I Only Write Saliva Songs? I'm Afraid You Won't Be Able To Sing!

Chapter 113: Everyone Who Hurts The Egg! Are You Two Really Okay? ! Xinghai Is Really Damn It!

Hear the voice of the entertainment company representative.

Representatives of other entertainment companies.......

They also spoke one after another.


"I've been talking for a long time......"

"I don't even know which student this test paper belongs to!"

"Can you call this student over?!"


"Does this student have any other works?"

"Can you bring it together and show us?!"


"It's best to call over..."

"Let's chat with him about the various aspects of the contract!"

Even Lao Liang and Wang Jing.

I also want to meet the owner of this test paper!


on both of their faces.

Still have a touch of regret!


If only it hadn't been discovered!

This test paper can be successfully hidden by them!

And wait until everyone is gone...

They then contact the student individually!

By the time...………

It is estimated that the contract will be successfully signed!


He is a sophomore after all!

An entertainment company like Xinghai wants to sign a contract with him!

Give such a good treatment!

Lao Liang and Wang Jing don't think they can't take this student down!


But at the same time!

Old Liang was a little inexplicably suspicious!

because at this time

He suddenly remembered!

Li Yu...

Looks like a sophomore student!

Moreover, before I came to Songjiang Fu Art University, I had talked with Li Yu on the phone!


Old Liang still remembers!

I even asked Li Yu if there are any classmates who he thinks are not bad!

But the answer Li Yu gave was no!


but now..………

I just met a student who wrote a very good song?!


This immediately made Lao Liang feel a little bit puzzled!


Lao Liang quickly thought about it!


Maybe Li Yu will always have some unfamiliar classmates in school!

Thinking of this...

Old Liang stopped thinking about it.

Instead, they followed the representatives of other entertainment companies.

Let the owner of that test paper come over now!


The principal said with a smile.

"You just say..."

"Give us the test paper, Mr. Li!"

"This is the test paper brought by Teacher Li!"

"Of course he knows which student this test paper belongs to!"

Hear the principal's voice.

Representatives of these entertainment companies, 520 hurriedly handed over the test papers in their hands to the invigilator!


After taking the test paper...  

This invigilator!

But it was a moment of bewilderment!

The joy just now.....

It also disappeared in an instant!

Because he suddenly remembered!

I invigilate myself today...

In the examination room!

The only one who wrote the last big question in the exam!


It seems that there is only one person!

And that person...

Seems to be......

Li Yu?!



The invigilator is a little restless!

at the same time......

He's also a bit of a pain in the ass!


How could I forget this one?!


It must be that the teacher just showed off too much!

Let yourself forget about this stubble!

As Li Yu's teacher...

Of course he does!

Li Yu has already signed!

Even in freshman year!

Signed with Xinghai Entertainment!

Then I bring Li Yu's test paper over again...



The invigilator didn't know what to say!


at this time......

Representatives of the group of entertainment companies.

I also found out that the invigilator did not speak!


They were a little anxious!


"This teacher!"

"Who is the student in this test paper?"



"This teacher, tell me quickly!"

"We, Hanhai, are ready to bid 20 million yuan!"


"This teacher!"

"Stop hiding it now!"

"We're all ready to bid!"


"This teacher, hurry up and say the name of this student!"

"By the way, call this classmate over!"

"if possible......."

"Show us his previous work again!"

Hearing the urging voices of this group of entertainment company representatives...

This invigilator.....

Only then did he speak with a bit of pain.


"The student...

"His name is Li Yu!"


"You should be familiar with it!"

"As for his previous work..."

"You probably have heard of it!"


"Learn to Meow!"

"Digital Life!"

"What I Miss!"

Listening to the voice of the (cece) invigilator.

Representatives of this group of entertainment companies.

The look of excitement and excitement on their faces...  

A little solidified!


gradually dissipated!


Everyone was stunned!

They looked at the invigilator in front of them in disbelief!


It used to be the principal's office full of people!

After the invigilator's voice fell...

Instantly became silent!

Representatives of this group of entertainment companies...

One by one is really dumbfounded!

Even Lao Liang and Wang Jing standing aside...

It's a little confusing!

The two looked at each other.

They all saw the astonishment in each other's eyes!

At this moment, Lao Liang...

Looking at Wang Jing's eyes...

Although Wang Jing didn't say anything.

But Lao Liang understood Wang Jing's thoughts!


"The test paper we were going to hide just now!"

"We just saw the song written on the back of the test paper..."

"It's Li Yu's?!"

Meet Wang Jing's eyes!

Old Liang nodded heavily!

The moment I saw Lao Liang nodding his head!

Wang Jing's bewildered face...

The corners of the mouth began to rise a little bit!


on her face!

There was an uncontrollable smile!


Even Wang Jing couldn't hold back her laughter!

"Ha ha!"


Although Wang Jing's laughter is very short!


But it also brought the representatives of the entertainment company in the office back to their senses in an instant!


Everyone looked at Lao Liang and Wang Jing!

In their eyes....

Gradually brought a touch of egg pain!

When they looked at Lao Liang and Wang Jing...

The eyes are also a bit complicated!


We didn't pay attention to Zhang Jun just now, but went to fight for the person.....

Is it Li Yu who you Xinghai signed a long time ago?!

This is so...


However at this moment...

There are reps from some entertainment companies!

Then he looked at the artist director of Hanhai Entertainment!

The way they looked at the artist director of Hanhai Entertainment...

It's also a bit complicated!


Just now, Lao Liang and Wang Jing...

The two of them discovered that the test paper belonged to Li Yu!

That's why I wanted to hide it, don't let us see it!

As a result you...

You have to take it out!


Now you are satisfied!?

