Qiu Tian was stunned!

Are you guys talking bullshit to me here? What the hell is that the odds are gone?

Apart from this peak duel without a duel in the past few days, the most eye-catching thing is this odds battle.

The Demon Sect of Lingshouzhou and the Demon Sect of Lieyang Continent invested a lot of resources on this odds. In the end, the Demon Sect of Lingshouzhou successfully proved that the Demon Sect of Lieyang Continent was poor, and successfully pissed Wu Xingyun off.

Not only the Demon Sects of both sides, but also the major clans and major sects of Lieyang Continent have placed a lot of bets, and everyone is waiting for the final result.

Although the competition has not been carried out now, the results are still out, but what does it mean that the odds are gone in this case?

At this moment, Qiu Tian’s first reaction was, not only was Shen Yue killed in this game... I was also deceived?

Who the hell made this odds, so bold that they even dared to deceive Qiu Tian?

Check it for me! You must find out who came up with the odds. I will not stop until I capture their entire family and turn them into puppet dolls!

The Great Elder also immediately mobilized everyone to find out about the odds...

Soon, the result came...

I don't know!

There used to be quite a few casinos in Lingshouzhou... Sometimes they would also offer odds...

But all the casinos currently known in Lingshouzhou have been investigated, and all the investigated casinos said... How can we dare to open a three-continent-level odds?

We don't plan to live, right?

As for the big guys, who exactly opened the odds you asked about... We casinos don't know either...

We only know that the odds appeared mysteriously, and we sent people to inquire at the beginning...

As a result, almost all the men sent to investigate were killed, and then someone came to warn us that the dealer behind the odds was an existence that we could not touch at all...

So how dare we go to inquire again!

But the question is who is the dealer behind the odds?

Is this mysterious dealer too mysterious?

Qiu Tian listened to the news sent by the elder and his head was full of question marks...

Yes...this odds are mysterious...why don't we have any information? Didn't anyone ask about it before?

Is this dealer reliable? Why do we dare to bet on this odds?

Let's start from the beginning...how did this odds come about...

First...after the odds were opened, it was 1 to 2 for Shen Yue and 1 to 5 for Tan Tai Jing, right...

After this news came out...we all laughed when we heard the news and said that the odds were fine. Shen Yue's odds were low, which showed that our Shen Yue was strong enough!

Then...the demon sect of Lieyang Continent suddenly appeared...and then many demon sects headed by Wu Xingyun placed heavy bets without saying a word, making Tan Tai Jing's odds higher than Shen Yue's, right...

Then...can we let it go when facing the bets of the demon sect of Lieyang Continent? So we followed suit, right?

Then, each company took action... The odds battle was very lively...

But everyone seemed to have forgotten one thing... Who is the dealer behind this odds?

After analyzing it now, Qiu Tian was stunned...

There is nothing wrong with this... Everyone is only paying attention to the competition between the two sides of the magic sect, but everyone seems to have ignored the dealer behind the odds.

After Wu Xingyun took action, everyone was overwhelmed by Wu Xingyun, and for a while they only cared about smashing the odds, and forgot about the dealer behind it!

But now Qiu Tian understood even if he was stupid...

The dealer behind this must be the magic sect of Lieyang Continent...

Do you have any bottom line in the magic sect of Lieyang Continent? Do you have any morality?

Are all the magic sects in Lieyang Continent so dirty?

Not only Qiu Tian was shocked...With the news that the odds ran away, the whole world was shocked.

You know... this shocking handicap can be said to have swept across the three continents... From the two demon sects and major forces to some ordinary casual cultivators, everyone basically bought some more or less.

After all, everyone has confidence in the demon sect on their side.

People from the Lieyang Continent said, do you think our Undead Knight Tan Tai Jing is joking with you?

Our Undead Knight Tan Tai Jing doesn't know how to lose at all... and the odds are 1 to 5, isn't this giving away money?

The Spirit Beast Continent also has great confidence in Shen Yue, 1 to 2, now you look at this odds, we say that Shen Yue has a high chance of winning... just go for it!

In the end, I went for it... Now it's really over...

Tan Tai Jing's sneak attack on Shen Yue and the fact that he directly solved Shen Yue shocked the three continents, but everyone also thought of the first thing that this result was considered a win for Tan Tai Jing?

So how should this handicap be compensated?

Some people said that no matter what method Tan Tai Jing used, fundamentally speaking, Tan Tai Jing still won the game, so Tan Tai Jing's 1 to 5 is absolutely correct!

Some people also said that the bet was on a battle on a full moon night, and Tan Tai Jing's move violated the rules, so this victory should not be considered Tan Tai Jing's victory, and the dealer should have to cancel the bet and return all the bets to the original owner.

But just when all parties were arguing about whether Tan Tai Jing should pay 1 to 5 or return the bets to the original owner... the result came out... the bettor took all the resources and ran away...

The whole world was numb by this operation...

What the hell kind of handicap is this? What the hell is it that you run away after a disagreement?

So, can anyone come out and take care of this... Many of us are so confused by this handicap!

