I Only Write Saliva Songs? I'm Afraid You Won't Be Able To Sing!

Chapter 72: Are You Kidding Me? You Were The One Who Joked With Me First!

Because for many entertainment companies!

They would rather give money!

I don't want to share it either!


Unless they really feel that they don't make money!

Will be divided into!

after all…………

A simple calculation can roughly understand!

Just like Mu Fei's next album!

According to what Mu Fei said before...

She wants to give Li Yu 5 million plus 5% of album sales!

And an album!

According to Mu Fei's current fame!

It's almost in the range of 50 yuan!

If an album can sell a million copies!

So-called Platinum Records...

#B4 …

The sales volume is 250 million!

According to Mu Fei's treatment for Li Yu...

five percent!

That's more than 12 million!


That's more than 17 million!

And if according to the contract given by Mufei Company...

Li Yu can only get 500,000 in cash and a 10% share!

#BESZ+ …

But it was 25 million!

Even the half a million Li Yu is gone!

That's more profit than what Mu Fei gave!

This account...

Even a student can count!

Let alone Mu Fei's company!


Mu Fei's company.

How could he choose to give Li Yu more than 25 million?!

They must give as little as they can!

but now..………

They would rather give Li Yu 10% of the album sales!


It's obvious!

They don't think Li Yu's album for Mu Fei can make too much money!


They'd rather give ten percent of the sales!

I don't want to spend five million!

because they feel...

Give five million, they may lose money!


Li Yu wanted to laugh instantly!

It is clear that I look down on myself!

And said so many high-sounding things......


Li Yu at this time.

I don't even bother arguing with Mu Fei's manager and the company's leaders!

Even Li Yu stopped Mu Fei who wanted to speak for her!


Since Mu Fei's manager and company are like this!

Then there is no need to be polite anymore!


By their reactions...

In Li Yu's heart!

There is also a plan!

Look at Mu Fei's managers and company leaders!

Li Yu thought about it!

Organized the language a little bit!

Then he spoke.

"In this case!"

"Then I don't even want half a million!"

Hear Li Yu's words.

Mu Fei became anxious immediately!

She thought it was because the price given by the agent and the company was too low!

Li Yu is angry!

I don't want to make an album for myself!

And Mu Fei's manager and company leader......

The look on his face has changed too!

after all………

They also saw such a joke on the Internet!

Leader: Work overtime tonight!

Employee: Is there overtime pay?

Leader: No!

Employee: Then I also paid the company's electricity bill for working overtime at night?!

Leader: Are you kidding me?

Employee: You were the one who joked with me first!

The manager of Mu Fei and the leader of the company......

When I thought Li Yu would talk to them like this joke.

Li Yu spoke again.

"I don't want half a million!"

"But I think the share can be changed again!"

"Ten percent is still too low!"

"It's better to give 15% directly!"

"Anyway, the leader said it just now!"

"If the album sells!"

"I can get more money!"

Hear Li Yu's voice.

Mu Fei's manager and the company's leaders immediately wanted to laugh!

They really feel that Li Yu in front of them at this moment...

It's so young!

Could it be that he really thinks that after writing two songs, he will be able to produce an album with explosive sales!?


What kind of international joke is this?!


And they didn't believe that Li Yu's album for Mu Fei could sell so well!


Otherwise how could they be willing to give Li Yu 10% instead of 5 million?!

But at this moment!

Just after Li Yu's voice fell!

Mu Fei's company leader is still smiling like that!

Then he said with a smile.


"Don't say it's fifteen percent!"

"As long as the album you made for Mu Fei is of good quality!"

"Why don't I give you 20%?!"

Hear the voice of the leader of Mufei Company.

Li Yu was stunned immediately!


Is there such a good opportunity?!

Twenty percent!


After Li Yu thought about it.

Then he said quickly!

"That being the case!"

"Let's not be stingy at all!"

"I made this album for Mu Fei..."


"I don't want a penny!"

"But if the album sells under a million!"

"I want 15% of the sales!"

"If this album sells over a million!"

"I want 20% of the sales!"

"If this album sells more than two million!"

"I want twenty-five percent of the sales!"

"If the album sells more than three million, I'll give you 30%!"

"If this album sells more than five million...."

"I want fifty percent of the sales!"

Hear Li Yu's voice.

Mu Fei was stunned!

Mu Fei's manager was stunned!

The leaders of Mufei Company were also stunned!

But in a blink of an eye...

An expression of excitement appeared on Mu Fei's face!


Because no one will make fun of their own profits!


Unless he is very confident in himself!

And Li Yu is now like this...

Just share, not a penny!

Doesn't that mean...

He is very confident in making this album for himself?!

In this case...

Doesn't that mean...

For the songs in the album, he will put his heart into it?!



Mu Fei became excited!

Even if it wasn't for the presence of agents and leaders!

She must be jumping with excitement!

And Mu Fei's manager and company leader.

The two looked at each other suspiciously!


The two of them have the same idea as Mu Fei!

after all…………

If not really have faith in yourself!

Then why make such a request?!

There is such a moment!

The manager of Mu Fei and the leader of the company......

are thinking about...

Li Yu's next album for Mu Fei......

Is it going to explode?!

Otherwise, why did Li Yu raise these conditions?!


Shake your head slightly!

They quickly dropped the idea!

After all, when they came out of the company...

The market analyst at the company told them that!

If Li Yu were to make an album for Mu Fei!


The sales volume of the album, with a high probability, may be less than 200,000 copies!

