The Hidden Power Tower, Chu Xinghe looked at the skills in his hand, and from time to time glanced at the various skills in the Hidden Power Tower, his heart was full of regret.

You said this is a good Hidden Power Tower, why can't it be burned...

Why don't you challenge it yourself?

Try to test the edge of death?

After thinking about it, Chu Xinghe felt that this was not a test on the edge, but a direct slip to the bottom.

So the matter of burning the Hidden Power Tower can only be regretfully abandoned for the time being.

The disciples of the Thunder Palace have given Chu Xinghe many gifts in the past two days.

Some sent treasures, some sent spirit stones, some sent food and drinks, and even many senior sisters and junior sisters of the Thunder Palace came to send their love eyes.

Chu Xinghe disdained this!

Humph! What's there to see about a group of little girls who can't even dance the Thunder War Dance of throwing thunder with bare chests?

Ignoring the love eyes of the senior sisters and junior sisters of the Thunder Palace, Chu Xinghe continued to learn various skills, and at the same time studied how to run fast and far on the road of death.

Continue to give instructions to junior brothers and sisters?

Chu Xinghe felt that this matter was not reliable at all.

He seemed to have a natural invincible bonus in giving instructions.

Counting carefully, the first time he gave instructions to someone was in the Lingzhong, and the result was...

The second time was when he faced Junior Sister Wanlin who was unlucky from the start, and he turned Junior Sister Wanlin into the best stick player among the young generation of female disciples of Haotian Sect.

The third time was this time.

He accidentally created the record of the number of disciples breaking through in a single day in the history of Haotian Sect.

So he was determined not to give instructions to people again.

For those junior brothers who came to him with full expectations and asked Senior Brother Xinghe for instructions, Chu Xinghe could only answer truthfully.

"Junior brother, I haven't studied the skills you are learning yet, so I dare not give you random instructions."

Although the junior brothers were disappointed, the eyes they looked at him became more admiring.

Who said that Senior Brother Xinghe gave random instructions to the people of Thunder Palace last time?

Look, Senior Brother Xinghe is not that kind of person at all.

As for the junior sisters who came to ask for advice, Chu Xinghe refused them as well.

What should I teach you?

Do you want to learn the Thunder War Dance?

If not, let's find a place to dance the Thunder War Dance with bare chests together?

After rejecting batches of junior brothers and sisters, the people who came to Chu Xinghe for advice finally disappeared.

Chu Xinghe originally planned to fish these days, after all, running between Linghe Palace and Canggong Tower, it's not easy to catch fish.

But he just ran to Linghe Palace and met the elder.

"Xinghe, are you tired of reading the skills in Canggong Tower... The sect master said that you can study there, and there is no time limit, right? You can't give up the art of alchemy."

"If it doesn't work, come back to Linghe Palace, I will personally teach you the art of alchemy, and we can change our minds!"

Hearing the words of the elder, Chu Xinghe was almost scared to death on the spot.

It is true that I went to Linghe Palace because I was tired of studying, but I did not intend to change my mind and learn the art of alchemy.

This is just like when I was in school in my previous life, the teacher said, you are tired of Chinese, let's change our minds and learn mathematics...

Is this a change of mind?

Is this what I want to change my mind?

Between the art of alchemy and the hidden power tower, Chu Xinghe chose the hidden power tower without hesitation. Is there anything more terrible than learning the art of alchemy in the world?

At least I can sneak around in the hidden power tower and learn the art of alchemy from the elder?

It's scary to think about it.

So Chu Xinghe welded himself to death in the hidden power tower these days. As long as the sect master didn't tell him to get out, the elder would never teach him any alchemy!

Finally, when Chu Xinghe's eyes were black, Junior Sister Wanlin brought great news.

"Brother Xinghe, the Liu family, the Wang family, and the Ouyang family have already arrived at the sect!"

"Ah! They are here? Where are they now?"

Chu Xinghe's eyes were filled with tears. The sect finally had some people.

"The Liu family and the Wang family have now been arranged by the elders to stay in the guest building."

"What about the Ouyang family?" Chu Xinghe looked anxious.

What about the Liu family and the Wang family? Are these two families of concern to me? I only care about my lucky star, the Ouyang family.

"The Ouyang family... has also arrived, but... they didn't go to the guest building, but went to the kitchen..."

Chu Xinghe: "???"

Then Sister Wanlin told her what the Ouyang family had done.

After the Ouyang family came to Haotian Sect to pay respects to the great elder, they were supposed to be arranged to rest in the guest building.

But the Ouyang family did not go to the guest building immediately, but asked about the location of the kitchen.

It was Wanlin who personally took them to the kitchen.

Then Wanlin saw a scene that she would never forget in her life.

That Ouyang Ling was simply a starving ghost reincarnated. The first moment she entered the kitchen, this woman directly locked onto the sect's braised pork.

Wan Lin watched her pick up four pieces of pure fat braised pork with a chopstick and stuffed them into her mouth, starting her journey of devouring the braised pork like a whirlwind.

A whole pot of pure fat braised pork, Ouyang Ling finished it all in less than a quarter of an hour!

The other Ouyang family disciples did not disappoint Wan Lin either. They did not let go of any leftovers, leftovers, steamed buns, and rice in the Linghe Palace kitchen.

Wherever the Ouyang family passed, the plates and bowls were gnawed to the point of missing corners.

