I Only Write Saliva Songs? I'm Afraid You Won't Be Able To Sing!

Chapter 93: The Third Issue Of "My Song" Is Over! After All, Revenge Doesn't Last Ove


Wang Hanfei.....

Wang Hanfei was really pissed off by He Qingyue!

after all……………

After all, I am an ace composer!

When did you get so disliked?!

It took three and a half days to write a song......

And the quality is not bad at all!

This is put in the circle...  

Already belonging to is very powerful!


He actually turned out to be disgusted by He Qingyue?!

The key is.…………

The point is, have you ever hated her?!


The reason why it took me three and a half days to write this song...

Isn't it because of He Qingyue?!

And at the same time...

He Qingyue is standing on the stage...

It seems that I also realized that I said something wrong just now!


She subconsciously wanted to save her!


But Wang Hanfei never gave her a chance to speak!

Instead, he spoke directly.


"I thought you were a little girl!"

"It's not easy being on this show!"

"Many things..."

"I don't want to say it!"

"But it's all for this sake, I have to say Riyu!

"You said it took me three and a half days to write this song for you!"

"Let's not say whether these three and a half days are long or short!"

"Just to say..."

"Why did it take me three and a half days to write this song!"

"This issue, I wrote this song for you!"

"It will take me three and a half days!"

"It's all because of you!"

"But any singer..."

"I can also be like Li Yu, on the night when the second period ends!"

"You can write songs!"


"But just as Li Yu said."

"Your singing skills..."

"It's really limiting my creativity!"

"Whenever I have a song in my mind!"

"I subconsciously think of your singing skills!"



"This song doesn't work!"

"He Qingyue...she can't sing!"


"I just keep thinking about new songs!"

"Think of a song that can be supported by your meager singing skills!"


"That's why it took me three and a half days to write this song for you!"


Wang Hanfei's voice!

Like a thunderbolt!

Instantly rang in He Qingyue's mind!


He Qingyue couldn't hold back anymore!

She even looked at Wang Hanfei in disbelief! 047TO......

Meet her incredulous eyes.

Wang Hanfei continued to speak.

"at this point……………"

"If you don't believe it!"

"I can write the few songs I thought of right now for you on the spot!"


"It's just a prototype!"

"Although it's just a prototype!"

"But I believe it!"

"Anyone who has a little knowledge!"

"You'll know I'm right!"

And after a short pause...

Wang Hanfei continued to speak.

"this matter!"

"We can also not mention it for now!"

"Just tell me what you said just now..."

"You said, three days..."

"Not enough for you to practice that new song I wrote for you!"


"But what about the other singers?!"

"Do they have more time than you?!"

"Don't even talk about them!"

"Just talk about Mu Fei!"


"Li Yu wrote the song "What I Miss" to Mu Fei on the first day!"


"Just tonight!"

"Just two hours before the show is about to start..."

"Mu Fei is still practicing this song in the recording studio!"

"Until the staff of the program group call!"

"She just came here!"

"But what about you?!"


"Anyway, I haven't seen how many times you have practiced!"

"It's just such an attitude!"

"You don't know how bad it is!"


"I mean if!"

"If you still want to refute my point..."


"I think I can find a program group!"

"Let them release all the videos in the background!"

"There's even a time to assemble in the lobby tonight!"

"Release the video of Mu Fei's late arrival!"

This moment!

Wang Hanfei......

Wang Hanfei was really angry!


Otherwise, he would never be able to say such a thing!

After all, Wang Hanfei is such an ace composer...

During the first issue!

When Li Yu was in the first issue, he brought out a song "Learning to Meow"!

Many songwriters complain about Li Yu writing a mouthwatering song!

Only Wang Hanfei is encouraging Li Yu!

He is such an ace composer who is not superior, has a good temper, and loves his juniors very much...

He Qingyue could actually make him so angry!


What He Qing (cebh) said just now!

How angry Wang Hanfei was!


Wang Hanfei is angry!

And it's not just what He Qingyue said just now!

Most importantly.....

It's still about He Qingyue's attitude!

Especially when something happens...

Get rid of yourself immediately!

Throw it all on someone else!

Such an attitude!

This is what makes Wang Hanfei most dissatisfied with He Qingyue!

And after thinking about it...

Look at He Qingyue!

Wang Hanfei spoke again.

"never mind!"

"Let's not talk about you!"


"As someone who came here!"

"As someone a little older than you!"

"I still want to give you some advice!"

"I can't sing well!"

"Then go practice!"

"But if the character is not good..."

"Then it really won't work!"



Wang Hanfei put down the microphone in his hand!

Don't talk to He Qingyue anymore!

And just then...

He Qingyue standing in the middle of the stage right now!

I don't know what to say...

Also the brains...

It's already a mess!

She doesn't even know...


How did things get to this point?!

In the last issue!

When I sang "Digital Life", didn't I also sing a broken tone?!


But why in the last issue!

I don't have much to do!

How come this episode....

Just when He Qingyue's mind went blank,

Don't know what to say at all!

It can only be according to the host's arrangement......

Go back to the left side of the stage in a daze!

Then sit down beside Wang Hanfei!

for the outside world

She has no attention at all!

Until the host stands on stage!

While announcing the audience voting rankings for this episode of "My Song of You"......

He Qingyue......

Still haven't recovered!

Even the host's slightly excited voice...

Couldn't get her attention at all!


"I'm here to announce the audience voting ranking for this competition!"

"A total of eight combinations!"


"The sixth place is..."

"The combination of He Yu and Zuo Qiuyan!"

"The number of audience votes they got was..."

"560,000 votes!"

"And the fifth place is..."

With the host's voice!

