The quota of 3,000 disciples in Haotian City has been determined.

Countless people who did not understand Chu Xinghe's painstaking efforts and did not get the qualification of 3,000 disciples shed tears in Haotian City.

Many people stayed in Haotian City these two days.

"I was wrong this year, but I am still young. I will still be within the scope of Haotian Sect's assessment next year. I will not leave. I will stay in Haotian City and continue to fight next year!"

"What Xingyue Sect! I rejected the recruitment of Xingyue Sect. Although my father told me to go home and take a shower, although my dream was to join Xingyue Sect, since I saw the style of Senior Brother Xinghe in Yucheng, I will only join Haotian Sect in this life!"

"I did not understand Senior Brother Xinghe's painstaking efforts this time. It was really my own weak will. I must join Haotian Sect next year!"

Haotian City has many more people with extraordinary hardships, but this is not without benefits.

After all, because Senior Brother Xinghe likes people with noble character, I don't know whether the character of Haotian City will be noble in the next year, but the hygiene in the city will definitely be noble.

Chu Xinghe led 3,000 disciples out of Haotian City and headed for Haotian Sect.

Countless young people who failed to become disciples of Haotian Sect looked eager, how they wished they could be one of them.

Those who were recruiting disciples from various sects and had not yet left looked at the group of people led by Chu Xinghe, and they were all sad.

Before, everyone thanked Xinghe Laotie for the peerless geniuses he sent, but now compared with the group of people selected by Chu Xinghe, why did those peerless geniuses suddenly become less attractive?

Shocked! Chu Xinghe acted recklessly, Haotian Sect was betrayed by his friends and relatives, and the geniuses abandoned the dark and joined the light!

A few days ago, the shock department of each sect racked their brains to write the articles criticizing the title.

But now the title has changed directly...

Shocked! Chu Xinghe's three-step chess game, Haotian Sect created glory again, and the geniuses broke through their minds!

This is the title that has been circulated all over the world recently...

The people in the shock department of each sect are all shocked.

But it's useless to be shocked, the world has been decided.

The annual selection of disciples of Haotian Sect also came to a successful conclusion. Haotian City held a private discussion and voting.

Chu Xinghe ranked second in the ranking of the past years.

What? Who do you think ranked first?

That's right, it's the Great Elder!

The Great Elder topped the list with an overwhelming number of votes. There was no way everyone knew that Chu Xinghe was discovered by the Great Elder. The Great Elder was more like a father to Chu Xinghe than a biological father. It was clearly recorded in the book "Two or Three Things About My Mother and Chu Xinghe" that the person Chu Xinghe respected most was the Great Elder.

When the news was passed back to Haotian Sect, the Great Elder looked calm and unmoved, but it was a bit strange that the Great Elder had four bowls of braised pork at noon.

Chu Xinghe led 3,000 disciples all the way back to Haotian Sect from Haotian City.

When he stepped into the mountain gate, the sect leader Gu Mingchao and countless elders were already welcoming him at the mountain gate.

The 3,000 disciples sighed again when they saw this scene.

As expected of Senior Brother Xinghe, in previous years, the disciples would go to Haotian Palace to pay respects to the elders, and then start the third round of disciple selection in Haotian Palace. Finally, it was determined which palace everyone would enter. The Sect Master brought the elders to the mountain gate to welcome them. This was the first time in the history of Haotian Sect.

"Hahahaha... Xinghe, you have worked hard on this trip to Haotian City." Sect Master Gu Mingchao patted Chu Xinghe's shoulder with a smile on his face.

"Xinghe dare not say that it is hard to work for the sect."

"This child..." The Sect Master was delighted.

Everyone followed the Sect Master's steps to Haotian Sect, and countless brothers and sisters who came from various palaces waved and greeted Chu Xinghe who had returned.

The three thousand disciples looked at each other and sighed again. The rumors were true. Senior Brother Xinghe was unparalleled in popularity in Haotian Sect, and it was true.

Three thousand disciples gathered in Haotian Palace. Sect Master Gu Mingchao first praised Chu Xinghe's achievements this time, and the subsequent actions made the three thousand disciples even more confused.

Because the sect master had no intention of rewarding Senior Brother Xinghe.

This is really terrifying.

If ordinary disciples did such a thing, wouldn't they be rewarded in various ways?

But for Senior Brother Xinghe, neither the sect master nor the elders had any intention of rewarding him?

This means that in the eyes of the elders of the sect, Senior Brother Xinghe has reached the point where he doesn't need any reward at all. Who can be treated like this?

None of the three thousand disciples are fools, and everyone's mind is as clear as a mirror.

Then the great elder came on stage. Compared with the kindness of the sect master, the majesty of the great elder also made the three thousand disciples feel the horror of the Haotian Sect for the first time.

With a glance, each of the three thousand disciples felt as if their heart was pierced by a sharp sword. The invisible pressure emanating from the great elder made it almost impossible for them to stand firm.

The great elder spoke calmly about the various sect rules for entering the Haotian Sect. Every word hit the hearts of the three thousand disciples like a heavy hammer, and was also imprinted in the hearts of each of them like a brand.

The Haotian Sect's rules are strict, and you must not dare to violate them easily.