And according to the sales volume of 200,000 yuan, 5,000 yuan per piece is calculated!

Ten percent, plus half a million cash!

#BA …

When the time comes, they need to give Li Yu a total of 1.5 million!

And according to the conditions proposed by Li Yu...

They don't need to give Li Yu any more money!

Instead, give 15% of the sales!


When the time comes, they still have to give Li Yu 1.5 million!

#B4 …

What is there to hesitate?!

It's about the same money anyway!


Mu Fei's manager and company leader.

Still trust the company's market analysts!

For Li Yu...

They didn't believe that!


Just for a moment!

They made a decision!

Promise Li Yu!


They agreed to the conditions proposed by Li Yu!


They borrowed the TV station's printer and reprinted a new contract!

And the treaty in the contract....

It was drawn up according to what Li Yu said!

not much.......

Signed by both parties!


Mu Fei's manager and company leader left!


While in the car.

Mu Fei's manager smiled and said to the company's leaders.

"I feel like laughing when I say it now!"

"The one called Li Yu..."

"It is true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!"

"I don't know where to read the gambling agreement, but it is applied to us!"

"He doesn't really think that his next album for Mu Fei will sell more than one million copies?!"

He heard the voice of manager Mu Fei.

The leader of the company immediately smiled and said.

"Let him go!"

"Young people!"

"According to the conditions we and he respectively put forward..."

"If the album sells at 200,000..."

"We pay the same amount!"

"If the album sells under 200,000..."

"Then we pay even less!"

"And if the album sells over 200,000...."


"It seems that there is no such possibility!"

"Our company's analysts have analyzed it all morning!"

"No one thinks that Li Yu's album for Mu Fei can sell more than 200,000!"

"Even if it's the album he made for Mu Fei!"

"Because of Mu Fei's fame, sales exceeded 200,000

"But according to analysts..."

"It won't be too much!"

"By the time......"

"At most, we have an extra one hundred or two hundred thousand!"

"This little money..."

"Give it to him and give it to him!"

Hear the voice of company leadership.

Mu Fei's economic man

Then he smiled and said...


"It's time for digital songs!"

"Where is the album selling so well?!"

"I remember that last month, two first-line singers both released albums!"

"A sales volume of 500,000!"

"The other sales volume is only 380,000!"

"That's it…………"

"It's still the two of them who continue to appear on various variety shows to promote their albums!"

"Their company keeps promoting them!"

~ This is the only reason for this sales volume!"


"Not to mention Li Yu?!"

Talk and talk!

The two immediately burst into laughter in the car!



Looking at the sales of Li Yu's album for Mu Fei...

Both of them wanted to die!


These are all later!

Just after Mu Fei's manager and company leader left Songjiang Fu TV Station.

Mu Fei looked at Li Yu excitedly!

And Li Yu was excitedly looking at the contract in his hand!

to be honest!

Li Yu really didn't expect it.

She was looked down upon by Mu Fei's manager and the company's leaders.

How can there be such a harvest?!

Originally according to what he thought...

Make this album for Mu Fei by yourself!

What he gets in the end will be a lot...

But not too much!

But he never thought of it!

Just because Mu Fei's manager and the company's leaders look down on me!

How could this allow him to get such a high share?!

to be honest!


Li Yu hopes that the singers she cooperates with in the future will all look down on her!

Then you can also get a higher share for yourself!

After all in Li Yu's judgment!

He made this album for Mu Fei!

The quality of the songs!

Plus Mu Fei's fame!

And his own fame during this time...

Just spread the word!

Sales will definitely not be bad by then!

In his judgment...

He made this album for Mu Fei!

The sales volume is probably around 2 million copies!


This is the last sale of the entire album!

It's not like this album will sell two million copies as soon as it comes out!

And two million copies sold

Follow the conditions given by Mu Fei's agent and company leaders!

The money he got in the end was almost 10 million plus 500,000!

That's 10.5 million!

And on your own terms.....

The album sold over two million!

He can get 20% of the sales!

And the price he can get in the end......

Almost twenty million!


What kind of concept is this?!

That's a double the difference!

(from Zhao) This...

How can this make Li Yu unhappy?!

How can this make Li Yu not excited?!


The two million assessed by Li Yu...

That was just casually taking out some good songs from my previous life!

And now...

Li Yu has made a decision!

He wants to come up with better songs!

He wants to make Mu Fei's next album sell even more!

And just when Li Yu was excited and happy...

Mu Fei who is sitting beside...

Also very happy!

After all, she already knew the conditions Li Yu proposed!

Li Yu made this album for her...

It will definitely be extremely attentive!


Otherwise, why doesn't he want a point, just share?!

If the album flutters...

Li Yu is almost equivalent to working for nothing!

What's in it for Li Yu?!


Mu Fei at this moment.

Same as Li Yu.

All very happy!

And after being happy.....

Li Yu also made a decision!

Hurry up and go back to the company first!

Sign the new contract between yourself and Xinghai first!

Then I hurried back to help Mu Fei with the new album...

As for the things he planned before...


Put it aside for now!

Mu Fei's new album!

Not only is it very important to Mu Fei!

For Li Yu...

It is equally important!

This is not only an opportunity to fully prove yourself1

It’s also an opportunity to make a lot of money!

After all, even top composers!

Even if Father Qu is here!

It is also very difficult to get the conditions that Li Yu got today!


The little author got caught in the rain today.

I have a little fever.

My head is dizzy!

There's only so much I can write...

These chapters may not be well written.....

Please allow the author to recover a little bit!

At the same time, everyone, please be patient!


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