Combinations get the number of votes and rankings one by one!

It was also read out one after another!

And the number one...

Naturally it is the combination of Li Yu and Mu Fei!

A combination of the two of them!

The total number of votes obtained is five hundred and thirty-seven!

Than the second place…………

More than two million votes came out!

This horrible number of votes...

Immediately, everyone was shocked by it!

After all, the number of votes...

Too high!


Think about the scene when Mu Fei sang the song "What I Miss"!

Think about the number of viewers of the program "My Song of You" now...

The combination of Li Yu and Mu Fei.

To be able to get this number of votes...

It makes sense!

And the combination of the last two rankings......

Naturally it will be eliminated!

One of the couple......

It is the combination of Wang Hanfei and He Qingyue!

Both of them were eliminated.....

It makes sense!

After all, the song He Qingyue sang...


It is beyond words!

Not to mention poor singing skills!


At least you finish singing this song!

You just sang the chorus for the first time, and you sang a broken note!

Then you stop singing!


What song are the audience listening to?!

Then why did the audience vote for your group?!


The combination of Wang Hanfei and He Qingyue...

was eliminated!

even though!

Many people long ago!

Just had this hunch!


But when Wang Hanfei was really eliminated...

Many people still can't believe it!

after all……………

After all, Wang Hanfei is an ace composer!


And it is said!

Wang Hanfei seems to be in recent years!

One of the most powerful composers to hit the throne of Qu Daddy!


But such an ace composer...

In the program "You and My Song"!

Among a group of third- and fourth-level composers!

Besides him, the highest rank is a first-class composer...


He was eliminated so quickly!


Even if it was a premonition!

But when this thing really comes!

many people.....….

It's still unacceptable!

And at the same time...

He Qingyue, whose mind has always been blank...

When he heard that he and Wang Hanfei were eliminated together!

She has come back to her senses too!

It's over!

No one can change it!

after all..……

After all, it's the audience's choice!


In order to protect Li Yu......

The program team is already under a lot of pressure!

if this issue

For Wang Hanfei again...

The credibility of the program group is really not much left!


Although the program team is also very reluctant to be eliminated by Wang Hanfei!

But faced with this situation.....

But still had to eliminate Wang Hanfei!

And at this time, it has come back to God!

And He Qingyue, who knew that he had already been eliminated...

She regretted it!

Even tears of regret...

It's all sliding down her cheeks!


But how can there be any regret medicine for her in the world?!


she now...

It may be too early to regret it!


Because Li Yu has already done everything until the end of the show!

Just find her plan to settle accounts after autumn!

When Li Yu finds her later to settle accounts...

Regret at that moment......

It should be just right!

And just after announcing the rankings for this issue...

Now it's time for the remaining two sessions!


One is a team of composers and singers!

One is the title of the next song!

this time!

those composers.

In the box, when the balls with the names of the singers are drawn.

It's not that tense anymore!


He Qingyue was eliminated!

And He Qingyue was eliminated...

So what's there to be nervous about?!

And as the champion of this issue...  

Li Yu naturally has to wait until the last one!

Or in other words.......

Li Yu doesn't even need to be on stage to draw lots!

After all the other composers have drawn out!

Which singer has not been selected!


Which singer will automatically form a team with Li Yu!

And finally!

Singers who were not selected by those composers!


Mu Fei!


It's Mu Fei again!

Just like He Qingyue!

Mu Fei also teamed up with Li Yu for two successful episodes!

to this!

Mu Fei has no opinion!

Even a little excited!

And Li Yu on this...

No comments either!

Teaming up with Mu Fei, I can save a lot of things not to mention!

Also during this time...

Help Mu Fei make an album!

As for the title of the next song....

It was Mu Fei who went to the stage to draw!

And the title of the next song is...



It is [Freedom]!

When I saw the title of the next song.....


The names of countless songs on the earth in the previous life appeared in Li Yu's Mind King!


But when Li Yu looked at Mu Fei!


When I have confirmed that the singer I will form a team with in the next period is still Mu Fei!

The name of a song...

Instantly firmly occupied Li Yu's mind!

And it's lingering!


After all, in Li Yu's opinion!

Mu Fei!

It is the 2.0 version of Zhang Shaohan on Earth in the previous life!


Is there a more suitable song than that song?!


Li Yu is also a little worried!

This song..………

#TE …

Can you sing it?!


The difficulty of this song is still very high!

And just when Li Yu was thinking about the next song for Mu Fei!

The third issue of "Song of You and Me"...

It's finally over!


It can't be said that it's completely over!


After all next!

There is also an exclusive live broadcast room for composers and singers!


Although the competition for the third period of "My Song to You" is over!


But the influence of the third competition of "My Song"...

Not only is it not over!

Instead, it exploded on the Internet with an exaggerated gesture!

Even the host just announced the end of the third round of "Song of You"!

On the other side of the Internet hot search!

In an instant, several hot topics popped up!

【Mu Fei God-level singing scene! Li Yu God-level creative talent!】

【"I miss"! #"YouMy歌词" third phase champion!】

[Shocking! Wang Hanfei! Ace composer! Eliminated!]

【It takes two hours to write a song on average. Is he writing a song, or is he making a song on the assembly line?!】

[Shen Pao Li Yu! Why was he so unknown before!]



With the end of the third period!

on the Internet......

Suddenly, a lot of hot topics popped up!

And among them...

Li Yu has the most topics!

Especially about Li Yu's creative talent!


But after the game...

Li Yu is in no mood to pay attention to those hot topics about herself on the Internet!

He just thinks about...

Find He Qingyue to settle accounts now!

After all, revenge doesn’t last overnight!.

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