't seem very real.

"Sect Master, President Qin just told me what happened. This No. 1 spiritual mine occupies 10% of the spiritual stone production of my Haotian Sect. Now it is exhausted, which has a huge impact on the sect, so I think we should choose a vein that can replace the No. 1 spiritual mine as soon as possible."

The Sect Master and many elders nodded, indicating Chu Xinghe to continue.

"I discussed with President Qin outside. President Qin had an idea that he didn't dare to tell everyone just now. In fact, he has a candidate in mind for selecting the spiritual mine."

"Who?" The elder spoke, looking at Qin Xiangqian at the same time.

Although Qin Xiangqian was sweating profusely, he hurriedly said respectfully: "Reply to the elder, it's Brother Xinghe!"


Hearing Qin Xiangqian's words, a group of elders were suddenly at a loss.

But soon everyone seemed to think of something.

"Is it because of the last raw stone incident?"

"Reply to the sect master, Brother Xinghe has inherited the inheritance of the Medicine Saint, and has an ability that ordinary people can hardly reach in distinguishing raw stones. Even the elders of the Shi family are probably inferior to Brother Xinghe. If Brother Xinghe can go to Lingmai Mountain and distinguish the ore veins through raw stones, it will definitely be more accurate."

Qin Xiangqian finished speaking in one breath, and many elders and the sect master began to discuss.

Qin Xiangqian was ashamed again when he heard the discussions of many elders.

He had already thought about it. As soon as he said it, an elder would come out and say that Chu Xinghe was just a disciple of the sect, how could he make such a decision.

But Qin Xiangqian never expected that at this moment, no elder said that Chu Xinghe was not qualified, but they were discussing whether Chu Xinghe could really find a better mineral vein.

At this moment, Qin Xiangqian knew that Brother Xinghe's status in Haotian Sect had reached a level that he could not imagine.

Whether it was the sect master or the elders of each palace, they even tacitly agreed in their hearts that Chu Xinghe had the qualifications to discuss matters here. This has never been done by a disciple in the history of Haotian Sect.

"Xinghe, what do you think?" The sect master looked at Chu Xinghe with a smile and said.

"Reply to the sect master, the disciple has an obligation!"

"You know that this is a serious matter. If you make a mistake, you will be severely punished." The sect master still smiled.

"I have never thought about whether I will be severely punished or not when serving the sect. I only know to do my best."

"Hahaha... good boy... I will discuss this matter with the elders. You can go back first."


Chu Xinghe said nothing more. He nodded and pulled Qin Xiangqian out of the Haotian Hall.

It was not until he got outside the Haotian Hall that Qin Xiangqian realized that in just a short period of time, his clothes were almost soaked with cold sweat.

But looking at Senior Brother Xinghe again, he looked calm.

Facing such a group of big men in the sect, Qin Xiangqian felt that Senior Brother Xinghe was the only one who could be so calm.

In the Haotian Hall, Gu Mingchao looked at everyone.

"What do you think?"

"Xinghe's ability is self-evident, but he is still young. If there is an accident, it will be a blow to him."

"Yes, if the wrong choice is made, the loss to the sect will be small, but I feel sorry to punish this child."

"Punishment is fine, even if this child is sent to the outer sect, it is just a matter of reputation, but I am afraid that this child will be discouraged by the punishment."

The elders are talking to each other, and Qin Xiangqian would vomit blood if he heard it here.

So... you don't care what kind of loss Chu Xinghe will bring to the sect if he makes a wrong choice, right?

Even if Chu Xinghe is punished, you are not angry at all, right?

You are just worried that Chu Xinghe will be hit in self-confidence after being punished, right?

"I think this kid's journey has been too smooth. If he really screws up this time, there's nothing wrong with letting him suffer a little setback." The sect master finally spoke after scanning the audience.

The great elder nodded.

"What the sect master said is true. This child is not the kind of character who will be hit by punishment. Instead, he is the kind of person who becomes more courageous with every setback. He will always be exposed to more things in the sect in the future. As the saying goes, with great ability comes great responsibility. Naturally, it’s bigger, so let this kid handle this matter, and there’s nothing wrong with giving him some training.”

The great elder's words caused everyone to nod, including the sect leader, who all looked in agreement.

In the end, the sect leader made the decision and left the matter to Chu Xinghe. Everyone was happy when it was done. Even if it was done wrong, the Haotian Sect could not bear this blow. If this loss can bring experience to the child Xinghe, everyone They all felt it was worth it.

Chu Xinghe did not let Chu Xinghe wait too long. Just after noon, Chu Xinghe came to Haotian Hall again.

But this time it was not an intrusion, but a summons from the sect leader.

At this moment, only the sect master and the great elder were left in the Haotian Hall.

Qin Xiangqian was also summoned together.

"Disciple pays homage to the sect leader, the great elder."

