I Open A Restaurant In Yushou World

Chapter 269 Boss Jiang Is A Good Man

Looking at the coffins outside the door, Jiang Ming felt very uncomfortable and complained frantically about the system in his heart.

The small system also knew that the host was not easy to mess with, so it silently played dead in Jiang Ming's mind without saying a word.


The host is short-sighted!

100,000 coffins...cough cough, training in a small box!

This is one hundred thousand copies!

There are not 100,000 beast masters in Yang City!

Don't look at the vip training small box looks a bit strange, but it works well if you can't stand it!

Everything can't escape the law of true fragrance, just like the first leek dumpling sold, when the small box has the first person to eat crabs, then everyone will fall in love with this feeling of cultivation!

The little system felt aggrieved, thinking inwardly unwillingly.

I didn't explain this to Jiang Ming, the host is still angry, no matter how I explain it, I won't listen!

Unless he entered the small box to practice by himself.

But the host has no money, not a dime!

All the money Jiang Ming makes is with him!

Little money, lots and lots of little money!


【(o?▽?)o! ! 】

"System, I know you're here, don't pretend to be dead! Hurry up and come out and change this small training room for me!"

The system fell silent again.

I didn't pay attention to my face just now, and I exposed myself.

But...hehe...a lot of small money wow!

(?????)! !


Standing on the roof, Peng Ning watched the fog on Chaoyang Street gradually dissipate, his beautiful eyes were fixed on the front without blinking.

I look forward to what Jiang Ming will transform Chaoyang Street into.

But when she saw the real face on Chaoyang Street, she opened her mouth wide and her eyes were full of horror.

(?Д?)ノ! !

This... what's going on?

Didn't you mean to renovate Chaoyang Street?

Why are there so many coffins?

It's still upright!

Are they filled with vampires? ?

Boss Jiang, is this the training room you mentioned? You still want me to bring enough spirit stones? ?

Uncle Qian just told me to bring money into the coffin, now you want me to bring spirit stones into the coffin?

Peng Ning stood on the spot and complained wildly, looking at the half-closed shutter door of Mingyue Hotel, he still resisted the urge to question Jiang Ming directly.

Wait until the evening to ask Boss Jiang.

Thinking to himself, Peng Ning rushed towards the soldiers.

The soldiers here have already exploded.

The onlookers were chattering, with fear in their eyes.

The white mist had already caused a little commotion before, but with soldiers guarding it, the crowd didn't take it too seriously.

But now that the fog has cleared and there are so many coffins, how can the little hearts of ordinary people bear it?

Their home is on the side of Chaoyang Street, isn't this the same as living next to the cemetery?

How annoying!

The masses kept asking the officers and soldiers why, but where did these soldiers know?

They were just doing their duty well, waiting silently with expressionless faces, but the sweat streaming from their temples revealed the panic in their hearts.

In just half an hour, countless black coffins suddenly appeared. Whoever sees this kind of thing feels frightened!

Coupled with the fact that the masses kept spreading panic, the soldiers were also a little timid.

A beautiful shadow suddenly appeared.

"It's a mess, what's the noise, give me silence!"

When the soldiers heard this voice, they breathed a sigh of relief as if they had found the backbone.

Missy is finally here!

The crowd fell silent immediately, staring straight at Peng Ning.

"Miss Peng, where is General Peng? There are so many coffins suddenly, we ordinary people are very scared." A middle-aged man boldly shouted.

His house is next door, and the coffin is under the window!

This statement aroused a wave of crowds, who asked questions one after another.

Peng Ning stomped his feet hard and raised his brows. "Give me peace!"

There was no sound in my ear, so Peng Ning said: "You don't have to worry, these are all made by the owner of Mingyue Hotel, they just look a bit shabby, there is no harm, let them go away!"

After listening, the crowd did not leave, but stood there and began to mutter in a low voice.

"The owner of Mingyue Hotel made it? Why does a restaurant have so many coffins? It can't be a black shop, right?"

"It's impossible in a black shop. I've been to Mingyue Restaurant, and the owner is Chef Ling. That leek dumpling, tsk tsk, my mother-in-law screamed after eating it!"

"Yeah, the owner of the restaurant is a nice guy, but it's too expensive, and he's not very friendly to us civilians."

"Hey, is Lingshan 688 still expensive? Can you get it elsewhere?"

"But this restaurant is very good, why did you make so many coffins? It's not the eldest lady who fooled us, right?"


The crowd talked to each other, and finally looked at Peng Ning suspiciously.

Clearly disbelieving her explanation.

Thanks to Boss Jiang, ordinary people like them can eat spiritual meals every month!

Boss Jiang is a good man!

How could Ms. Peng wrong Boss Jiang? ?

Peng Ning: (??д??)! !

What I said is true, how can you look at me with suspicion?

These coffins are made by Jiang Ming!

Peng Ning became impatient, and now this group of people has already decided that she took Jiang Ming as the blame. If she explains it again, it will only get darker and darker!

She snorted.

"Close the team!"

Peng Ning walked away, clenching his silver teeth tightly, and Jiang Ming's teeth itched with hatred in his heart.

Meimou stared at the Mingyue Hotel not far away.

If I had known that you made so many coffins, I wouldn't have helped you with this favor myself!

So many people don't believe me now!


So angry!


The onlookers watched as Peng Ning and the others left. The Chaoyang Street guards were now free, but no one wanted to go in and have a look.

Standing coffins one after another, the coffins were black and shiny, emitting bursts of coldness, they dared not go in.

Shaking his head and sighing, he left.

Chaoyang Street was originally used as a commercial street. Although the location is not very good, the usual traffic is still good.

But now, it's all coffins...

Not to mention going in for shopping, these people are thinking whether to sell the house and buy another house to live in.

They thought about getting up in the morning, and when they opened the door, they would see endless coffins.

This picture, just thinking about it, makes people shudder!

The official people are also true, if they don't clean up well, they blame Boss Jiang.

Boss Jiang is such a nice guy who runs a restaurant, how could he make so many coffins without incident?

Who would dare to eat in a restaurant opened in a cemetery!

Ms. Peng didn't find a good reason even if she looked for a reason!

As the crowd thought about it, their complaints about Peng Ning became more intense.

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