I only wanted to destroy the sect, how did I become a god?

Chapter 92: With Ma Liang in hand, I have the useless guy!

Haotian City gathers elites from all over the world, and now it is in turmoil because of Chu Xinghe.

From the moment it was confirmed that the person to be selected was Chu Xinghe, the only topic in the entire Haotian City was about Chu Xinghe.

What are Chu Xinghe's hobbies?

What is Chu Xinghe's personality like?

Some people even started to ask about Chu Xinghe's favorite colors.

And you don't know until you ask, but you will be shocked when you ask.

Some people who used various relationships to find disciples of Haotian Sect in Haotian City to inquire about Chu Xinghe quickly got all kinds of information about Chu Xinghe.

But after listening to the description of the disciples of Haotian Sect, their first reaction was...

Is this a person?

Are you sure this is not a saint?

It's okay to have extraordinary talent, but also so popular?

After one year of entering the sect, he has risen from an ordinary disciple to a selected disciple. This is simply a legend, okay!

As for what Chu Xinghe likes?

The disciples of Haotian Sect said that our Senior Brother Xinghe is the most righteous person they have ever seen, so he probably also likes people with high moral character.

This made all parties feel at a loss.

High moral character... how can this be shown?

In the past, the elders who came to supervise the selection liked rare treasures, magic weapons, and some special collections.

As long as you have a hobby, then everyone can always use various means to match your hobby, so as to get extra points as much as possible during the selection process.

But how to show high moral character?

Write it on your face?

Then Haotian City saw a very strange change.

In the past, geniuses from all sides gathered together, and everyone was fighting for a place in Haotian Sect.

After all, there were only so many places, and everyone was in a competitive relationship, so that before the selection began, the competitions between the parties were endless, and each of them tried their best to show their strength, for fear that no one would notice them.

But this time, Haotian City was surprisingly quiet.

In the past, if you accidentally bumped into someone while walking on the streets of Haotian City, it was possible that they would look at you and then do something to you, and then it was not impossible for the two of them to fight.

But now... if you walk on the street and bump into someone, before you can even open your mouth, the other person will say: "I'm sorry, brother, I accidentally bumped into you, brother, I apologize to you here..."

If you drop something, three or five people will pop out to help you pick it up in a second.

What does it mean to leave your door unlocked at night and not pick up lost items on the road?

In the past two days, Haotian City has highlighted the idea of ​​leaving your door unlocked at night and not picking up lost items on the road.

In the past, if you lost something important, the probability of not being able to find it back was 99%, and the person who lost the item would cry to death.

Now, if you lose something, you don't even have to look for it, and the probability of it being returned to you is 99%, and the person who picks up the item will cry to death if he can't find the owner.

Although Haotian City used to arrange people to clean the streets and alleys every day, due to the large population base, it seems that there will still be dirty things every day.

But now... it's almost impossible to find a piece of trash in Haotian City.

It is said that after the news that Senior Brother Xinghe likes people with high moral character came out, more than 400 Tianjiaos completely put down their Tianjiao airs and swept the streets with brooms.

The whole Haotian City was cleaned from top to bottom, inside and outside, even the corners were not spared. We don't know whether the people are high moral character or not, but the hygiene of Haotian City is outstanding.

It has to be said that there are still ruthless people among the Tianjiaos. In two days, Haotian City has added several books.

"Chu Xinghe's Hobbies"

"Chu Xinghe's Unknown Secrets"

"Chu Xinghe in My Eyes"

These three books are the most popular.

And in such a spotlight, Chu Xinghe finally came to Haotian City with his social skills group.

The whole Haotian City was a scene of thousands of people emptying the streets, and everyone gathered at the gate entrance of Haotian City to welcome Chu Xinghe's arrival.

Countless Tianjiao also wanted to see what the legendary Chu Xinghe looked like.

Chu Xinghe led Ma Liang and others and everyone they passed by was dumbfounded.

If Ma Liang hadn't led the way, Chu Xinghe suspected that it would take him half a day just to enter the city.

What are those people who shouted Chu Xinghe, "I am your fan?"

Besides, why are you my fans shouting to Ma Liang who was walking in front?

That's not Chu Xinghe! That's Ma Liang! You fake fan!

And what's the matter with all the girls wearing purple clothes? You all like to have charm?

There is no way. In the book "Chu Xinghe's Unknown Secret", an insider revealed that Senior Brother Xinghe once said in public that purple matches Junior Sister, which is very charming!

So Chu Xinghe's favorite color should be purple!

Killing all the way to the Haotian Villa in the center of Haotian City, Deacon Yang personally greeted them at the gate of the Villa.

Seeing Deacon Yang standing outside the Villa waiting for Chu Xinghe, many people nodded secretly.

The rumors were true. Chu Xinghe's status in the Haotian Sect was already on par with that of the elders. It was unheard of that a disciple could have a deacon-level figure come out of the palace to greet him.

