I Open A Restaurant In Yushou World

Chapter 259 Find Boss Jiang As A Witness

"Just drink it, I'm afraid of you!" Wan Tianlu also stood up, his eyes staring like copper bells!

"Gudong Gudong, zi~ha~!!"

Bei Caizhe's face was flushed, and he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear. "That's right, let's keep drinking!"

Bei Caizhe and Wan Tianlu drank the two jugs of spiritual wine in less than two minutes!

Now they just feel their heads are dizzy, and they are starting to get drunk.

Bei Caizhe scooped up a spoonful of fried rice with eggs. He wanted to put it in his mouth, but he stuffed it all into his nose!

Wan Tianlu caught a piece of star spirit grass, and ended up covering his face with oil!

The two looked at each other, pointed at each other and laughed, but with a smile, Wan Tianlu's eyes were moist.

A slap was slapped hard on his face.


"Woooo! Old Bei, I'm not human. You are so kind to me, yet I still want to steal your rice wine! Taking advantage of you!" Wan Tianlu cried.

Bei Caizhe also felt quite uncomfortable in his heart, so he slapped himself in the same way. "Old Wan, I did something wrong. I stole your rice wine with a treasure hunting mouse. I'm sorry!"

"Brother Bei, you can drink the rice wine. I didn't treat you as a brother at all. I just wanted to make money from you. I didn't expect you to sell it to me at the starting price, woo woo woo~! I Damn it!"

"Brother Tianlu, I am the same. I didn't take you seriously at first. I thought you were just a fat man. I didn't expect you to be so good!"


"Brother Tianlu......!!"

The two shouted cordially, as if seeing their long-lost brothers!

Wan Tianlu wiped away tears. "Brother Bei, you will be my real brother from now on!"

Bei Caizhe blew his nose. "Brother Tianlu, I see that the more you look at you, the more you fall in love with each other. It's better to hit the sun than to choose a date. Let's worship today!"

"Okay! You are a few years older than me, and you will be my big brother from now on, but we are not prepared, how can we become sworn brothers?" Wan Tianlu said firmly.

"What's the matter, let's go, let's go to Boss Jiang! Boss Jiang is such a wonderful person, with his witness, our friendship must be unbreakable!"

Bei Caizhe took Wan Tianlu, staggered to the cash box, and said to Jiang Ming who was cooking inside, "Boss Jiang, my brother and I are going to marry each other and become brothers with different surnames. I hope you will come as a witness people!"

"Ah yes! Boss Jiang, you come to be a witness, and Bei Caizhe will be my big brother from now on!"

Jiang Ming:!!!∑(?Д?ノ)ノ! !

What are these two doing?

It's not like this when you're drunk, right?

"System, isn't this rice wine poisonous? Qingqiu, Qian Youde, Li Yueying, and now these two have become so virtuous?" Jiang Ming called the system frantically.

[(??v?v??): Host, you can’t be bloody. I’ve said it all. Rice wine magnifies people’s inner thoughts. Dare to say, the people you mentioned have something on their minds, and it is normal for such a situation to happen! 】

Seeing Jiang Ming's expression of distrust, the system added.

[Although they are like this now, they are still sober in the deepest part of their hearts. If you don't believe me, you can slap each of them and see if they don't fight back! 】

In order to verify the reliability of the spiritual meal, the two of them can only be wronged now.

A sense of guilt rose in Jiang Ming's heart, and he did it without hesitation!

"Crack! Crack!"

Two crisp voices sounded, and the faces of Wan Tianlu and Bei Caizhe turned red and purple, and a deep slap print appeared.

"Fuck! Boss Jiang, I'll let you be a witness. Why are you beating me?" Wan Tianlu and Bei Caizhe said in unison.

There is anger flickering in the eyes, but it can only stop here!

They can't afford Jiang Ming!

"Brother, are you okay?"

"Don't worry, brother, I have rough skin and thick flesh, a slap is fine!"

Jiang Ming spread his hands helplessly and said, "System, how do you explain it now?"

【.......(〃>皮<): I don't care, they are fine, if there is a fatal threat, they can still release the beast to resist! 】

Jiang Ming could only listen to the system. He himself drank rice wine. Although there were some side effects, he was generally fine.

Looking at the anger in the eyes of Wan Tianlu and Bei Caizhe, this rice wine should, maybe, or be fine, right?

Jiang Ming gave a dry laugh. "I was just confirming the brotherhood between you two. I am very satisfied with the performance that you can think about each other, so I can be your witness!"

Wan Tianlu Bei Caizhe immediately looked overjoyed.


Kneeling directly on the ground, his face was full of determination!

"Boss Jiang, heaven and earth testify, today I, Bei Caizhe (Wan Tianlu), have become brothers with different surnames! From now on, we are blessed to share..."

After a series of oaths were spoken, the two began to kowtow.

The floor knocked loudly!

Jiang Ming looked at it and twisted his mouth.

ヽ(*.>Д<)o゜! !

This small department also said that the deepest consciousness in their hearts is clear!

Wake up a ghost!

How can anyone bow to each other and kowtow to each other?

Are you getting married?

Wan Tianlu and Bei Caizhe didn't realize that there was something wrong with each other. After three beeps of their heads, they looked at each other.

The forehead is flushed!

?(^(工)^)?: "Brother!"

(?????): "Second brother!"


"Second brother~!!"


Wan Tianlu and Bei Caizhe knelt on the ground and shouted at each other for five minutes.


The deafening 'thunder' sounded!

The diners thought it was going to rain, and Wan Tianlu, who was kneeling, had a painful expression on his face, his face was pale, his lips moved silently, and then large drops of sweat kept secreting from his face, and his stomach convulsed crazily.

Wan Tianlu clutched his stomach, his head fell to the ground, and his body kept shaking.

There was a roar like a dying beast in his throat.

"Hungry~! I'm so hungry!!!"

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