Although Chu Xinghe was listening for the second time, he was still very attentive. Chu Xinghe kept every possible rule in mind and silently vowed that the new year was a new beginning, and this sect rule was also a new challenge for him.

After the great elder finished, each palace began to select disciples.

Sure enough... everything was just as Chu Xinghe guessed, and none of the three hundred Muyue geniuses asked anyone.

Look at Elder Yu, the head of Qingmu Palace, hiding far away, as if he was afraid that the last three hundred Muyue disciples would be forced to be thrown to Qingmu Palace, which sounded more suitable, if no one wanted them.

Elder Yu had thought it through before he came. If the sect master and the elder really said that they would give him the three hundred Muyue geniuses, he would pretend to be possessed on the spot.

"Elder, the three hundred Muyue disciples should stay in our Linghe Palace."

"Okay, you decide!"

Good guy... Chu Xinghe had just thought of the reason for how to explain to the elder.

But now... it seems that this reason is completely unnecessary.

When he found Senior Brother Shen Chun, when he heard that Chu Xinghe wanted to keep the three hundred Muyue disciples, Shen Chun also nodded: "Xinghe Junior Brother, don't worry, Senior Brother has arranged everything for you clearly."

What the hell... Don't you ask a question?

This is the people of Muyue!

A professional scammer, the sects he has scammed can circle the Lieyang Continent three times...

When the people from Linghe Palace took away the disciples of Muyue, the elders of each palace breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time they also sighed at the kindness of Xinghe.

Look... Although everyone knows that the disciples of Muyue are the pawns of Xinghe, they could have found a reason to find someone to take the blame and send them all to the outer sect.

But Xinghe is a man of high character. He is not the kind of person who abandons his lover after having sex with him. Even if they are from Muyue, he still accepts them into Linghe Palace. Fortunately, Linghe Palace is rich and powerful, so they don't care about this. However, Xinghe can give Muyue an explanation from beginning to end. This alone makes people satisfied.

With such a character, who would not be willing to work hard for him in the future? Even if it is to be a pawn, to be the pawn of Xinghe, I am afraid that countless people are willing to do so.

When Mu Bai stood in the crowd and watched the elders of each palace avoiding them when selecting disciples, he was actually a little panicked.

Although Senior Brother Xinghe had promised before, Mu Bai was still not sure until the last moment.

Especially with the terrifying look of the Great Elder just now, could Senior Brother Xinghe keep them in Linghe Palace?

Then Mu Bai saw Senior Brother Xinghe walk up to the Great Elder and say something, and the Great Elder nodded directly, and then Senior Brother Shen Chun came...

Telling them that all 300 Muyue disciples would enter Linghe Palace.

At this moment, Mu Bai burst into tears, and all the Muyue disciples also burst into tears.

Senior Brother Xinghe really kept his promise!

He said he would let us enter Linghe Palace, so he let us enter Linghe Palace. The Great Elder was so terrifying, but after Senior Brother Xinghe spoke, he didn't say a word of nonsense. It seems that we followed the right person.

In previous years, the selection of disciples would last a whole day. After all, there were always some disciples that the various palaces did not necessarily like, and in the end, the Great Elder usually forced them to the various palaces.

But this year... it only took half a morning, because the various palaces were fighting for people.

"Elder Yu, you, the master of Qingmu Palace, practice wood-related skills. What do you mean by snatching my disciples who are suitable for practicing thunder-related skills?"

"Hmph! Elder He, do you think it's ridiculous to say this? They are all disciples who have broken through their mental state. How terrifying is their comprehension ability? How can they be restricted by the type of skills?"

"Elder Zhao, isn't your Changchun Palace known for its tight resources? Last year, the sect master gave you one more person, and you were in a bad mood for three months. Now you have so many people, aren't you afraid that your Changchun Palace will be full to death?"

"Hehe... Elder Qu, my Changchun Palace is very rich this year, but your Diling Palace, I remember that you were the poorest in the Eighteen Palaces last year."

Except for Linghe Palace, everyone in the Eighteen Palaces is competing for disciples.

There is no way, the disciples selected by Xinghe are really too damn good.

If you miss this group of disciples, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Each of them is determined, and their mental state is a whole realm higher than that of ordinary disciples. This time they go back to practice, won't they take off directly?

In previous years, the sect leader had to force disciples on some palaces that had fewer students.

This year... the sect leader has a bigger headache... he has to help palaces that have fewer students.

Gu Mingchao sighed, the job of the sect leader is so damn hard... no matter what, it's always offending people.

Xinghe, grow up quickly, and then I'll leave this matter to you, and I'll be the supreme elder and watch you perform.

After fierce arguments and struggles, the disciples were finally assigned to the eighteen palaces. The very tired sect leader Gu Mingchao announced the disbandment immediately.

The recruitment of disciples for Haotian Sect this year is almost over.

Chu Xinghe followed the elder back to Linghe Palace. Regarding the handling of the three hundred geniuses of Muyue Country, the elder asked Chu Xinghe to take care of it, and he didn't need to report everything to him, and he had to take the initiative to shoulder the burden.

Chu Xinghe was in tears!

Elder, you understand me!

Just wait and see... With these three hundred geniuses from the Mu Yue Kingdom in my hands, I will definitely give you a huge surprise, so you should take this time to figure out how to punish me!

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