After saluting, the sect leader Gu Mingchao said: "Xinghe, this spiritual mine is of great importance. Such an important matter must be handled by at least the first elder level. However, you have the inheritance of the Medicine Saint, so you are the best candidate. Therefore, the sect has decided to leave the spiritual mine matter to you, and there will be no elders to follow, so you will handle it alone!"

The sect leader finished speaking in one breath, and Chu Xinghe looked solemn.

Qin Qianqian looked confused...

In fact, after leaving Haotian Hall, Qin Xiangqian had been thinking, would the sect really be handed over to Senior Brother Xinghe?

After all, this matter was of great concern. Qin Xiangqian felt that even if the sect would eventually agree to let Senior Brother Xinghe go, at least it would send a chief elder or even a grand elder to lead the team in person, so that he could make a decision at that time.

But now Qin Xiangqian is really confused. The sect not only agreed, but also gave Chu Xinghe full authority to handle it. Even the elders did not need to follow...

This is no longer a question of trust or distrust... What a terrifying symbol of power and status this is!

Qin Qianqian looked at Chu Xinghe. At this moment, he knew that he was strong. Brother Xinghe, what kind of thighs were he! This is simply the Pillar to Heaven!

If you hug Senior Brother Xinghe, will your future be prosperous?

"Thank you, Sect Master, elders for your trust."

Chu Xinghe almost couldn't help but sing "Have a Happy Life".

"Okay, next you can select some disciples from the sect to accompany you, and you can leave anything to them to handle."

"Yes!" Chu Xinghe nodded in agreement.

"Buzz!" A white light flew out from the sect leader's hand. This was the lost Haotian Order.

The Haotian Order flew into the hands of Chu Xinghe again, and the sect leader also spoke: "Xinghe, you can take this Haotian Order. You can use the Haotian Order to handle the matter of the spiritual mine with full authority. There is no need to report it to the sect."

"Thank you, Sect Master." Chu Xinghe's heart had already begun to play a good life automatically.

Having full authority to handle the matter without reporting it to the sect is tantamount to giving all the decision-making power to oneself.

When Haotian Ling is outside, it's like the sect master is here in person. In other words, it doesn't matter if he breaks the rules.

This is the right time, right place, and all the people are converging on me. I wonder how I can lose this time!

Qin Xiangqian's mind was in chaos until he left Haotian Hall.

He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

There is no need for the elders to follow. The sect has 100% trust in Chu Xinghe. Chu Xinghe has full authority to handle everything with the Haotian Order, and there is no need to even report to the sect.

Qin Xiangqian felt that even if the sect leader said that he would immediately pass on the position of Haotian sect leader to Senior Brother Xinghe, he would not be completely unable to accept it.

Chu Xinghe didn't waste much time in selecting his accompanying disciples.

"Fortunate General" Ma Liang didn't know where he heard the news that Senior Brother Xinghe was going out. He immediately found Senior Brother Xinghe, crying and shouting that he wanted to follow Senior Brother Xinghe.

Chu Xinghe originally rejected this false blessed general, but after thinking about Ma Liang's ability to cause trouble, he still nodded in agreement.

After all, when you are away from home, one less thing is worse than one more thing, right? What if Qi Ma Liang will give himself a new surprise?

In addition to Ma Liang, Junior Sister Wan Lin also came.

Wan Lin, who has realized the stick intention, has now become a core disciple.

So bring it with you too.

Then he selected some disciples who knew the basics of the matter, and these selected disciples all had one thing in common, they were all thorn-level beings in each palace and were extremely good at causing trouble.

However, they were convinced by Senior Brother Xinghe, and everyone who was selected cried with joy.

Although I don’t even know where to go or what to do, I can finally fight alongside Brother Xinghe!

When the senior brothers in Linghe Palace learned that Chu Xinghe was going out again, they were all very reluctant to leave. Then Chu Xinghe got a lot of pills that he knew and didn't know how to use.

As for the spiritual stones... Senior Brother Feng Fei, who was said to be stingy last time, directly prepared two large boxes of high-grade spiritual stones.

Chu Xinghe just wants to know how lucrative Haotian Sect's procurement is. Is Senior Brother Feng so corrupt that no one cares about it?

This time, not only the Linghe Palace, but also other palaces had brothers come to deliver things.

What's the spell from Fufa Palace...the poison from Changchun Palace...the hidden weapon from Baibing Palace...

Two Qiankun Rings were stuffed with all kinds of messy things.

This is the reason why Chu Xinghe kept a small part after repeated rejections.

If he accepted all the items, Chu Xinghe would have to wear all the Qiankun rings on his ten fingers to fit them all.

After all, he was going to select spiritual ore, not to kill people, so why did he bring so many fighting things?

Everything was ready, and the sect leader had arranged the teleportation array.

Qin Xiangqian was in tears again, looking at this treatment... He walked back and forth and broke his legs, while Senior Brother Xinghe could teleport at will when he went out...

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