I was so happy!

And the artist director of Hanhai Entertainment......

He also has a complex face!

When looking at Lao Liang and Wang Jing.

He couldn't help but speak.


"When I asked you to take it out just now..."

"Why didn't you just tell me it was Li Yu's test paper?!"

"Why did you actually give it to me?!"

"The key is………"

"If I remember correctly!"

"When we bid just now..."

"You two seem to be involved too?!"

"you two......"

"Are you two really okay with this?!"

"Look at our jokes like this?!"

And after hearing the words of the artist director of Hanhai Entertainment.

Lao Liang and Wang Jing were instantly stunned!


"We didn't even know it was Li Yu's test paper!"

"We just saw that test paper..."

"Try to hide it and wait till we get to that student!"


For Lao Liang and Wang Jing!

Artist Director of Hanhai Entertainment!

But I don't believe a word!

He trusts his own judgment so much!


Even why Lao Liang and Wang Jing did this...

He has already thought of it!

Definitely at the very beginning.....

I and representatives of other entertainment companies have targeted both of them!


The two of them deliberately disgusted themselves!

Once you have this idea......

Artist Director of Hanhai Entertainment!

I can no longer hear what Lao Liang and Wang Jing are saying!


Just trust your own judgment!

And Lao Liang and Wang Jing...

It's also a bit dumbfounding!


Because the two of them really don't know!

Who knew there would be such a big oolong?!

And after what happened with Li Yu......

Representatives of these entertainment companies present......

The interest disappeared in an instant!

Even if you see some of the better students later!

on their faces...  

It's hard to see the surprised and excited expressions too!


Because once you see those students who are not bad!


They remembered Li Yu!

Or to be more precise.....

They remembered the song that Li Yu wrote on the back of the test paper!


Xinghai should


Why isn't this shitty company closing down?!


Why did Li Yu write such a good song again?!


Although there was a big oolong!

The representatives of these entertainment companies are not very excited...


But in the next time!

These entertainment companies...

They are also more or less signed up part of the students!

Light is a composition student...

these entertainment companies.

In total, more than 30 contracts have been signed!

Students in the Department of Acting and Vocal...  

These entertainment companies have not signed many contracts!

It's not that they don't want to sign...  

They are students with relatively good conditions in the performance department and vocal music department!

Basically as early as freshman year!

It's almost signed!

Now they want to sign up students from the acting department or the vocal music department......

Basically like panning for gold!


It really made them find some better students!

Maybe they don't look that good!


But acting and singing skills!

It's pretty good!


That's some consolation for those entertainment reps too!

As for Xinghai's Lao Liang and Wang Jing...

The two of them are running together today!


The two of them did not help Xinghai sign any student!

It's not that the two of them don't want to sign...


The two of them just wanted to sign a contract...

Representatives of those entertainment companies!

Prices will go up!

This also led to Lao Liang and Wang Jing.

Not a single student signed in!


Not even a single student signed in!

Lao Liang and Wang Jing...

The smile on his face never faded away!

after all………

they feel!

Able to get this new song written by Li Yu!

Much more cost-effective than signing up with a student!


It is true that Li Yu can write songs!

The song written by Li Yu is also very good!


But Li Yu is now participating in the "You and My Song" competition!

I also want to make an album for Mu Fei!

These things………

Both Lao Liang and Wang Jing knew about it!


Even if they really wanted Li Yu to help write the song...

They didn't even say it!

Even the leaders of the company said it!

Don't ask Li Yu to write songs to distract Li Yu now!


But the two of them didn't expect it!


Now I got a song written by Li Yu!

even though

This song by Li Yu was written on the test paper!


But this song!

Lao Liang can regard it as the performance of the second composition of the twenty-eighth floor!

And Wang Jing...

Wang Jing felt that she could take this song back to the company and give it to the singers under her to sing!

After all, this song was only written by Li Yu for the exam!

The school has no right to use it!

And after coming out of school...

Old Liang and Wang Jing.

Immediately, I couldn't wait to call Li Yu!

Just got on the phone!

Lao Liang kept talking in an instant.

"Good guy!"

"Li Yu, you have worked so hard to hide it from us!"

"You just wrote a song..."

"Why didn't you tell me when you called just now?!"

"Li Yu!"


"I need to discuss something with you?!"

"This song you wrote..."


"It's the song you wrote during the exam!"

"Think of it as the performance of our second composition?"

"Do you think it will work?!"

"Anyway, it's just when I'm reporting, I'll count your song into it!"

"It can be regarded as the result of this month's second part of our composition!"

"As for how to use it, whoever sings it

"It's up to you to decide!"

"Do you think it will work?!"

As soon as Lao Liang's voice fell.

Before Li Yu on the phone could speak.

Wang Jing couldn't help asking Li Yu immediately.

"Li Yu!"

"This song.…………"

"Do you have any plans?!"


"Who are you going to give to sing?"

"Or do you want to sing it yourself?"

"If you have no idea..."

"Can this song allow me to operate, Sister Jing?!"

"you know too.....…"

"I've brought several singers with me now!"

"They all sing very well!"

"The only pity is that there are no good works!"


over the phone!

Outside the door of the recording studio of Songjiang Fu TV Station!

Li Yu who just walked out of the studio to answer the phone.....

He was suddenly a little suspicious!


I just wrote a song in my exam!

How did Lao Liang and Wang Jing know?!


How long is this?!

Seems like it's only been a few hours?!

With curiosity...

Li Yu asked about it!

And Lao Liang and Wang Jing were on the phone.

Immediately beaming with joy, he told Li Yu what happened in the principal's office just now!

And after Li Yu listened...

Suddenly I was a little confused!



Is it such a coincidence?!.

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