Is there any royal law for this?

I don’t know how many people started frantically looking for this mysterious dealer... But the problem is that the mysterious dealer highlights a mystery. It was only then that everyone discovered that no one knew who the mysterious dealer was from beginning to end?

Countless people pointed their fingers at Spirit Beast Continent...

Because this handicap is opened in Spirit Beast Continent... There are rumors that the bookmaker behind this handicap must be the Demon Sect of Spirit Beast Continent!

After all, these markets are usually open to the devil!

This one must be Qiu Tian. That bastard didn't want to lose five to one, so he directly used the handicap disappearing method!

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately received support from countless people. Even many demon sects from Spirit Beast Continent came to question Qiu Tian...

So what... Lord Demon Lord... are you the manipulator behind the scenes... If you cheat Lieyang Continent, you will also cheat them...

You can't even trick your own family... We are also the Demon Sect of Spirit Beast Continent...

In this way... Lord Demon Lord, how about you secretly return our previous ones to us in private, so that we can keep the secret for you?

Qiu Tian was so pissed at these demonic forces coming to his door!

What are you talking about here?

I'm the one who's going to lose the most, right?

Since when have I become the mysterious banker behind this? You are tired of living, right?

Think about it with your brains. Although this mysterious handicap first appeared in Spirit Beast Continent, was it our side that placed the bets?

The one who placed the bet first was obviously Lieyang Continent... So this handicap was a scam from the very beginning...

This is a scam created by the Demon Sect over in Lieyang Continent!

This is Wu Xingyun’s conspiracy!

After hearing Qiu Tian's explanation, all parties were confused... because there seemed to be nothing wrong with what the Demon Lord Qiu Tian said...

This handicap appeared on the Spirit Beast Continent. Immediately after the handicap appeared, there were only sporadic casual cultivators placing bets. At first, it did not attract any attention at all.

It was Wu Xingyun who suddenly placed a heavy bet and said that he would bring back Tantai Jing's odds, which made all parties pay attention to this handicap.

After Wu Xingyun invested such a huge amount of resources, all the attention of all parties was attracted to the odds... On the contrary, no one paid attention to the handicap itself.

Afterwards, all the forces in the three continents fell out one after another, and the battle for odds was so fierce that everyone forgot whether the handicap itself was reliable or not...

As soon as this news came out, the Spirit Beast Continent was also in a state of shock.

The major forces in the Spirit Beast Continent all said that this was a conspiracy by the Demon Sect of Lieyang Continent... This was Wu Xingyun's pig-killing plate!

This was a scam from the beginning... It was Lieyang Continent that deceived us all!

So Wu Xingyun is the mysterious banker behind it! We have all been fooled by the Wu Xingyun dog thief!

Facing the verbal and written criticism from countless forces in the Spirit Beast Continent, Wu Xingyun, whose writing power was astonishing, responded on the same day.

Wu Xingyun said that your Spirit Beast Continent is here to tell me what’s wrong with you?

If this handicap is mine...why the hell should I run? It’s you who lose... I’ll pay you five for one bet...

I'm making a lot of money, okay? On the other hand, you guys in Spirit Beast Continent can't make any profit... If I win, why would I run away if I'm the banker? Wu Xingyun even swore on the strength of the ancestors of the Demon Sect in Lieyang Continent and all the luck of the Demon Sect in the future that this matter was definitely not his fault!

Regarding Wu Xingyun's statement and such a vicious oath, all parties have questions on their minds...

Because there is nothing wrong with what Wu Xingyun said.

You want to say that Wu Xingyun lost this time... It's understandable that he took away all the resources and ran away... But Wu Xingyun won this time...

Even if he operates normally, Wu Xingyun will still make a lot of money this time...so there is no need for him to run...

But if it wasn't Wu Xingyun, then who was responsible for this handicap?

There are all the major sects, clans and races in the three continents...except for the Haotian Sect, there is almost no one who doesn't place a bet.

Someone has calculated that the betting resources in this handicap are so high that they have reached an incredible level!

Known as the biggest gambling game ever!

But now the biggest gambling game in history has taken Sanzhou’s resources and ran away with it... The most embarrassing thing is that you don’t know who the banker is behind it...

Ma Liang was now standing in front of Senior Brother Xinghe, looking at Senior Brother Xinghe with a strange expression, because at this moment Ma Liang was really convinced by Senior Brother Xinghe!

How did Brother Xinghe figure out that there was something wrong with this handicap? Senior Brother Xinghe said that betting on dogs will lead to a happy death, as if he knew the result in advance...

So what...Senior Brother Xinghe, are you the mysterious banker behind this?

Faced with Ma Liang's doubts, Chu Xinghe's eyes were full of tears... This bet must have been done by the Demon Sect of Lieyang Continent!

What the hell? You said that Wu Xingyun's oath was particularly vicious, but it doesn't really look like it?

Can you use your brain? Wu Xingyun said it wasn't him. Did he say it wasn't Tantai Jing?

Besides...can you believe the oaths they swear?

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