"The most terrifying person is their patriarch Ouyang Ming. He is simply a cold-faced killer!"

"Cold-faced killer?" Chu Xinghe was shocked!

"Yes! The cold noodles made by the chef at noon today, and there were only nine bowls left. Ouyang Ming ate all nine bowls of cold noodles. Now the chefs say he is the legendary cold-faced killer!"

Chu Xinghe: "???"

The Ouyang family gave Wan Lin a shock from the kitchen.

This group of Ouyang family members, who were like reincarnated starving ghosts, swept through the kitchen of Linghe Palace. Not only did they sweep away all the food and drinks in the kitchen, they almost even carried away the swill buckets.

Fortunately, the chefs reacted quickly and stopped them.

"Everyone, this is swill..."

"We don't care!"

"You don't care, but we, the animals of Linghe Palace, care... If you carry it away, what will the animals of Linghe Palace eat..."

Wan Lin finally couldn't help but speak when he saw Senior Brother Xinghe in front of him, who was stunned.

"Brother Xinghe, is the Ouyang family... not very reliable?"

"Nonsense! Is there anyone more reliable than the Ouyang family? As soon as they arrived, they solved the problem of leftovers in our Linghe Palace. Haven't you heard of the CD operation?"

"It's shameful to waste food. The Ouyang family has a simple and honest family style. A thousand-year-old family has not been arrogant and extravagant because of its past glory. Instead, everyone is hardworking and can do not waste a grain of food. The CD operation for every meal, isn't this enough to show that the Ouyang family is outstanding?"

Wan Lin was stunned. Although he felt that there seemed to be something wrong with what Brother Xinghe said, he couldn't find a word to refute...

Sure enough, Brother Xinghe's realm is far beyond mine.

Chu Xinghe left Sister Wan Lin who was stunned and came to the kitchen of Linghe Palace alone.

Why are there so many Beggar Gang disciples in the kitchen?

No... Judging from the performance of the cooks who swore to defend the swill bucket to the death, they should be the legendary Ouyang family disciples.

Chu Xinghe came to the kitchen and recognized Ouyang Ming and his sister at a glance without the cooks' instructions.

Ouyang Ming looked to be in his twenties, wearing a set of clothes that were washed so hard that he didn't know what color they were originally. Compared with the ordinary disciples of the Ouyang family who looked like the Beggar Gang disciples outside, he was full of nobility.

Ouyang Ling, who was beside him, was wiping the broth left on the edge of the braised pork basin with a steamed bun. In the blink of an eye, three steamed buns had already gone into her stomach.

Looking at Ouyang Ling, Chu Xinghe was surprised.

Wow, this girl is only about twenty years old, but at such a young age, she already has her own airport!

Such a girl with an airport is still very good-looking, in the words of Junior Sister Wan Lin.

This Ouyang Ling, she has good looks, a good figure, and good brains...

Anyway, she is a girl with good looks, but from the description of Junior Sister Wan Lin, Chu Xinghe can probably judge that Junior Sister Wan Lin is not just obsessed with looks, her requirements are quite high.

"Brother... I'm almost done."

After eating seven steamed buns and a pot of braised pork, Ouyang Ling panted and looked at her brother Ouyang Ming who was eating a bowl of leftover fried rice.

"Well... don't stop, take all the steamed buns over there."

"Okay! Brother, when we leave, take the remaining cabbages over there too!"

"It's a must! This is the Haotian Sect. If the news of our cheating the Haotian Sect spreads, it will be difficult for us to cheat the next family in the future. We have to store more things for the winter."

The conversation between the two siblings made Chu Xinghe outside the door tearful.


What a simple and reliable brother and sister!

As soon as he entered the Haotian Sect, he had already thought of how to cheat the Haotian Sect.

Just ask where can you find such a peerless brother and sister and a peerless family!

The brother and sister of Crouching Dragon and Phoenix are indeed worthy of their reputation.

Pushing the door open, Chu Xinghe smiled with satisfaction at the guilty faces of the Ouyang brothers and sisters.

"Hello Ouyang Pixiu, I am Chu Xinghe."

Ouyang brothers and sisters: "???"

"Chu... Chu Xinghe!" Ouyang Ming was stunned for ten seconds when he heard this name.

Although the Ouyang family has fallen into such a miserable state, Ouyang Ming is still well-informed. There are not many people in the world who don't know the name Chu Xinghe.

"Hello, Brother Xinghe, my name is not Ouyang Pixiu, my name is Ouyang Ming."

"Ouyang Ming's name is Pixiu?"

"No name... just Ouyang Ming..."

Okay... Chu Xinghe was embarrassed, how could he remember that this guy was called Ouyang Pixiu? Did I accidentally travel through time again? Was my memory confused?

Forget it, don't worry about these details.

"Welcome to Haotian Sect, the Ouyang family is well-known, I am optimistic about your Ouyang family, so I hope you will have the opportunity to stay in Haotian Sect in the future."

"Ah... Thank you Brother Xinghe for your love..." Ouyang Ming was a little tearful.

For many years, the Ouyang family has long been a laughing stock in the outside world. There is no such thing as being well-known, but only ridicule and sarcasm.

But looking at Chu Xinghe in front of him, Ouyang Ming didn't know why, he felt that Chu Xinghe was not just being polite, he really wanted to keep the Ouyang family!

Is there really such a kind person in this world?

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