Chu Xinghe finally breathed a sigh of relief after following Deacon Yang into the Haotian Palace.

In fact, even Deacon Yang did not expect that the news that Chu Xinghe would serve as the supervisor this time would cause such a sensation.

In the past, when the selection of elders was announced, Haotian City would trigger various chain reactions, but compared with the reaction caused by Chu Xinghe this time, it was somewhat different.

After personally arranging a place for Chu Xinghe to rest, Deacon Yang smiled and said, "Xinghe, I have prepared a banquet for you tonight."

"Thank you, Deacon Yang, but don't be so polite. There is no need for a welcoming banquet in our own home. Let's talk about the recruitment of disciples first."

Chu Xinghe looked serious, and Deacon Yang nodded secretly.

It is Chu Xinghe who deserves it. When he saw the welcome outside, Deacon Yang also thought about whether Chu Xinghe would be proud of these. After all, he is a young man...

But now Deacon Yang knows that he is wrong. Xinghe is not comparable to ordinary disciples. Even in the face of such a star-studded moon, Xinghe is not moved at all. This is the real peerless genius!

Chu Xinghe didn't know what Deacon Yang was thinking about.

Welcoming banquet? There is no need for this at all!

I came here to start the useless stream. In order to select the useless person I dreamed of, I have to race against time. How can I have time to go to the welcoming banquet?

After I have selected all the useless people and arranged this batch of new disciples clearly, the punishment of the sect master and the loss of the sect will be my best welcoming banquet.

Soon, Deacon Yang sent the list of all the disciples who came to Haotian City to participate in the assessment and selection to Chu Xinghe.

Chu Xinghe was a little dizzy when he saw the list of names piled up on more than a dozen tables, but I am also a man who has experienced the baptism of the hidden power tower, so this is nothing!

Chu Xinghe opened a list casually and his face changed drastically!

My goodness, this list is not as simple as just one name. There are also various notes about this disciple and various data and rankings of the first round of selection.

But looking at the introduction above, Chu Xinghe cried.

Deacon Yang... the disciples you selected are a bit too conservative!

Look at this... Eight points in the physical test? Nine points of spiritual power talent? Can you barely call yourself a genius?

This kind of amazing achievement can barely be called a genius? Is this pure genius good?

Is the list you gave me full of this kind of stuff? My Haotian Sect is the number one sect in the world. What's the point of recruiting all the geniuses?

Don't I have any face? Cultivating useless people is what my Haotian Sect wants all my life!

And this, nine points of spiritual power and physical fitness, the evaluation is released every fifty years?

Isn't this a scam? This kind of disciple does not fit the style of useless people at all.

After reading several lists in a row, Chu Xinghe frowned more and more.

Deacon Yang was also lost in thought when he saw Chu Xinghe frowning.

Alas... the candidate disciples selected by himself this time are actually very outstanding, but Xinghe is obviously not satisfied.

But Xinghe... You can't ask others the same way you ask yourself. After all, you are a genius that only appears once in a thousand years in our Haotian Sect. These people are naturally far behind you, but they can barely be considered geniuses.

"Brother Xinghe, these are actually okay. Compared with you, they are definitely worlds apart. Even if they are much worse than me, Ma Liang, they are already very outstanding overall."

Ma Liang watched for a long time and sighed.

Hearing Ma Liang's words, Deacon Yang nodded vigorously.

"You? How many points did you get at the time?" Chu Xinghe was stunned.

Ma Liang seemed to be ranked first among the three thousand disciples at the time... I almost forgot that he was ranked first on the Tianjiao list last year...

Speaking of this, Ma Liang's eyes lit up.

"Brother Xinghe, my score is double 10, and I was rated as a genius that only appears once in a century."

But after saying that, Ma Liang glanced at Chu Xinghe and immediately lost his temper...

Although he didn't know Brother Xinghe's score, his double 10 was really terrible in front of Brother Xinghe.

But thinking back, Brother Xinghe was known as a peerless genius that only appears once in a thousand years. Isn't it reasonable that I am worse than Brother Xinghe, who only appears once in a hundred years?

Chu Xinghe continued to look at the list, and the more he looked, the more helpless he became.

He was too happy too early. With the disciples currently recorded on the list, it would be too difficult to select useless people from them.

Thinking of this, Chu Xinghe looked at Ma Liang.

"Ma Liang, have you contacted those useless people... cough cough those who were not selected last time?"

Ma Liang was overjoyed!

"Replying to Brother Xinghe, I have contacted them and they are on their way."

Very good!

Chu Xinghe was happy in his heart. Sure enough, it had to be Ma Liang. Although you have cheated me so many times, this time Brother was extremely satisfied with you.

It's up to you, General Ma, to create a precedent for the useless people in my Haotian Sect!

Let Ma Liang urge these people to come quickly. Chu Xinghe can't help but start looking forward to it.

Ma Liang is in hand! I have the useless people!

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