Jiang Ming looked at the bewildered Qingqiu and shook his head helplessly.

This little fox must be too stupid!

He didn't want Qingqiu to make another trip, so he sent the dining car back.

Three thousand yuan is enough to buy this dining car.

It's just that this transaction process is a bit outrageous...

"System, this dining car, can you help me fix it?"

【......All right..】

A flash of white light flashed, and the dining car suddenly became clean as new, and the sign of 'Baiyun Hotel' also changed to 'Mingyue Hotel'.

Jiang Ming nodded.

This is decent!

"Xiaoxi, not bad!"

【…】The system didn't want to talk at all, if it wasn't for the shuddering look at the dining car, it wouldn't even move!

Jiang Ming pushed the dining cart to the door of the kitchen.

No traffic jams, just right!

Seeing that it was getting late, Jiang Ming looked at Qingqiu in trouble.

There is no place for her to sleep....

The parents' room is cleaned frequently and has not been touched, but it is obviously not appropriate for Qingqiu to sleep.

The younger sister's room will be lived in when she comes back, it's not the case to sleep with Qingqiu.

Then it's just my own room...

Just as Jiang Ming was about to feel wronged, Qingqiu spoke up: "Boss, I'll just sleep in the restaurant with the three adults, and I'll change back to my real body, so I won't occupy a seat."

Jiang Ming: emmmm......

The words have come to this point, Jiang Ming is not good to say anything more.

"Then you should rest early, I'm going to sleep."

"Well, good night, boss."

"Good night."

Feeling a little lost in his heart, Jiang Ming fell asleep, and when he woke up again, it was already six o'clock the next morning.

Jiang Ming jumped up, full of energy and ready to welcome a new day of business!

When he came to the kitchen, Jiang Ming washed his hands and began to knead the dough.


There are still some ordinary people who come to Mingyue Restaurant to eat leek dumplings, and Jiang Ming will not give up this dish just because it is cheap.

As long as one person eats, he will insist on doing it.

After all the preparations for the leek dumplings were ready, Jiang Ming used his divine sense, and a hundred servings of dumplings were wrapped in just five minutes!

With the deepening of his strength, Jiang Ming naturally doesn't need to waste time on boring dumplings!

At half past six, Qingqiu opened the shutter door on time.

This time, there was no commotion.

A large wave of people had already gathered outside the door, crowding the entire Chaoyang Street!

"Boss, come out!" Qingqiu shouted eagerly.

Jiang Ming came to the door of the store in a daze.

Peng Yeran stood on the street in a military uniform. As the saying goes, a man depends on his clothes and a horse depends on his saddle. His appearance gave people a sense of calmness and prestige.

Beside him were a dozen soldiers with real guns and live ammunition, and there were people in inspection uniforms around them, maintaining order.

He Fei and a group of people stood on the street as if mourning, their hands and feet were handcuffed by Feng Ling, waiting for the sentencing.

A group of melon-eating people around were pointing and commenting on them, their eyes full of curiosity.

He Fei's stomach is full of regrets now!

The sneak attack into the Mingyue Hotel yesterday was the biggest failure in his life!

But who knew that there would be a frightening little milk dog in a small restaurant!

That roar!

Shock the mind!

He passed out on the spot, and now he looks at Mingyue Hotel with terrified eyes!

And when he woke up again, he was already in the cell!

At that time, my heart hadn't calmed down yet, so once I used this truth-telling water, I would reveal all the bad things I did!

He even talked about lifting the skirt of a female kindergarten classmate when he was five years old!

(????) σ!


Seeing this battle, Jiang Ming was stunned for a moment, and then quickly recovered.

"Old Peng, it's done so soon?"

Peng Yeran laughed out loud. "Boss Jiang, I really want to thank you this time. This He Fei and his subordinates are not good birds. They murdered and set fires, robbed houses, and did anything bad as long as it was beneficial!"

Jiang Ming nodded: "Of course the villain will be handed over to your military personnel, you can just pronounce the sentence."

"Okay, Boss Jiang." Peng Yeran strode forward and walked to the center of the street.

Clearing his throat, he pointed at He Fei and the others, his voice filled with enthusiasm resounded throughout Chaoyang Street.

"He Fei, the third level of strength, the green-level killer of the studio, the evidence..."

"Hu Yang, the strength is at the ninth level of the Mysterious Rank, the criminal evidence..."


The deeds of He Fei and his group were told one by one by Peng Yeran, and the eyes of ordinary people around them were full of anger.

"Bastard, even girls are not spared!"

"Damn you guys, did you forget that you were an ordinary person when you became a beast master? You did such a heartless thing!"

"General Peng, kill them! These people deserve death!"

"Kill them!"

The crowd was outraged, though some of them averted their eyes.

These people also belonged to this kind of unruly beast masters, and some of them were even more cruel than He Fei and the others, but luckily they were not caught.

Seeing He Fei's fate now, everyone began to panic in their hearts.

The bald Liu also looked at He Fei with a sneer.

God knows what you did!

It's not that we don't report, it's just that the time has not come!

He has never done anything that angers others, because he is afraid that he will be caught in the future, and he is not even eligible to be sent to the secret realm for mining!

Bald Liu also had a trace of panic in his heart. He Fei's strength is at the third level of the prefecture level. Are the guards in Yangshi so strong?

Even He Fei can catch it!

This question appeared in the minds of many beast masters.

What Peng Yeran said next dispelled their doubts.

"Folks, be quiet. I was able to catch He Fei and his party, thanks to the owner of Mingyue Hotel---Jiang Ming!"

"However, I would also like to advise all the beast masters who come to Yang City to participate in the auction, you can fight whatever you want outside the city."

"But give me peace of mind in the city. If I hurt the residents of Yang City, even if I, Peng Yeran, chase you all the way to Tianya Cape, I will definitely bring you to justice!"

After everyone listened, they didn't take Peng Yeran's threatening words to heart.

After all, Peng Yeran's cultivation is only at the third level of the earth rank, and he is not even as strong as some of them!

But when they looked at Mingyue Hotel, they became afraid!

First, a strong earth-level man was lost by the enchantment.

Another strong man of the fifth level entered the Mingyue Hotel for three minutes, and after throwing it out, he became stupid!

Up to now, He Fei and the studio's young assassins have all been caught!

The strength of the owner of the Mingyue Hotel is really terrifying!

In Yang City these days, it's better to keep one's place!

ps: Thanks to the "Come and fight the bayonet" reader for another great certification!

Excited heart, trembling hands, now I only hate that I am a handicapped party!

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